
供货周期: 现货
品牌: DRG
规格: 48/96T
货号: E--0003041
CAS号: 说明书有详细注明
关注展位 全部试剂

人胱天蛋白酶8(Caspase-8)检测试剂盒 ,英文名称:Human Caspase-8 ELISA Kit 人胱天蛋白酶8(Caspase-8)检测试剂盒产品常用的别名: 人胱天蛋白酶8(Caspase-8)elisa试剂盒, 人胱天蛋白酶8(Caspase-8)elisa检测试剂盒 ,试剂盒规格: 48/96T

原理的简单介绍:半胱氨酰天冬氨酸特异性蛋白酶(cys teinyl aspartate specific protease),简称胱天蛋白酶(caspase)。目前胱天蛋白酶家族中已有13个成员,根据其氨基端前域的不同,分为启动酶和执行酶。启动酶能通过其前域与信号分子结合,引起执行酶的活化,导致凋亡, Caspase-8 可激活caspase-3 引起细胞凋亡。


XR-E-33092 人γ干扰素(IFN-γ)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Interferon γ ,IFN-γ ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33093 人细胞间粘附分子1(ICAM-1/CD54)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human intercellular adhesion molecule 1,ICAM-1 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33094 人肝细胞生长因子(HGF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human hepatocyte growth factor,HGF ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33095 人中性粒细胞趋化蛋白2(NAP-2/CXCL7)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human neutrophil activating protein-2,NAP-2 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33096 人趋化因子(fractalkine/CX3CL1) 酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human fractalkine/CX3CL1 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33097 人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子9(bFGF-9)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human basic fibroblast growth factor 9,bFGF-9 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33098 人E选择素(E-Selectin/CD62E)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human E-Selectin ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33099 人鼠嗜酸粒细胞趋化因子(ECF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human eosinophil chemotactic factor,ECF ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33100 人CD30分子(CD30)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Cluster of differentiation 30,CD30 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33101 人白细胞活化黏附因子(ALCAM)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule,ALCAM ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33102 人活化素A(ACV-A)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Activin A,ACV-A ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33103 人心钠肽(ANP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide,ANP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33104 人内吗啡肽-2(EM-2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human endomorphin-2,EM-2 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33105 人α-内吗啡肽(α-EP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human α-Endomorphin,α-EP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33106 人抑制素(INH)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Inhibin,INH ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33107 人6-羟多巴铵(6-OHDA)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human 6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33108 人心纳素(ANF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human atrial natriuretic factor,ANF ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33109 人神经髓鞘蛋白(p2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human myelin protein 2,p2 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33110 人神经激肽B(NKB)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Neurokinins B,NKB ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33111 人强啡肽(Dyn)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human dynorphin,Dyn ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33112 人脑啡肽(ENK)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human enkephalin,ENK ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33113 人神经肽Y(NP-Y)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human neuropeptide Y,NP-Y ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33114 人乙酰胆碱(ACH)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human acetylcholine,ACH ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33115 人脑钠素/脑钠尿肽(BNP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human brain natriuretic peptide,BNP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33116 人细胞角蛋白20(CK20)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human cytokeratin 20,CK20 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33117 人N端前脑钠素(NT-proBNP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33118 人细胞角蛋白13(CK-13)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human cytokeratin 13,CK-13 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33119 人细胞角蛋白17(CK17)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human cytokeratin 17,CK-17 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33120 人B细胞淋巴瘤因子3(Bcl3)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: human B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3,Bcl3 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33121 人P27蛋白(P27)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human P27 protein ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33122 人粘蛋白/粘液素5B(MUC5B)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human mucin-5 subtype B,MUC5B ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33123 人Dickkopf 1(DKK1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Dickkopf 1,DKK1 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33124 人肿瘤标志物(CA724)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human CA724 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33125 人转移因子(TF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Transfer factor,TF ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33126 人结肠癌抗原(CCA)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Colon Cancer Antigen,CCA ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33127 人细胞角蛋白18(CK-18)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human cytokeratin 18,CK-18 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33128 人可溶性转铁蛋白受体(sTfR)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human soluble transferrin receptor,sTfR ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33129 人金属硫蛋白(MT)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Metallothionein,MT ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33130 人凋亡蛋白酶激活因子1(Apaf-1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human apoptosis protease activating factor-1,Apaf-1 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33131 人中期因子(MK)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Midkine,MK ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33132 人B细胞淋巴瘤因子2(Bcl-2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2,Bcl-2 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33133 人低氧诱导因子1α(HIF-1α)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human hypoxia-inducible factor 1α,HIF-1α ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33134 人转铁蛋白受体(TFR/CD71)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human transferrin receptor,TFR ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33135 人P53(P53)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human p53/tumor protein, p53/TP53 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33136 人内皮抑素(ES)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Endostatin,ES ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33137 人铁蛋白(FE)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human ferritin,FE ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33138 人基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子1(TIMP-1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human tissue inhibitor of metal protease 1,TIMP-1 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33139 人髓鞘碱性蛋白抗体(MBP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human myelin basic protein autoantibody,MBP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33140 人组织多肽抗原(TPA)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Tissue Polypeptide Antigen,TPA ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33141 人肺癌标志物酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: human lung cancer Marker ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33142 人胃癌标志物酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: human gastric carcinoma Marker ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33143 人胰腺癌标志物CA242酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Pancreatic carcinoma markers-CA242 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33144 人胃肠癌标志物CA199酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Gastrointestinalcancer Marker-CA199 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33145 人乳腺癌标志物-CA153酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human mammary carcinoma Marker-CA153 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33146 人卵巢癌标志物CA125酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human ovarian cancer marker-CA125 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33147 人甲种胎儿球蛋白/甲胎蛋白(AFP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human Alpha-fetoprotein,AFP ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33148 人基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子4(TIMP-4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 4,TIMP-4 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33149 人基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子3(TIMP-3)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 3,TIMP-3 ELISA Kit ,规格: 96T/48T

XR-E-33150 人基质金属蛋白酶抑制因子2(TIMP-2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 ,英文名: Human tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase 2,TIMP-2 ELISA Kit 人胱天蛋白酶8(Caspase-8)检测试剂盒规格: 96T/48T


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