消光型成像椭偏仪原理--Principles of Imaging Ellipsometry

2012-03-29 11:36  下载量:17



消光型成像椭偏仪原理 INTRODUCTION Ellipsometry is a very sensitive optical method, which has been used for about a hundred years to derive information about surfaces. It makes use of the fact that the polarization state of light may change when the light beam is reflected from a surface. If the surface is covered by a thin film (or a stack of films), the entire optical system of film & substrate influences the change in polarization. It is therefore possible to deduce information about the film properties, especially the film thickness. The name ”ellipsometry” implies that it has something to do with an ”ellipse”: The elliptical state of polarization, where the electrical field vector travels along an ellipse when observed at a fixed point in space, is the most general state of polarization. The basic components of an ellipsometer are: a light source, some optical components to modify the polarization and a detector. By using imaging technology, one can extend the classical ellipsometer to a new form of visualization tool or a microscope with extreme sensitivity to thin films.



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