PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪

PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪

型号: PSS FX
产地: 美国
品牌: 美国PSS
关注展位 全部仪器
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PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪

 型号:PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪

 PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪集原样进样检测、自动稀释等全自动检测功能于一身,为用户提供可方便、快捷、高效、可靠的粒径分析。FX系列Z小可以测试计数到150nm,浓度高达10million个/mL的样品。可以满足蛋白质聚集和高浓度slurry的测试要求,是PSSZ全能性的颗粒计数器系列产品。

The AccuSizer FX and FXnano are high concentration single particle optical size sensors (SPOS) that have the sensitivity to detect small differences in particle size distributions. They were designed to allow particle size monitoring to go from the R&D laboratory to the process line with a minimum to system reconfiguration.

The AccuSizer FX utilizes a focused beam technology that allows the sensor to focus on a specific area of the flow channel to count and size individual particles starting at 0.15 microns and at concentration levels exceeding 10 million particles per mL. These are concentration levels that are millions of times higher than traditional sensors. Although this type of approach has been tried by other techniques to monitor high concentration process streams it has been plagued by low resolution ad accuracy. The FX utilizes a patented electro-optical configuration that maintains the same levels of resolution and accuracy found in our traditional SPOS sensors.

The FXnano provides a summation signal that extends the lower size limit of the sensor below the standard FX sensor. Classically one of the limiting factors in the lower size limit of single particle optical sizers was the need to find diluents that are clean enough so that they do not add or make up most of the background counts of the sample being analyzed. The tremendous increase in particle levels with the FX sensors makes it easier to reach lower sizes where background count levels are no longer a concern. In the past a few thousand counts in the background would cause great concern but now with concentrations exceeding 10 million a few thousand background counts do not affect the overall distribution. This becomes critical when looking at nano particles below 0.5 microns.

    上海奥法美嘉生物科技有限公司为您提供美国PSSPSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪,美国PSSPSS FX产地为美国,属于进口颗粒计数器,除了PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供PSS AccuSizer A2000 SIS/USP 全自动不溶性微粒检测仪、AccuSizer A2000 SIS/USP 不溶性微粒检测仪、A7000 SIS 不溶性微粒检测仪,上海奥法美嘉客服电话400-801-5771,售前、售后均可联系。

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    上海奥法美嘉生物科技有限公司为您提供美国PSSPSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪,美国PSSPSS FX产地为美国,属于进口颗粒计数器,除了PSS FX 高浓度计数粒度分析仪的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供PSS AccuSizer A2000 SIS/USP 全自动不溶性微粒检测仪、AccuSizer A2000 SIS/USP 不溶性微粒检测仪、A7000 SIS 不溶性微粒检测仪,上海奥法美嘉客服电话400-801-5771,售前、售后均可联系。
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