WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter
WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter
WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter
WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter

WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter

参考价:¥2万 - 3万
型号: HiCC-B1英文版
产地: 浙江
品牌: 万深
关注展位 全部仪器
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WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter



WSeens HiCC-B1 automatic colonies counter from the PC, automatic colony counting software, backlight imaging device.  Mainly used for micro-organisms, the total count of the automatic count analysis, rapid and effective alternative to manual or semi-automatic counting of colony lagging work.



1, by a PC, the software will automatically count and output the number of colonies.

2, by adding, deleting the individual pointing correction, can make a few grains up to 100% accuracy.

3, can view the results table, export to EXCEL, and to the designated recipient to upload data.

4, highlight LED backlight device to colony count recognition more stable, can work long hours.

5, Windows system environment, user-friendly, concise, intelligent.


Technical Parameters:

1, with a color 800 megapixel autofocus camera, the highest resolution of 0.05mm, can identify as small as 0.1mm colony

2, suspended dark field of vision, the backlight can be switched imaging analysis of ultra-thin imaging device

3, to adapt Petri dishes diameter: 50 ~140mm plate (pouring, membrane filtration, 3M paper)

4, automatic segmentation of chain or lumps of various types of colonies adhesion

5, automatic counting accuracy 96.5%, with very few amendments up to 100% correct.  Analysis speed: 50 - 300 colonies / s

5, automatic removal of impurities, click on the touch screen correction, effective support for complex microbiological statistics

6, can save tens of thousands of pictures and their corresponding data, and wireless Internet to send pictures remotely, the result data


Availability list: a LED imaging device with 800 megapixel color camera and a power adapter (for AC220V), a software lock (under windows 10 Professional edition) and a software U disk, a dark field of a black film

杭州万深检测科技有限公司为您提供万深WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counterHiCC-B1英文版,万深HiCC-B1英文版产地为浙江,属于国产菌落计数仪,除了WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供万深MIA-V显微细胞分析仪/细胞计数仪、全自动菌落计数抑菌圈测量仪细胞计数联用仪、HiCC-S1全自动菌落计数及抑菌圈测量仪系统,杭州万深客服电话400-860-5168转2434,售前、售后均可联系。

用户单位 采购时间
江苏大学化工学院 2020/09/11
河南省粮油饲料产品质量监督检验中心 2020/09/11
辽阳市净水有限公司 2020/07/23
宁波卫生职业技术学院 2019/01/18
烟台恒和检测有限公司 2018/06/27
青海师范大学化工学院 2018/06/21
山东食品药品管理学院 2017/11/02
山东省实验动物中心 2017/11/02
中国热带农业科学院海南南繁科研育种基地 2017/11/02
宁夏中医研究院 2017/07/10
新疆兵团农业第三师农业技术推广站 2017/04/05
杭州安诺过滤器材有限公司 2017/04/05
河北美创检测科技有限公司 2017/01/12
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杭州万深检测科技有限公司为您提供万深WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counterHiCC-B1英文版,万深HiCC-B1英文版产地为浙江,属于国产菌落计数仪,除了WSeen’s HiCC-B1 automatic colony counter的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供万深MIA-V显微细胞分析仪/细胞计数仪、全自动菌落计数抑菌圈测量仪细胞计数联用仪、HiCC-S1全自动菌落计数及抑菌圈测量仪系统,杭州万深客服电话400-860-5168转2434,售前、售后均可联系。
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