

型号: LH
产地: 捷克
关注展位 全部仪器
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Laboratory furnaces LH
ApplicationS:  用途
  • The furnace is designed for laboratory use in heat treatment testing of materials which do not emit any incursive matter which could attack the coils or the brick lining.  The furnace is particularly suited to technological testing where precise temperature distribution is required.
-          可灵活运用于种材料的热处理测试,并可使加热远件在加热期间不受腐蚀。
Description of the construction of the furnace:   主要结构描述
-          frame construction covered with metal plate
-          框架结构,固定独立的箱体
-          furnace insulated with light-weight bricks
-          炉子用轻质砖保温
-          manual door opening upward with ductile springs on door
-          弹簧式开门  
-          protective blue glass peephole in door
-          门上蓝色安全玻璃检视孔
-          door reinforced with refractory insulation
-          门由耐火材料填充、坚固耐用, 炉口有防火材料
-          door equipped with safety terminal switch
-          炉门安装安全极限开关
-          heating spirals wound onto the muffle
-          热盘管绕于消声器
-          furnace equipped with a  cooling fan
-          熔炉设有冷却扇
-          controller HT 40 AL enables controlling to standard values
-          温控仪 HT40 AL 能够精确控制升温过程
-          thermocouple (type S), placed on the back side of the furnace
Standard equipment of the furnace includes:    标准设备包括
-          controller HT40AL
-          HT40AL控制器
-          manually opening door, opening upwards
-          手动上开门
-          optimum temperature uniformity according to DIN 17052-1
-          最佳温度均匀性符合DIN 17052-1
Optional accessories to the furnace (for additional charge)     可选附件(需要另行计费)
-          controller INDUSTRY
-          工业控制器
-          enhancement of the controller with the RS 232 or RS 485 communication line
-          电脑连接端口
-          exhaust fan
-          排气扇
-          software for monitoring and the recording of the temperature cycle
-          温度循环监控记录软件
-          manually operated inlet of protective atmosphere for one gas
-          整套的气体输入端口
Benefits:   优点
-          rust-free design
-          无锈独特设计
-          attractive
-          吸引人的设计
-          optimal temperature distribution
-          完美的温度分布
-          top-quality insulating materials for low power consumption, and enabling rapid achievement of required temperature
-          顶级绝缘材料(耗电量低,可在要求的温度下迅速启动)
-          high accuracy programmable temperature adjustment
-          高精确度的空气调整系统
-          solid state relay for  fluent and silent operation with minimum disturbance of the surrounding area
-          固态继电器(运转流畅且无声,因此对周围设施产生的震动 极小)
-          high-quality workmanship, hardware and follow-up service
-          完善的服务系统,包括加工车间、硬件及安全保险设备
类型 最高温度 内积 外部尺寸
内部尺寸        (宽高深) 输入 重量 电压
LAC °C L mm mm kW kg V
LH 06/13 1340 6 600x590x715 200x150x230 1,5 72 230
LH 09/13 1340 9 600x590x715 230x170x230 2,0 73 230
LH 15/13 1340 15 620x670x715 250x250x250 2,4 82 230
LH 30/13 1340 30 680x770x800 310x310x310 3,2 120 230


Business information
工商信息 信息已认证
当前位置: 济南精密 仪器 实验室电炉LH


