Two Refineries App Note

2016/02/17   下载量: 6


应用领域 其他
检测样本 其他
参考标准 HJ 766-2015 固体废物 金属元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法

Fire assay is an established and proven method for testing the purity of gold jewelry and other objects. Nevertheless, it is a destructive and time-consuming process requiring the use of hazardous chemicals. X-ray fluorescence has emerged as a non-destructive alternative to the fire assay method, with comparable accuracy in just minutes. XRF instrumentation is now available in portable units ideally suited for countertop use in retail environments for accurate testing of any precious metal. In a test against two different refineries using fire assay to evaluate two gold ingots from the same melt, an XRF analyzer provided results just as accurate as one refinery, and even more accurate than the second refinery. The test results provided in this article were performed using the Thermo Scientific? Niton? DXL Precious Metal Analyzer.


Fire assay is an established and proven method for testing the purity 

of gold jewelry and other objects. Nevertheless, it is a destructive and time-consuming process requiring the use of hazardous chemicals. X-ray fluorescence has emerged as a non-destructive alternative to the fire assay method, with comparable accuracy in just minutes. XRF instrumentation is now available in portable units ideally suited for countertop use in retail environments for accurate testing of any precious metal. In a test against two different refineries using fire assay to evaluate two gold ingots from the same melt, an XRF analyzer provided results just as accurate as one refinery, and even more accurate than the second refinery. The test results provided in this article were performed using the Thermo Scientific™ Niton™ DXL Precious Metal Analyzer.

上一篇 钢构件的碳当量分析测试 使用 Niton Apollo 手持式 LIBS 分析仪
下一篇 Adding Value to the Numismatic Profession


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