

型号: LOS
产地: 美国
关注展位 全部仪器

LOS双频激光干涉仪是以波长作为标准对位移和几何量进行度量的仪器,LOS采用了自制的稳频激光作为激光光源,精度可达到n m量级。LOS可以在很远的距离达到很高的测试精度和解析度。





  • 3年内激光波长精度不低于 0,02 ppm.
  • 激光10年内满足测试要求
  • 激光无需采用任何稳频措施(如加热)
  • 无需预热,开机即可开始测量(一般激光需要预热,使得激光波长稳定下来)
  • 激光波长精度不受反射激光影响!(一般的激光干涉仪反射可导致严重的测量误差)
  • 提供激光气体更换服务,即10年后,可以更换激光管的气体,达到新激光管的性能(公司拥有自己的领先HeNe激光生产技术)
  • 空气和材料温度传感器等均采用无线连接,安装和使用简单易用。
  • 通讯界面可以选 Ethernet, USB and WiFi,并自带独立显示器
  • 标准质保期 36 个月(3年)


  • 位置测量 Position
  • 速度 Velocity
  • 加速度 Acceleration
  • 线性,准直度 Straightness
  • 矩形 Squareness
  • 角度 Angles
  • 平面面型 Flatness
  • 平行度 Parallelism


  机床校正和补偿 Machine tool calibration and compensation
三坐标测量机校正 Calibration of CMMs
测量仪器校正 Calibration of measuring devices
产品质量控制 Production quality control
几何尺寸测量 Measurement of dimensions
机床调整,对中 Adjustment and alignment of machines and devices
机床维护 Maintenance of machines
高精度机床内部Internal measurement system for high-accuracy machines
螺杆质量测试 Lead screw verification
动态测量 Dynamic measurement
航空和汽车工业 Aircraft and automobile industry
  大尺寸工件高精度测量 Measurement and checking of large dimensions
计量校正 Metrology and calibration institutes
  作为长度标准,具有不同的应用 The system is used in various applications as a length standard
微电子行业 Microelectronic industry
  The internal multiaxis system for high precision positioning mechanisms with both open and closed control loop, e.g.
- step and repeat cameras
- testing of semiconductor wafers
- laser writing machines
Other applications


LOS 双频激光干涉仪可以进行动态测试,采样频率可达500Hz, 完成测量后,即可进行数据处理,可以按照需要的格式进行显示和打印。 WinScope软件除了可以提供测试的数值外,还有许多便利的功能,如,触发模式设置,计算和统计功能, FFT快速傅里叶变换算法,光谱分析, 强大的图形显示等.
Label阅读: 1806
Standard LOS System configuration is designed to measure position, velocity and acceleration. A typical application is the calibration of positional accuracy of CNC machine tools. In this measurement the difference between the desired and actual position of the machine's moving part is evaluated. The method of measurement and evaluation corresponds to international standards (ISO 230-2, VDI/DGQ 2617,3441, NMTBA). The whole measurement process and printing of protocol is controlled by the computer programme and is fully automatic.
Software Compensation of Machine Tool Positional Errors
The measured positional errors can be transferred as correction data on line into the machine tool control system immediately after measurement. Considerable improvement of positional accuracy can thus be achieved in a minimum time. The producer delivers software modules which compensate for various control systems (SIEMENS, HEIDENHEIN, DYNAPATH, SELCA, YASNAC, FANUC, ACRAMATIC).
Further Applications

Positional accuracy of a co-ordinate measurement machine can be calibrated in a similar way (VDI 2617 standard). The LOS system is used also for the calibration of dimensional gauges. Laser systems cannot be replaced when precision measurement of long distances (up to 40 meters) is required.

Technical Specifications
Measurement range   0 - 40 m
Resolution   1.25 nm (lambda/512)
Accuracy in vacuum   10-7 x measured length ± resolution ± 0.6 nm
Accuracy with the LS70 Comp. unit   (0 - 40°C ): 1µ/m
Max. velocity   1 m/s - PC card LS 30.11 
2 m/s - PC card LS 30.12
线性度 Straightness 测量
Label阅读: 1808
Errors in straightness of movement and in parallelity of axes can be measured by the LS 127ST set. The laser beam is split in the LS 127.1 differential beamsplitter into two parallel beams. After going through the optical wedge LS 127.2 the beams diverge at a small angle. The optical wedge functions as the straightness sensor. Reflector LS 127.3, formed by two inclined extremely precise plane mirrors, returns the beams back into the differential beamsplitter. The axis of the mirror reflector defines the straight line reference. This straightness measurement method is less sensitive to air turbulence disturbances than other methods. This straightness set also shows low sensitivity to possible inclinations of the straightness sensor during its movement at measurement.
The standard configuration for position measurement except the LS 20.1, LS 21.1, LS 70, LS 90.1, LS 90.3 is used for straightness measurement. The optical parts are fixed by the set of holders LS 51.


Longitudinal measurement range   3 m (or according to requirements)
Transverse measurement range   ±3 mm
Measurement Accuracy   (± 0,005 X ±0,5 ±0,3 M2 ) µm
X - measured deviation in µm
M - measured longitudinal distance in m



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当前位置: 光傲科技 仪器 LOS激光干涉仪


