honle SPOT 100 E

honle SPOT 100 E

型号: SPOT 100 E
产地: 德国
品牌: 好乐
关注展位 全部仪器
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The typical service life of a LED is longer than 20.000 hours***. The LED Spot 100 can be switched on and off as often as necessary. It does not require a warm-up or cooling phase

The irradiation time can be optionally set between the ranges 0,01 - 99,99 sec. or 0,1 - 999,9 sec. or 1 - 9999 sec. Alter-natively, continuous operation can be chosen.

The operating status and the actual temperatures of the LED segments as well as the irradiation times can be seen on the display at one glance. The electrical LED power can be adjus-ted between 2 % and 100 % in 1 %-steps

  • Temperature /?error control of LED

  • Shortest cycle time 0,01 s

  • Up to three LED?Spot 100’s can be operated by one control system

上海尔迪仪器科技有限公司为您提供好乐honle SPOT 100 E,好乐 SPOT 100 E产地为德国,属于烧结固化设备,除了honle SPOT 100 E的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供HONLE紫外能量测试仪 UV METER,尔迪仪器客服电话400-816-7838,售前、售后均可联系。

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上海尔迪仪器科技有限公司为您提供好乐honle SPOT 100 E,好乐 SPOT 100 E产地为德国,属于烧结固化设备,除了honle SPOT 100 E的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供HONLE紫外能量测试仪 UV METER,尔迪仪器客服电话400-816-7838,售前、售后均可联系。
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