An azido-oxazolidinone antibiotic for live bacterial cell imaging and generation of antibiotic variants through Biotage Isolera耐士科技

2015-02-13 10:09  下载量:1



The 3-aryl-2-cyanoacrylamide scaffold was designed as core pharmacophore for inhibitors of the Dengue and West Nile virus serine proteases (NS2B-NS3). A total of 86 analogs was prepared to study the structure–activity relationships in detail. Thereby, it turned out that the electron density of the aryl moiety and the central double bond have a crucial influence on the activity of the compounds, whereas the influence of substituents of the amide residue is less relevant. The para-hydroxy substituted analog was found to be the most potent inhibitor in this series with a Ki-value of 35.7 lM at the Dengue and 44.6 lM at the West Nile virus protease. The aprotinin competition assay demonstrates a direct interaction of the inhibitor molecule with active centre of the Dengue virus protease. The target selectivity was studied in a counterscreen with thrombin and found to be 2.8:1 in favor of DEN protease and 2.3:1 in favor of WNV protease, respectively.



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当前位置: 上海鑫欣生物 资料 An azido-oxazolidinone antibiotic for live bacterial cell imaging and generation of antibiotic variants through Biotage Isolera耐士科技


