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规格: 48/96孔
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人肝细胞生长因子(HGF)ELISA试剂盒kit 上海士锋生物专门生产经营elisa试剂盒标准品对照品、培养基抗体生物试剂。上海地区送货上门,江浙鲁皖隔天快递就到。全国各地老客户先发货,后付款。该产品公司现货销售,量大折扣,欢迎来电咨询详细信息如下
英文名称:Human hepatocyte growth factor,HGF ELISA kit


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1. 试剂盒从冷藏环境中取出应在室温平衡15-30分钟后方可使用,酶标包被板开封后如未用完,板条应装入密封袋中保存。

2. 浓洗涤液可能会有结晶析出,稀释时可在水浴中加温助溶,洗涤时不影响结果。

3. 各步加样均应使用加样器,并经常校对其准确性,以避免试验误差。一次加样时间最好控制在5分钟内,如标本数量多,使用排枪加样。

4. 请每次测定的同时做标准曲线,最好做复孔。如标本中待测物质含量过高(样本OD值大于标准品孔第一孔的OD值),请先用样品稀释液稀释一定倍数(n倍)后再测定,计算时请最后乘以总稀释倍数(×n×5)。

5. 封板膜只限一次性使用,以避免交叉污染。

6. 底物请避光保存。

7. 严格按照说明书的操作进行,试验结果判定必须以酶标仪读数为准.

