(Lisbon Symposia会议论文)壁面涡流的湍流能量平衡

2012-03-12 13:30  下载量:19



Turbulent kinetic energy budgets are presented for a highly curved flow generated by the collision of plane wall turbulent jet with a low-velocity boundary layer. The different terms are obtained in the vertical plane of symmetry by quadratic interpolation of the LDV measurements, for a wall jet-to-boundary layer velocity ratio of 2. The results, which have relevance to flows encountered by powered-lift aircraft operating in ground effect, quantify the structure of the complex ground vortex flow resulting from the collision of a wall jet with a boundary layer. The analysis of turbulent energy equation terms using the measured data revealed that production by normal and shear stresses are both very important to the turbulent structure of the impact zone of the ground vortex. The analysis of turbulent kinetic energy indicates the modeling of turbulence of deflected flow resultant from the collision between the wall jet and the boundary layer this may require an adequate treatment.



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当前位置: SH101908 资料 (Lisbon Symposia会议论文)壁面涡流的湍流能量平衡


