
2017/11/30   下载量: 7


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 其他水果制品
检测项目 理化分析>香气和口味

应用EASY RIPE乙烯发生器(Ethy-Gen II®浓缩物)在65m³冷库环境催熟芒果15小时情况下能否替代自然成熟方法研究,有助于芒果的栽培期管理


本文研究应用EASY RIPE乙烯发生器(Ethy-Gen II®浓缩物)在65m³冷库环境催熟芒果15小时情况下能否替代自然成熟方法研究,有助于芒果的栽培期管理

This study investigates whether the use of ethy-gen II® ripening concentrate (150-300ppm of ethylene) as an alternative to the traditional method of off vine ripening would support ripening of locally cultivated mangoes. Mangoes, Keith variety, were treated with the ripening concentrate for 15 h in Graff® standard reefer of 66.5 m3. Humidity was sustained by knapsack spraying of 20 litres of water inside the reefer. Fruits were stored for 6 days after treatment at ambient temperature 23±2oC, vented 30 min per day (1000 hGMT) in an air tight room to further ripe the mangoes. Total Soluble Solids (TSS) and sensory quality were studied at an interval of 2 days during the storage period. Sensory quality was assessed specifically on day 2 of storage. Results showed that ethy-gen II® treated mangoes ripened uniformly and faster than untreated mangoes Treated mangoes had higher average TSS, attaining an average brix (14.8o) at day 2 of storage. The control had brix of 12.18o at the end of the storage period. Treated mangoes had the highest percentage (100%) while the control had 34.81% at day 6 of storage. The fruity odour of the ripening concentrate had an impact on the taste of treated mangoes, however sensory evaluation revealed no significant difference (p<0.05) among treatments. Ethylene produced from ethy-gen II® supports uniform ripening of locally cultivated mangoes and increased period of ventilation during storage helps to remove the fruity odour...

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当前位置: 图拉扬科技 方案 利用乙烯发生器催熟芒果替代自然成熟方法研究