8. 所有样品,洗涤液和各种废弃物都应按传染物处理。

9. 本试剂不同批号组分不得混用。

10. 如与英文说明书有异,以英文说明书为准。
人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor,GM-CSF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人胶质细胞系来源的神经营养因子(GDNF)ELISA试剂盒 Human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF ELISA KIT 96T/48T
人粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor,G-CSF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人中性粒细胞趋化蛋白2(NAP-2/CXCL7)ELISA试剂盒 Human neutrophil activating protein-2,NAP-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人趋化因子(fractalkine/CX3CL1) ELISA试剂盒 Human fractalkine/CX3CL1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子9(bFGF-9)ELISA试剂盒 Human basic fibroblast growth factor 9,bFGF-9 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子6(bFGF-6)ELISA试剂盒 Human basic fibroblast growth factor 6,bFGF-6 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子4(bFGF-4)ELISA试剂盒 Human basic fibroblast growth factor 4,bFGF-4 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人酸性成纤维细胞生长因子1(aFGF-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human acidic fibroblast growth factor 1,aFGF-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人凋亡相关因子配体(FASL)ELISA试剂盒 Human Factor-related Apoptosis ligand,FASL ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人凋亡相关因子(FAS/CD95)ELISA试剂盒 Human Factor-related Apoptosis,FAS ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人E选择素(E-Selectin/CD62E)ELISA试剂盒 Human E-Selectin ELISA kit 96T/48T
人嗜酸粒细胞趋化蛋白Eotaxin 1(Eotaxin 1/CCL11)ELISA试剂盒 Human Eotaxin 1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人鼠嗜酸粒细胞趋化因子(ECF)ELISA试剂盒 Human eosinophil chemotactic factor,ECF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人内分泌腺来源的血管内皮生长因子(EG-VEGF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor,EG-VEGF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor,CNTF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人CD30分子(CD30)ELISA试剂盒 Human Cluster of differentiation 30,CD30 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人CXC趋化因子受体1(CXCR1)ELISA试剂盒 Human CXC-chemokine receptor 1,CXCR1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人XC趋化因子受体1(XCR1)ELISA试剂盒 Human XC-chemokine receptor 1,XCR1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人二级淋巴组织趋化因子(SLC/CCL21)ELISA试剂盒 Human secondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine,SLC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人E钙粘着蛋白/上皮性钙黏附蛋白(E-Cad)ELISA试剂盒 Human E-Cadherin,E-Cad ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Brain derived neurotrophic facor,BDNF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人白细胞活化黏附因子(ALCAM)ELISA试剂盒 Human Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule,ALCAM ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人活化素A(ACV-A)ELISA试剂盒 Human Activin A,ACV-A ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经调节蛋白1(NRG-1)ELISA试剂盒 human Neuregulin 1,NRG-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人心钠肽(ANP)ELISA试剂盒 Human Atrial Natriuretic Peptide,ANP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人多巴胺D2受体(D2R)ELISA试剂盒 Human dopamine D2 receptor,D2R ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人内吗啡肽-2(EM-2)ELISA试剂盒 Human endomorphin-2,EM-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人α-内吗啡肽(α-EP)ELISA试剂盒 Human α-Endomorphin,α-EP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人抑制素(INH)ELISA试剂盒 Human Inhibin,INH ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经元凋亡抑制蛋白(NAIP)ELISA试剂盒 Human neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein,NAIP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人食欲素/阿立新B(OX-B)ELISA试剂盒 Human Orexin B,OX-B ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人促睡眠肽(DSIP)ELISA试剂盒 Human delta sleep-inducing peptide,DSIP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人6-羟多巴胺(6-OHDA)ELISA试剂盒 Human 6-hydroxydopamine,6-OHDA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人心纳素(ANF)ELISA试剂盒 Human atrial natriuretic factor,ANF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经髓鞘蛋白(p2)ELISA试剂盒 Human myelin protein 2,p2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人精氨酸加压素(AVP)ELISA试剂盒 Human arginine vasopressin,AVP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽(PACAP)ELISA试剂盒 Human pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide,PACAP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人微管相关蛋白2(MAP-2)ELISA试剂盒 Human microtubule-associated protein 2,MAP-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经丝蛋白(NF)ELISA试剂盒 Human neurofilament protein,NF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人利钾尿肽(KP)ELISA试剂盒 Human kaliuretic peptide,KP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经降压素(NT)ELISA试剂盒 Human Neurotensin,NT ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经激肽B(NKB)ELISA试剂盒 Human Neurokinins B,NKB ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人强啡肽(Dyn)ELISA试剂盒 Human dynorphin,Dyn ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人脑啡肽(ENK)ELISA试剂盒 Human enkephalin,ENK ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人γ肽(Pγ)ELISA试剂盒 Human Peptide γ,Pγ ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人C型钠尿肽(CNP)ELISA试剂盒 Human C -type natriuretic peptide,CNP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人阿立新A(Orexin A)ELISA试剂盒 Human Orexin A ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人神经肽Y(NP-Y)ELISA试剂盒 Human neuropeptide Y,NP-Y ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人脑肠肽(BGP/Gehrelin)ELISA试剂盒 Human brain-gut peptides,BGP/Gehrelin Elisa kit 96T/48T
人乙酰胆碱(ACH)ELISA试剂盒 Human acetylcholine,ACH ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人脑钠素/脑钠尿肽(BNP)ELISA试剂盒 Human brain natriuretic peptide,BNP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白20(CK20)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin 20,CK20 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人β内啡肽(β-EP)ELISA试剂盒 human Beta-Endorphin,β-EP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人N端前脑钠素(NT-proBNP)ELISA试剂盒 Human N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide,NT-proBNP ELISA KIT 96T/48T
