
供货周期: 现货
品牌: DRG
规格: 48T/96T
货号: FS-Ea-03404
CAS号: 此产品无CAS号
关注展位 全部试剂





FS-BIO(e16)-122054 Pemphigus Foliaceus,PF ELISA Kit 豚鼠落叶型天疱疮抗体(PF)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122055 β2-Glycoprotein 1 antibody IgA,β2-GP1 Ab IgA ELISA Kit 豚鼠β2糖蛋白1抗体IgA(β2-GP1 Ab IgA)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122056 β2-Glycoprotein 1 Antibody IgM,β2-GP1 Ab IgM ELISA Kit 豚鼠β2糖蛋白1抗体IgM(β2-GP1 Ab IgM)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122057 β2-Glycoprotein 1 Antibody IgG,β2-GP1 Ab IgG ELISA Kit 豚鼠β2糖蛋白1抗体IgG(β2-GP1 Ab IgG)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122058 anti-cardiolipin antibody IgA,ACA-IgA ELISA Kit 豚鼠抗心磷脂抗体IgA(ACA-IgA)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122059 anti-cardiolipin antibody IgM,ACA-IgM ELISA Kit 豚鼠抗心磷脂抗体IgM(ACA-IgM)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122060 anti-cardiolipin antibody IgG,ACA-IgG ELISA Kit 豚鼠抗心磷脂抗体IgG(ACA-IgG)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122061 anti-golgi apparatus antibody,AGAA ELISA Kit 豚鼠抗高尔基体抗体(AGAA)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122062 S100 calcium binding protein A9/calgranulin B,S100A9 ELISA Kit 豚鼠S100钙结合蛋白A9/钙粒蛋白B(S100A9)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122063 S100 calcium binding protein A8/calgranulin A,S100A8 ELISA Kit 豚鼠S100钙结合蛋白A8/钙粒蛋白A(S100A8)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122064 proviral integration site 1,Pim1 ELISA Kit 豚鼠前病毒整合位点1(Pim1)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122065 Pseudomonas Exotoxin A,PEA ELISA Kit 豚鼠绿脓杆菌外毒素A(PEA)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122066 Influenza viruses A,FLU A ELISA Kit 豚鼠流感病毒A(FLU A)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122067 listeriolysin O,LLO ELISA Kit 豚鼠单核细胞增多性李斯特菌素O((LLO)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122068 hepatitis B virus X Ag,HBxAg ELISA Kit 豚鼠乙型肝炎病毒X抗原(HBxAg)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122069 adeno-associated virus,AAV ELISA Kit 豚鼠腺相关病毒(AAV)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122070 hepatitis B virus X interacting protein,HBXIP ELISA Kit 豚鼠乙型肝炎病毒X蛋白相互作用蛋白(HBXIP)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122071 Salmonella typhi antigen,St-Ag ELISA Kit 豚鼠伤寒抗原(St-Ag)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122072 T-lymphotropicvirusⅠ,HTLV-ⅠELISA Kit 豚鼠类嗜T淋巴细胞Ⅰ型病毒(HTLV-Ⅰ)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122073 Receptor Ⅰ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin A,FcαRⅠ ELISA Kit 兔免疫球蛋白A Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcαRⅠ/CD89)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122074 Receptor Ⅱ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin E,FcεRⅡ ELISA Kit 兔免疫球蛋白E Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcεRⅡ/CD23)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122075 Receptor Ⅲ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅢ ELISA Kit 兔免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅲ(FcγRⅢ/CD16)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122076 Receptor Ⅱ for the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅡ ELISA Kit 兔免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅱ(FcγRⅡ/CD32)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122077 ReceptorⅠfor the Fc region of immunoglobulin G,FcγRⅠ ELISA Kit 兔免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体Ⅰ(FcγRⅠ/CD64)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122078 granulocyte chemotactic protein-2,GCP-2 ELISA Kit 兔粒细胞趋化蛋白-2(GCP-2/CXCL6)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122079 Interferon ω,IFN-ω ELISA Kit 兔ω干扰素(IFN-ω/IFNB)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122080 glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule-1,GlyCAM-1 ELISA Kit 兔糖基化依赖的细胞黏附分子(GlyCAM-1)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122081 interferon Regulatory Factor,IRF ELISA Kit 兔干扰素调节因子(IRF)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122082 lymphotoxinβ,LTB ELISA Kit 兔淋巴毒素β(LTB)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122083 lymphotoxinα,LTA ELISA Kit 兔淋巴毒素α(LTA)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122084 CC-chemokine receptor 1,CCR1 ELISA Kit 兔CC趋化因子受体1(CCR1)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122085 CX3C-chemokine receptor 1,CX3CR1 ELISA Kit 兔CX3C趋化因子受体1(CX3CR1)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122086 pulmonary activation regulated chemokine,PARC ELISA Kit 兔肺部活化调节趋化因子(PARC/CCL18)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122087 mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1,MAdCAM-1 ELISA Kit 兔黏膜地址素细胞黏附分子(MAdCAM-1)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122088 Soluble Cluster of differentiation 38,sCD38 ELISA Kit 兔可溶性CD38(sCD38)Elisa试剂盒品牌 牛结核抗原ELISA试剂盒3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122089 Soluble Cluster of differentiation 21,sCD21 ELISA Kit 兔可溶性CD21(CR2/sCD21)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期

FS-BIO(e16)-122090 Leptin Soluble Receptor,sLR ELISA Kit 兔可溶性瘦素受体(sLR)Elisa试剂盒品牌 3-5天供货周期


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