简介:Pipettes are the most frequently used instruments in the laboratory, yet they are often overlooked. Their performance is key to every sample dispense, dilution, and assay result, and is critical for generating reliable data. Pipetting accuracy and precision can be compromised by mechanical or electronic failure, misadjustment, and laboratory environment, as well as poor technique. Every one of these issues can be avoided by using the Artel PCS Pipette Calibration System. PCS provides fast, automatic pipette calibration, interim performance verification, complete documentation and data management — and it’s an ideal tool for improving pipetting proficiency.
简介:本品为蜂蜜科昆虫中华蜜蜂Apis cerana Fabricius 或意大利蜂Apis mellifera Linnaeus 所酿的蜜。春至秋季采收,滤过。 【性状】 本品为半透明、带光泽、浓稠的液体,白色至淡黄色或橘黄色至黄褐色,放久或遇冷渐有白色颗粒状结晶析出。气芳香,味极甜。 相对密度 本品如有结晶析出,可置于不超过60℃的水浴中,待结晶全部融化后,搅匀,冷至25℃,照相对密度测定法(附录Ⅶ A)项下的韦氏比重秤法测定,相对密度应在1.349 以上。 【检查】 水分 不得过24.0%(附录Ⅶ F 折光率测定法进行测定)。取本品(有结晶析出的样品置于不超过60℃的恒温水浴中温热使融化)1~2 滴,滴于棱镜上(预先连接阿贝折光计与恒温水浴,并将水浴温度调至40℃±0.1℃至恒温,用新沸过的冷水校正折光计的折光指数为1.3305)测定,读取折光指数,按下式计算: X=100-[78+390.7(n-1.4768)] X—样品中的水分含量(%) n—样品在40℃时的折光指数
SERS Large-Area Raman Mapping
简介:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has been used in a variety of biological applications due to its high sensitivity and specificity. Here, we report a SERS-based biosensing approach for quantitative detection of biomolecules. A SERS substrate bearing gold-decorated silicon nanopillars is functionalized with aptamers for sensitive and specific detection of target molecules. In this study, TAMRA-labeled vasopressin molecules in the picomolar regime (1 pM to 1 nM) are specifically captured by aptamers on the nanostructured SERS substrate and monitored by using an automated SERS signal mapping technique. From the experimental results, we show concentration-dependent SERS responses in the picomolar range by integrating SERS signal intensities over a scanning area. It is also noted that our signal mapping approach significantly improves statistical reproducibility and accounts for spot-to-spot variation in conventional SERS quantification. Furthermore, we have developed an analytical model capable of predicting experimental intensity distributions on the substrates for reliable quantification of biomolecules. Lastly, we have calculated the minimum needed area of Raman mapping for efficient and reliable analysis of each measurement. Combining our SERS mapping analysis with an aptamer-functionalized nanopillar substrate is found to be extremely efficient for detection of low-abundance biomolecules.