

参考价:¥1 - 5万
型号: BWN-5KN
产地: 北京
品牌: 北广精仪
关注展位 全部仪器
展位推荐 更多





A. 高精度美国传力力量传感器:5000N ,力量精度在±0.5 %以内。

B. 容量分段:全程七档:× 1,× 2,× 5,× 10,× 20,× 50,× 100 , 采用高精度24 bits A/D,取样频率200Hz

C.  动力系统:见配置清单

D. 控制系统: 采用Pulse Command控制方式使控制更 ,速度控制范围0.01~500 mm/min 中联板调整具有快速粗调与慢速微调功能。 测试后自动回归原点、自动储存。

E.  数据传输方式:RS232传输

F.  显示方式:UTM107+WIN-XP测试软件计算机屏幕显示。

G.  简洁的全程一档与精密全程七档力量线性双校正系统。

H . 豪华测试界面软件可实现定速度、定位移、定荷重(可设定保持时间)、定荷重增率、定应力增率、定应变增率等控制模式加上多阶控制模式可满足不同的测试要求。

I.  测试空间:测试宽度约350 mm(标准规格),联板行走空间950 mm(不含夹具)(标准规格)

J.  全程位移: 编码器2500 P/R,提升4倍精度 ,采用LINE DRIVE编码器抗干扰能力极强 ,位移解析0.001mm

K. 安全装置:过载紧急停机装置、上下行程限定装置、漏电自动断电系统、自动断点停机功能。

L. 手控方式:可增添无线遥控装置或手动操作盒。(选购)




A. 测试标准模块化功能:提供使用者设定所需应用的测试标准设定,范围涵盖GBASTMDINJISBS…等,测试标准规范。

B. 试品资料:提供使用者设定所有试品数据,一次输入数据重复使用。并可自行增修公式以提高测试数据契合性。

C. 双报表编辑:完全开放式使用者编辑报表,供测试者选择自己喜好的报表格式(测试程序新增内建EXCEL报表编辑功能扩展了以往单一专业报表的格局)

D. 各长度、力量单位、显示位数采用动态互换方式,力量单位TKgNKNglb,变形单位mmcminch

E. 图形曲线尺度自动化(Auto Scale),可使图形以尺度显示。并可于测试中实时图形动态切换。具有荷重-位移、荷重-时间、位移-时间、应力-应变荷重-2点延伸图,以及多曲线对比。


G.测试结束可自动存档、手动存档,测试完毕自动求算力量、上、下屈服强度、滞后环法、逐步逼近法、非比例延伸强度、抗拉强度、抗压强度、任意点定伸长强度、任意点定负荷延伸、弹性模量、延伸率、剥离区间大值、小值、平均值、净能量、折返能量、总能量、弯曲模量、断点位移x%荷重、断点荷重X%位移、等等。 数据备份:测试数据可保存在任意硬盘分区。


