
2010-10-21 11:28  下载量:14



DART-MS质谱的梦想!实施直接分析,绿色检测科技! ASPEC develops solutions to help advance innovation in science and technologies in the Greater China markets. We support scientists and professionals in the chemical, food, forensic, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, and life science industries by providing premier bio-analytical instrumentation, services, and consulting. We are currently performing for IonSense sales, marketing, and support functions as an exclusive distributor in the Greater China region, covering the sale of DART® ionization source, introduced by IonSense. Our products utilize advanced direct analysis by real-time (DART®) mass spectrometry to nondestructively produce ion signals of chemicals present in any phase solid, liquid or in the vapor in seconds, so as to identify, quantify, or image the presence of molecules of interest in materials with any shape. With over 300 systems in the field, DART® - mass spectrometry is widely accepted by the world-wide scientific research community and the industry. Building on our earlier success in advanced ambient environment mass spectrometry development and applications, ASPEC has a fast growing installed base in application segments in biomedical and life science research, forensics and environmental protection, food safety and testing, drug discovery applications, and advanced material development and characterization. ASPEC is recognized as the sole supplier of innovative DART® testing solutions and is regarded as the leading supplier of the latest generation of real-time science solutions with seconds scale turnaround time.



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当前位置: 华质泰科 资料 用实时直接分析(DART®)宣传单页