人前心钠肽(Pro-ANP)ELISA试剂盒 Human Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide,Pro-ANP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白13(CK-13)ELISA试剂盒 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白17(CK17)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin 17,CK-17 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人制瘤素M受体(OSMR)ELISA试剂盒 human oncostatin M receptor,OSMR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B细胞淋巴瘤因子3(Bcl3)ELISA试剂盒 human B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3,Bcl3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人癌蛋白诱导转录物3(OIT3)ELISA试剂盒 human oncoprotein induced transcript 3,OIT3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人P27蛋白(P27)ELISA试剂盒 Human P27 protein ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人P糖蛋白/渗透性糖蛋白(P-gp)ELISA试剂盒 Human permeability glycoprotein,P-gp ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人大肠癌专一抗原3(CCSA-3)ELISA试剂盒 Human colon cancer-specific antigen-3,CCSA-3 ELISA kit 96T/48T
人大肠癌专一抗原2(CCSA-2)ELISA试剂盒 Human colon cancer-specific antigen-2,CCSA-2 ELISA kit 96T/48T
人大肠癌专一抗原4(CCSA-4)ELISA试剂盒 Human colon cancer-specific antigen-4,CCSA-4 ELISA kit 96T/48T
人粘蛋白/粘液素5B(MUC5B)ELISA试剂盒 Human mucin-5 subtype B,MUC5B ELISA kit 96T/48T
人肠三叶因子(ITF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Intestinal trefoil factor,ITF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人Dickkopf 1(DKK1)ELISA试剂盒 Human Dickkopf 1,DKK1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人激肽释放酶11(KLK 11)ELISA试剂盒 Human Kallikrein 11,KLK 11 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人生长调节致癌基因γ/黑素瘤生长,刺激因子(GROγ/CXCL3/MGSA)ELISA试剂盒 Human growth-regulated oncogeneγ/melanoma growth stimulating activity,GROγ/MGSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人生长调节致癌基因β/黑素瘤生长刺激因子(GROβ/CXCL2/MGSA)ELISA试剂盒 Human growth-regulated oncogeneβ/melanoma growth stimulating activity,GROβ/MGSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人美丽线虫凋亡基因(CED-3)ELISA试剂盒 Human caenorhabditis elegans death gene,CED-3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人胸腺白血病抗原(TLa)ELISA试剂盒 Human thymus-leukemia antigen,TLa ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤特异性移植抗原(TSTA)ELISA试剂盒 Human tumor specific transplantation antigen,TSTA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人足细胞标记蛋白/足盂蛋白(PCX)ELISA试剂盒 Human Podocalyxin,PCX ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人乳腺癌易感蛋白1(BRCA-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human breast cancer susceptibility protein 1,BRCA-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人T细胞急性淋巴母细胞白血病相关抗原(TALLA-1/CD231)ELISA试剂盒 Human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen,TALLA-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人核仁形成区嗜银蛋白(Ag-NORs)ELISA试剂盒 Human Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region proteins,Ag-NORs ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人硫氧化还原蛋白(Trx)ELISA试剂盒 Human Thioredoxin,Trx ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人窖蛋白(Cav-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human Caveolin-1,Cav-1 ELISA KIT 96T/48T
人普通急性淋巴细胞白血病抗原(CALLA)ELISA试剂盒 Human common acute lymphocytic leukaemia antigen,CALLA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人黑色素细胞刺激素(MSH)ELISA试剂盒 Human melanocyte stimulating hormone,MSH ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人表皮角蛋白(EK)ELISA试剂盒 Human epidermal keratin,EK ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白21-1片段(CYFRA21-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin fragment antigen 21-1,CYFRA21-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人糖缺失性转铁蛋白(CDT)ELISA试剂盒 Human carbohydrate-deficient transferrin,CDT ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人桥粒芯糖蛋白-1(Dkx 1)ELISA试剂盒 Human desmogleins 1,Dkx 1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤标志物(CA724)ELISA试剂盒 Human CA724 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)ELISA试剂盒 Human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人非小细胞肺癌抗原(LTA)ELISA试剂盒 Human nonsmall cell lung cancer/Lung tumor Antigen,LTA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肺癌标志物DR-70(DR-70TM)ELISA试剂盒 Human tumor marker DR-70 for lung cancer,DR-70TM ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人胚胎性硫糖蛋白抗原(FSA)ELISA试剂盒 Human fetal sulfoslycoprotein antigen,FSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人本周蛋白(BJP) ELISA试剂盒 Human Bence-Jones protein,BJP ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人癌胚铁蛋白(CEF) ELISA试剂盒 Human Carcinoembryonic Ferritin,CEF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人鳞状细胞癌相关抗原(SCCAg)ELISA试剂盒 Human squamous cell carcinoma related antigen,SCCAg ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤特异性抗原(TSA) ELISA试剂盒 Human tumor specific antigen,TSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人黑色素瘤转移表面黏附分子(MMSAM)ELISA试剂盒 Human melanoma metastasis surface adhesion molecule,MMSAM ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人乳腺癌易感蛋白2(BRCA-2)ELISA试剂盒 Human breast cancer susceptibility protein 2,BRCA-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人凋亡信号调节激酶I(ASK-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human apoptosis signal regulating kinase 1,ASK-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA试剂盒 Human Bcl-2 associated X protein, Bax ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人转移因子(TF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Transfer factor,TF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人结肠癌抗原(CCA)ELISA试剂盒 Human Colon Cancer Antigen,CCA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人H-ras ELISA试剂盒 Human H-ras ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人c-sis ELISA试剂盒 Human c-sis ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人c-jun ELISA试剂盒 Human c-jun ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人c-fos