Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体

Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体

供货周期: 一周
规格: 0.1ml/0.2ml
货号: 劲爆优惠
关注展位 全部试剂

Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体产品介绍:Glutathione reductase (GR) is a member of pyridine nucleotide- disulfideoxidoreductases, which includes the closely related enzymes thioredoxin reductase, lipoamide dehydrogenase, trypanothione reductase and mercuric ion reductase. GR is a cytoplasmic flavoenzyme widely distributed in aerobic organisms. The dimeric protein is composed of two identical subunits, each containing 1 FAD and 1 redox-active disulfide/dithiol as components of the catalytic apparatus. It plays a role in maintaining glutathione (GSH) in its reduced form by catalyzing the reduction of glutathione disulfide (GSSG): GSSG + NADPH + H+?2GSH + NADP+. In mosteukaryotic cells, GR maintains the ratio of [GSH]/[GSSG], and participates in several vital functions such as the detoxification of reactive oxygen species as well as protein and DNA biosynthesis.

【产品名称】:Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体
【规    格】:0.1ml/0.2ml
【相关标记】:Alexa Fluor 350   Alexa Fluor 488   Alexa Fluor 555   Alexa Fluor 647   AP   APC   Biotin   Cy3   Cy5   Cy5.5   Cy7   FITC   Gold   HRP   PE   PE-Cy3   PE-CY5   PE-CY5.5   PE-CY7   RBITC
【产品别名】:Mycoplasma Gallisepticum.
【浓    度】:1mg/1ml
【抗体来源】:Rabbit or Mouse or Goat
【克隆类型】:polyclonal or monoclonal
【性    状】:Lyophilized or Liquid
【亚    型】:IgG
【纯化方法】:affinity purified by Protein A
【储 存 液】:0.01M PBS, pH 7.4 with 10 mg/ml BSA and 0.1% Sodium azide
【产品应用】:not yet tested in other applications.optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
【保存条件】:Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for greater than a year when kept at -20°C. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M PBS or diluent of antibody the antibody is stable for at least two weeks at 2-4 °C.
Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体相关产品:
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Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体由博研科研产品供应商为您提供,货号劲爆优惠,规格:0.1ml/0.2ml,CAS号:,如您想了解更多关于Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体价格、Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应Anti-GLUR/glutathione reductase|谷胱甘肽还原酶抗体外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,博研客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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