
供货周期: 现货
品牌: 美国药典
规格: 20mg、50mg、100mg等规格
货号: DP-0127
CAS号: 详见说明书
关注展位 全部试剂

黄杞苷 英文名: Aesculetin 黄杞苷纯度: "≥98% " ,品牌: LGC、ChromaDex、USP、Wako、TRC、Chemservice、AccuStandard、Chiron、EP、ERM、NIST、TCI等标准品及对照品品牌。








XR-S-68291 BRAK/CXCL14(Human Breast and kidney expressed chemokine,BRAK) ELISA Kit 人胸肾表达趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68292 BLC-1/CXCL13(Human B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1,BLC-1) ELISA Kit 人B-淋巴细胞趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68293 CTAP III (Human connective tissue-activating peptide III ,CTAP III ) ELISA Kit 人结缔组织活化肽Ⅲ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68294 M-CSFR(Human Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor,M-CSFR) ELISA Kit 人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子受体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68295 Fc AlphaR I /CD89(Human Receptor I for the Fc region of immunoglobulin A,Fc AlphaR I ) ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白A Fc段受体Ⅰ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68296 Fc Epsilon R II /CD23(Human Receptor II for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E,Fc Epsilon R II ) ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅱ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68297 Fc GammaR III /CD16(Human Receptor III for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,Fc GammaR III ) ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅲ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68298 Fc GammaR II /CD32(Human Receptor II for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,Fc GammaR II ) ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅱ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68299 Fc GammaR I /CD64(Human Receptor I for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,Fc GammaR I ) ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅰ ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68300 GCP-2/CXCL6(Human granulocyte chemotactic protein-2,GCP-2) ELISA Kit 人粒细胞趋化蛋白-2 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68301 IFN- Omega (Human Interferon Omega ,IFN- Omega ) ELISA Kit 人ω干扰素 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68302 GlyCAM-1(Human glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule-1) ELISA Kit 人糖基化依赖的细胞黏附分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68303 IRF(Human interferon Regulatory Factor) ELISA Kit 人干扰素调节因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68304 LTB(Human lymphotoxin Beta) ELISA Kit 人淋巴毒素β ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68305 LTA (Human lymphotoxin Alpha,LTA) ELISA Kit 人淋巴毒素α ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68306 CCR1(Human CC-chemokine receptor 1 ELISA Kit 人CC趋化因子受体1 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68307 CX3CR1(Human CX3C-chemokine receptor 1) ELISA Kit 人CX3C趋化因子受体1 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68308 PARC/CCL18(Human pulmonary activation regulated chemokine) ELISA Kit 人肺部活化调节趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68309 MAdCAM-1(Human mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1) ELISA Kit 人黏膜地址素细胞黏附分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68310 IFN- Beta/IFNB(Human Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit 人β干扰素 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68311 sCD38(Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 38) ELISA Kit 人可溶性CD38 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68312 CR2/sCD21(Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 21) ELISA Kit 人可溶性CD21 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68313 sLR(Human Leptin Soluble Receptor) ELISA Kit 人可溶性瘦素受体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68314 TLR-9/CD289(Human Toll-like receptor 9) ELISA kit 人Toll样受体9 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68315 TGF Beta2(Human transforming growth factors Beta2) ELISA Kit 人转化生长因子β2 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68316 MCP-4/CCL13(Human monocyte chemotactic protein 4) ELISA kit 人单核细胞趋化蛋白4 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68317 LTD4(Human leukotriene D4) ELISA Kit 人白三烯D4 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68318 N-Cad(Human Neural-Cadherin) ELISA kit 人N钙黏蛋白/神经钙黏蛋白 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68319 HB-EGF(Human heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor) ELISA Kit 人肝素结合性表皮生长因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68320 ESF(Human erythropoiesis stimulating factor) ELISA Kit 人红细胞刺激因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68321 TRANCE(Human TNF related activation induced cytokine) ELISA Kit 人肿瘤坏死因子相关激活诱导因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68322 GH-RF(Human growth hormone relasing factor) ELISA Kit 人生长激素释放因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68323 MCF(Human macrophage chemotatic factor) ELISA Kit 人巨噬细胞趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68324 IFN- Alpha/ BetaR(Human Interferon Alpha/ BetaReceptor) ELISA Kit 人α/β干扰素受体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68325 BCGF(Human B cell growth protein) ELISA Kit 人B细胞生长因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68326 BCDF(Human B cell differetiation factor) ELISA Kit 人B细胞分化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68327 Ep-CAM/CD362(Human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit 人上皮细胞粘附分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68328 Sam(Human soluble adhesion molecules) ELISA Kit 人可溶性粘附分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68329 AmAC-1(Human Alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine 1) ELISA Kit 人巨噬细胞替代激活相关化学因子1 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68330 VEGFR-2/sFLK-1(Human soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2) ELISA Kit 人可溶性血管内皮生长因子受体2 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68331 TSLP(Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin) ELISA Kit 人胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68332 PF/PFP(Human Perforin/Pore-forming protein) ELISA Kit 人穿孔素/成孔蛋白 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68333 PTN(Human pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit 人多效生长因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68334 sCD28(human soluble cluster of differentiation 28) ELISA Kit 人可溶性CD28 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68335 Human lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit 人淋巴细胞因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68336 TARC/CCL17(Human thymus activation regulated chemokine) ELISA Kit 人胸腺活化调节趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68337 NCAM-L1/CD171(Human Neural cell adhesion molecule ligand 1) ELISA Kit 人神经细胞粘附分子配体1 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68338 CVNPF(Human Cobra venom neuronal protective factor) ELISA Kit 人神经保护因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68339 sTNF AlphaR(Human soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Alphareceptor) ELISA Kit 人可溶性肿瘤坏死因子α受体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68340 sCKR(Human soluble cytokine receptor) ELISA Kit 人可溶性细胞因子受体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68341 sFASL(Human soluble Factor-related Apoptosis ligand) ELISA Kit 人可溶性凋亡相关因子配体 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68342 IAP(Human inhibitor of apoptosis) ELISA Kit 人细胞凋亡抑制因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68343 CSF(Human colony-stimulating factor) ELISA Kit 人集落刺激因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68344 MIGF/CXCL9(Human monocyte interferon gamma inducing factor) ELISA Kit 人γ干扰素诱导单核细胞因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68345 ITAC/CXCL11(Human Interferon inducible T-cell Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit 人干扰素诱导T细胞趋化因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68346 CDl4(Human cluster Of differentiation) ELISA Kit 人CD14分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68347 AIF(Human apoptosis inducing factor) ELISA Kit 人凋亡诱导因子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68348 LCA/CD45(Human leukocyte common antigen) ELISA Kit 人白细胞共同抗原 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68349 CD4(Human cluster Of differentiation) ELISA Kit 人CD4分子 ,规格: 48T

XR-S-68350 P-cad(Human Placenta Cadherin) ELISA Kit 人P钙黏蛋白/胎盘钙黏蛋白 黄杞苷规格: 48T


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