eBioscience ELISA试剂盒使用手册(二)

 Instant® ELISA

Q. 一步法Instant ELISA试剂盒,能做多少个检测?
How many tests can I perform with an Instant ELISA Kit?

Instant ELISA包含128 tests。 其中包含可以做8个点复孔标曲,共有32孔做标曲,96孔检测样本。
With an Instant ELISA, 128 tests (includes samples plus standards) can be performed. The number of tests results from the following composition:
One 96 well plate designed only for samples; 96 samples
Two 8-point standard curve in duplicates; 32 wells; thus the kit can be used at two different time points, each with their own standard curve.

Q. 我需要将标准品加到酶标孔中吗?
Do I have to add recombinant standard to the well

No, the recombinant standard is included as a component of the lyophilized reagents in the wells.

Q. 酶标孔中需要加二抗吗?
Do I have to add the secondary antibody to the wells?

No, the secondary antibody is included as a component of the lyophilized reagents in the wells.

Q. 样本检测之前,需要稀释吗?
Do I have to dilute my samples before adding them to the wells?

A. 一般情况下,使用Instant ELISA检测,样本不需要稀释。但是具体请您参考随货说明书。In general, one can use undiluted samples with the Instant ELISA. Please refer to the product manual to determine if dilution of the sample is required for your kit of interest. The volume of sample required for the individual kits will also be listed in the product manual.

Q. 不同批次试剂盒,标准品的溶解体积一样吗?
Is the reconstitution volume of the standards the same for different lot numbers?

对大部分Instant ELISA 来说,标准品孔和空白孔的溶解体积是不一样的,因为它们批次特异性的。请您务必参考随货收到的产品说明书。
For some Instant ELISA kits, the reconstitution volume of the standard and blank wells may differ (these components are lot specific). Please use the manual provided in the Kit for specific volumes to use.

Q. 样本浓度如何计算呢?
How do I calculate my samples?

The calculation factor is always stated in the manual.

  High Sensitivity ELISA Kit

Q. 试剂盒中amplification reagents 可以提前配制吗?
Can the amplification reagents be prepared ahead of time?

不可以。amplification reagents 只能现用现配,配完后需立即使用。因为AR1 含有易挥发的甲醇。
No, the amplification reagents have to be prepared immediately before use. The reagent AR1 contains methanol which evaporates easily.

Q. 试剂盒推荐的孵育时间可以更改吗?
Can I deviate from the recommended incubation times?

不可以。酶标孔中一旦加入amplification reagents ,具体孵育时间请务必按照试剂盒优化好的时间操作。

No, after adding the amplification reagents to the sample wells, the incubation times have to be followed exactly for optimal use.

Q. 试剂盒操作时温度可以高一点吗?
Can I perform the incubations at higher temperatures?

Incubations should occur at ambient temperatures not higher than 25°C.

Q. 试剂盒中洗涤步骤是必须的吗?
Are the wash steps necessary?

Yes, please follow the washing steps exactly as outlined in the product manual (for optimal readings: an automatic plate washer is recommended).

Q. 使用超敏High Sensitivity Kits检测,标准品稀释如何操作?
How should I prepare the standards for use with the High Sensitivity Kits?

We recommend that you prepare the standard in Eppendorf tubes.




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