英国新型”超微量”三合一分光光度计-- Genova Nano


-- Genova Nano


英国BIBBY Scientific 集团旗下子品牌Jenway, 新推出一款三合一的超微量分光光度计Genova Nano, 在生命科学领域大受追捧。

Jenway 是英国最老牌的分光光度计制造商, 其系列科学仪器包括紫外/可见分光光度计,火焰光度计,色度计,便携和实验室电化学仪器,包括溶解氧,PH,电导和离子选择电极等。

何谓”三合一”?  也就是说:  超微量,生命科学和标准分光光度计结合于一台分光光度计。

倍受期待的Genova Nano分光光度计是结合了Jenway最新超微量附件的高性能Genova Plus。它拥有生命科学检测能力和标准的分光光度计检测能力,同时又增加了超微量测定能力。Genova Nano 是Jenwey系列产品中第一台三合一分光光度计,它几乎能满足您实验室所有光度测定的要求。

Genova Nano超微量分光光度计可以测量低至0.5μl超微量样品,依然具有高精度、高重复性和高速度。这是其非常显著的优越性的体现。它可以测量超微量样品,为DNA研究中心或其它实验室等节约珍贵的样品,不必稀释,不需要使用比色皿,样品清洗快速而且简单。用超细纤维布擦拭读取头就可以去除样品残留,快速进行下一个样品测试,因此能够提高样品通量。重复做样只需6.5秒。


这是一款英国乃至全球最畅销的分光光度计之一, 提供1+2年保修。为方便用户了解GENOVA NANO,BIBBY制作了如下视频, 欢迎观看: (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzMwMzQ5MTg4.html)


Genova Nano - Jenway's new micro-volume spectrophotometer

Jenway launches the highly versatile Genova Nano, a 3-in-1 life science, standard and micro-volume spectrophotometer. With all the same features and benefits of the Genova Plus life science instrument, Genova Nano includes a micro-volume accessory for highly accurate measurement of DNA, RNA and protein in sample volumes as low as 0.5μl. 

The ability to measure very small volumes makes Genova Nano the perfect analysis tool for measuring the purity and concentration of biological samples. With such small volumes there is minimal sample loss - a significant advantage for DNA researchers and other labs where there is limited availability of sample. 

The Genova Nano is simple and quick to use, producing highly accurate and reproducible results in under than 6.5 seconds. It allows nucleic acid concentrations as low as 2ng/μl to be detected. Working with micro-volumes of 0.5μl to 5μl eliminates the need to make dilutions and use cuvettes. A small aliquot is simply placed on the stainless steel read head using a pipette. After measurement, wiping the read head surfaces with a lint-free cloth removes all traces of the sample, allowing fast changeover between samples and increased sample throughput.

Like the Genova Plus, the Genova Nano has pre-programmed methods for the measurement of ssDNA, dsDNA, RNA and oligonucleotide concentrations, as well as Bradford, Lowry, Biuret, BCA and Direct UV methods for protein analysis. In addition to dedicated life science measurement modes, this versatile instrument can also be used as a standard spectrophotometer with measurement modes for photometrics, concentration, multi-wavelength, spectrum scanning, quantitation and kinetics.

A large graphical display is built into the lid of the unit and the icon-driven software with soft-key navigation is intuitive and simple to use. The large internal memory can store over 300 methods, while methods and results can also be saved to a USB memory stick. Like the rest of the 73 series, the Genova Nano has an optional printer which fits into the top of the spectrophotometer, minimising the bench space required and enabling the production of instant results. The Genova Nano also offers the flexibility to use the full range of 73 series accessories. The instrument's 3-year warranty includes the xenon lamp.



关于语特 和 英国Bibby / 德国ART / 德国CAT ( http://bibbyyt.instrument.com.cn.  电话/传真:  020 2802 3589;  电邮: GZ_YT8@163.com)

广州语特仪器科技有限公司专注于搅拌器/分散乳化机等实验室样品制备等通用仪器, 熔点仪/光度计等分析仪器,以及PCR等生命科学仪器。 作为英国比比(Bibby )在中国南方的首代,广东,广西,四川,重庆,云南,海南,贵州和西藏是我司的服务范围。语特公司也是德国ART, 德国CAT 在中国的首代。

英国BIBBY 成立于上个世纪50年代,作为英国最大的实验室科学仪器生产商,世界上拥有最广泛产品系列的实验室仪器制造商之一,  其向全球提供的品牌产品以高品质和高操作性能而著称.  旗下有4个子品牌:Stuart,Techne,Jenway,Electrothermal.

l   Stuart: 专注于样品前处理等通用实验室仪器,包括:  熔点仪, 菌落计数器, 搅拌器, 混匀器,摇床, 纯水蒸馏器系列;

l   Techne: 专注于分子生物学研究设备(基因扩增仪和杂交箱), 以及温度控制产品系列(包括水浴和干浴) ;

l   Jenway: 是紫外/分光光度计, 火焰光度计,色度计等分析仪器的专家;

l   Electrothermal: 作为有70多年历史的BIBBY的新成员,全球领先的科学仪器提供者,提供电加热套,平行反应设备, 凯氏定氮设备, 电子本生灯系列。其平行反应设备是全球市场领导者。        

德国ART 成立于上个世纪,是德国乃至全球最专业的分散乳化专家。 其顶级分散乳化产品从实验室仪器,中试产品到工业设备, 分散头种类极多,可满足客户各类需求;应用领域覆盖了化工,化妆品,制药,食品,环保等各大领域。

德国CAT 成立于上个世纪50年代,是德国样品制备仪器方面的专家之一。其搅拌器,从手持式,教学用,到科研通用型,高粘度型,应有尽有,是CAT的代表产品线; 而今又由普通电子马达走向无刷马达, 引领着搅拌器的研发潮流。



当前位置: 广州语特 动态 英国新型”超微量”三合一分光光度计-- Genova Nano