I 软件具有历史测试数据演示功能。




B. 随机赠送标准拉力夹具一组(其他夹具选购)。







●拉伸应力      ●拉伸强度

●扯断强度      ●扯断伸长率

●定伸应力      ●定应力伸长率

●定应力力值    ●撕裂强度

●任意点力值    ●任意点伸长率

●抽出力         ●粘合力及取峰值计算值

●压力试验       ●粘合力剥离力试验

●弯曲试验       ●拔出力穿刺力试验






























M.使用电源:220V 60HZ




Overview of Universal Electronic Tension Test Machine
This machine can be made of rubber, plastics, foaming materials, plastics, thin films, soft packaging, pipes, textiles, fibers, nanomaterials, polymer materials, composite materials, synthetic materials, packaging belts, paper, wire cables, fiber optic cables, seat belts, safety belts, leather Stretching, compression, bending, tearing, 90 ° stripping, 180 ° stripping, shearing, Tests of adhesion, pulling force, elongation and so on.
Host Specifications
A. High-precision United States Force Power Sensor: 5000 N, force accuracy within ± 0.5 %.
B. Capacity Section: The entire seven files: × 1, × 2, × 5, × 10, × 20, × 50, × 100, with a high accuracy of 24 bits A/D, sampling frequency 200 Hz.
C. Power System: See Configuration List
D. Control system: Pulse Comand control method to make the control more accurate, speed control range 0.01 ~ 500 mm/min. The central board adjustment has the function of fast coarse adjustment and slow fine-tuning. Automatically return to the origin and automatically store after testing.
E. Data transmission mode: RS232 transmission
F. Display mode: UTM107 + WIN-XP test software computer screen display.
G. A simple linear double correction system for full-length first and precision full-length seven power.
H... Luxury test interface software can achieve fixed speed, fixed displacement, fixed load(can be set retention time), fixed load increase rate, fixed stress increase rate, fixed strain increase rate and other control modes plus multi-order control mode can meet different test requirements.
I. Test space: Test width is approximately 350 mm(standard specification), joint walk space 950 mm(without fixture)(standard specification)
J. Full displacement: Coder 2500 P/R, improve the accuracy of 4 times, using LINE DRIVE encoder strong anti-interference ability, displacement analysis 0.001mm.
K. Safety device: overload emergency stop device, upper and lower trip limit device, leakage automatic power off system, automatic Breakpoint stop function.
L. Hand control: wireless remote control device or manual operation box can be added. (purchase)
Software features:
A. Test standard modularization function: Provide user settings for the test standard settings required, covering GB, ASTM, DIN, JIS, BS, etc., test standard specifications.
B. Sample Data: Provide user settings for all sample data, and the input data is permanently reused at one time. And can add the formula to improve the test data concordance.
C. Double Report Editor: A completely open user edits a report to allow testers to choose their own preferred report format(the test program adds a built-in EXCEL report editing function to expand the pattern of a single professional report in the past)
D. Each length, power unit, and display number are dynamically interchanged, power units T, Kg, N, KN, g, lb, and deformation units mm, cm, inch.
E. Auto Scale allows graphics to be displayed on a scale. And can be in the test real-time graphics dynamic switch. With load-displacement, load-time, displacement-time, stress-strain load-2 extension diagram, and multi-curve comparison.
F. Test results can be output in EXCEL format.
G. Automatic and manual archiving of test completion, Automatic calculation of force, upper and lower yield strength, hysteresis ring method, gradual approximation method, non-proportional extension strength, tensile strength, compressive strength, arbitrary point elongation, arbitrary point load extension, elastic modulus, extension rate, stripping interval Large value, small value, average value, net energy, reentry energy, total energy, bending modulus, Breakpoint displacement X load, Breakpoint load X shift, and so on. Data backup: Test data can be saved in any hard disk partition.
H. Multi-language random switching: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English.
I. Software has a history test data demonstration function.
A. One copy of the one-year warranty and one copy of the Chinese operating instructions.
B. A group of standard clamps are randomly presented(other clamps are purchased).
C. A special test software for pulling machines.
D. Brand computer, HP color inkjet printer
Testable items
(I) General test items:(General display value and calculated value)
Tensile stress tensile strength
Rip strength. Rip elongation.
Stabilized tensile stress. Stabilized stress elongation.
Strength of the tear
Any point force value any point elongation
Calculation of adhesion force and peak value of extraction force
Test of the stripping force of the adhesive force
Bending test, drawing force, piercing force test
) Special test items:
1. Elastic coefficient is the elastic Young's modulus
Definition: The ratio of normal stress components to normal strain in the same phase. In order to determine the coefficient of stiffness of the material, the higher the value, the stronger the material.
2. Scale limit: The load is proportional to the elongation within a certain range, and its large stress is the specific limit.
3. Elastic limit: The large stress that the material can withstand without permanent deformation.
4. Elastic deformation: After removing the load, the deformation of the material completely disappears.
5. Permanent deformation: After removing the load, the material remains deformed.
6. yield point: When the material is stretched, the deformation increases rapidly and the stress does not change. This point is the yield point. The yield point is divided into upper and lower yield points, and generally the above yield is the yield point.
Land: The load exceeding the proportional limit is no longer proportional to the elongation. The load will suddenly drop, and then over a period of time, the ups and downs, and the elongation will change significantly. This phenomenon is called yield.
7. Surrender strength: When stretched, the permanent elongation reaches the load of a certain specified value, divided by the original break area of the parallel part.
8. Spring K value: The ratio of the force component to the deformation with the phase of the deformation.
9. Effective elasticity and lag loss:
On the drawing machine, when the specimen is stretched to a certain elongation or stretched to a specified load at a certain speed, the percentage of the ratio of the work restored when the specimen is contracted to the work consumed when it is stretched is determined, that is, the effective elasticity; Determination of the percentage of energy lost during elongation and contraction of the specimen to the ratio of work consumed during elongation is a lag loss.
Main count indicators
A. Heavy element: 5000 N interval selection
B. Power resolution: 1/10000
C. Force accuracy: ≤ 0.5 <UNK>
D. Force magnification: automatic switching for 7 paragraphs
E. Displacement resolution: 1/1000
F. Displacement accuracy: ≤ 0.5 <UNK>
G. Resolution of metal extenders: 1/1000
H. Accuracy of metal extenders: ≤ 0.5 <UNK>
I. Large deformation extensor accuracy: ± 1mm
J. Speed range: 0.01-500mm / min(special test speed can also be customized to customer needs)
K. Walking space: 950mm(without gripper, special test space can also be customized according to customer needs)
L. Test width: 350MM(special test width can also be customized to customer needs)
M. Access to power: 220V60HZ
N. Power: 600W


用户单位 采购时间
清华大学 2014/10/23


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当前位置: 北广精仪 仪器 万能电子拉力试验机