ELISA试剂盒 Human c-fos ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人c-myc癌基因产物(c-myc)ELISA试剂盒 Human c-myc Oncogene product,c-myc ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人Smad1 ELISA试剂盒 Human Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1,Smad1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人Smad7 ELISA试剂盒 Human Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7,Smad7 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤相关抗原(TAA)ELISA试剂盒 Human tumor-associated antigen,TAA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人TGF-β诱导早期基因1(TIEG1)ELISA试剂盒 Human TGF-beta-inducible early response gene-1,TIEG1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤血管生长因子(TAF)ELISA试剂盒 Human tumor angiogenesis factors,TAF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白20(CK-20)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin 20,CK-20 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白19(CK-19)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin 19,CK-19 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞角蛋白18(CK-18)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin 18,CK-18 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人嗜铬蛋白A(CgA)ELISA试剂盒 Human Chromogranin,CgA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人视网膜母细胞瘤抑制蛋白(pRB)ELISA试剂盒 Human retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein,pRB ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人生长调节致癌基因α/黑素瘤生长,刺激因子(GROα/CXCL1/MGSA)ELISA试剂盒 Human growth-regulated oncogeneα/melanoma growth stimulating activity,GROα/MGSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人成熟促进因子(MPF)ELISA试剂盒 Human maturation promoting factor,MPF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人去唾液酸糖蛋白受体(ABPPR)ELISA试剂盒 Human asialoglyco protein receptor,ABPPR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人可溶性转铁蛋白受体(sTfR)ELISA试剂盒 Human soluble transferrin receptor,sTfR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人金属硫蛋白(MT)ELISA试剂盒 Human Metallothionein,MT ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人小扁豆素结合型甲胎蛋白/甲胎蛋白异质体3(AFP-L3)ELISA试剂盒 Human alpha-fetoprotein Lens culinaris agglutiin 3,AFP-L3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人小扁豆素结合型甲胎蛋白/甲胎蛋白异质体2(AFP-L2)ELISA试剂盒 Human alpha-fetoprotein Lens culinaris agglutiin 2,AFP-L2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人小扁豆素结合型甲胎蛋白/甲胎蛋白异质体1(AFP-L1)ELISA试剂盒 Human alpha-fetoprotein Lens culinaris agglutiin 1,AFP-L1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人黑色素瘤标记物(MART/Melan-A)ELISA试剂盒 Human Melanoma Marker A,MART/Melan-A ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人高分子量细胞角蛋白(CK-HMW)ELISA试剂盒 Human cytokeratin High Molecular Weight,CK-HMW ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肝癌抗原(PHC)ELISA试剂盒 Human primary hepatic carcinoma,PHC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人凋亡蛋白酶激活因子1(Apaf-1)ELISA试剂盒 Human apoptosis protease activating factor-1,Apaf-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人鼻咽癌(NPC)ELISA试剂盒 Human nasopharyngeal carcinoma,NPC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人膀胱癌抗原(UBC)ELISA试剂盒 Human urinary bladder cancer antigen,UBC ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人广谱细胞角蛋白(P-CK)ELISA试剂盒 Human pan-cytokeratin,P-CK ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人癌基因蛋白质p190/bcr-abl ELISA试剂盒 Human Oncogene Protein p190/bcr-abl ELISA KitHuman Oncogene Protein p190/bcr-abl ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人膀胱肿瘤抗原(BTA)ELISA试剂盒 Human Bladder tumor antigen,BTA ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人中期因子(MK)ELISA试剂盒 Human Midkine,MK ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)ELISA试剂盒 Human BH3 interacting domain death agonist,Bid ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人B细胞淋巴瘤因子2(Bcl-2)ELISA试剂盒 Human B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2,Bcl-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人肿瘤特异生长因子/肿瘤相关因子(TBPF)ELISA试剂盒 Human Tumor Specific Growth Facter/tumor supplied group of factor,TBPF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人色素上皮衍生因子(PEDF)ELISA试剂盒 Human pigment epithelium-derived factor,PEDF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人克拉拉细胞蛋白(CC16) ELISA试剂盒 Human Clara cell protein,CC16 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人低氧诱导因子1α(HIF-1α)ELISA试剂盒 Human hypoxia-inducible factor 1α,HIF-1α ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人黑色素细胞抗体(MC Ab)ELISA试剂盒 Human melanocyte antibody,MC Ab ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人转铁蛋白受体(TFR/CD71)ELISA试剂盒 Human transferrin receptor,TFR ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人P53(P53)ELISA试剂盒 Human p53/tumor protein, p53/TP53 ELISA kit 96T/48T
人细胞周期素D3(Cyclin-D3)ELISA试剂盒 Human Cyclin-D3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞周期素D2(Cyclin-D2)ELISA 试剂盒 Human Cyclin-D2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人细胞周期素D1(Cyclin-D1)ELISA试剂盒 Human Cyclin-D1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人内皮抑素(ES)ELISA试剂盒 Human Endostatin,ES ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人铁蛋白(FE)ELISA试剂盒 Human ferritin,FE ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人微量转铁蛋白(MTF)ELISA试剂盒 Human microtransferrinuria,MTF ELISA Kit 96T/48T
人白介素16(IL-16)ELISA试剂盒 Human Interleukin 16,IL-16 ELISA KIT 96T/48T
人白介素13(IL-13)ELISA试剂盒 Human Interleukin 13,IL-13 ELISA KIT 96T/48T
人白介素12(IL-12/P70)ELISA试剂盒 Human Interleukin 12,IL-12/P70 ELISA KIT 96T/48T
Human Neuron-specific enolase,NSE ELISA Kit 人神经特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)ELISA试剂盒
Human Creatine Kinase MB isoenzyme,CK-MB ELISA Kit 人肌酸激酶同工酶MB(CK-MB)ELISA试剂盒
Human Prostatic Acid Phosphatase,PAP ELISA Kit 人前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PAP)ELISA试剂盒
Human Prostaglandin D Synthase,PGDS ELISA Kit 人前列腺素D合成酶(PGDS)


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当前位置: 上海士锋生物 试剂 人肝细胞生长因子(HGF)ELISA试剂盒


