
供货周期: 一周
品牌: EterLife
规格: 0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg
货号: TE-KT-0162
CAS号: 详见产品说明书
关注展位 全部试剂


〖别名〗Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 3; Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing protein 3; Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box protein 3; ASB-3; ASB3; ASB3_HUMAN; Weakly similar to ankyrin brain variant 2. 





〖交叉反应〗锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体Human, Mouse, Rat, Dog, Cow, Rabbit   


〖研究领域〗细胞生物 细胞周期蛋白 细胞分化 表观遗传学  

〖蛋白分子量〗predicted molecular weight: 57kDa 

〖性状〗Lyophilized or Liquid 

〖免疫原〗KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human ASB3 


〖纯化方法〗affinity purified by Protein A 

〖储存液〗Preservative: 15mM Sodium Azide, Constituents: 1% BSA, 0.01M PBS, pH 7.4 

〖产品应用〗WB=1:100-500  ELISA=1:500-1000  IP=1:20-100  IHC-P=1:100-500  IHC-F=1:100-500  IF=1:100-500 


 not yet tested in other applications.

 optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.  

〖保存条件〗Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for greater than a year when kept at -20°C. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M PBS or diluent of antibody the antibody is stable for at least two weeks at 2-4 °C. 

Important Note  This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications. 

〖产品介绍〗Members of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family of proteins contain C-terminal regions of homology called the SOCS box, which serves to couple SOCS proteins and their binding partners with the elongin B and C complex. Serveral other families of proteins also contain SOCS boxes but differ from the SOCS proteins in the type of domain they contained upstream of the SOCS box. Four members of the ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing (ASB) protein family are identified and termed as ASB-1, ASB-2, ASB-3 and ASB-4. ASB-1 is expressed in multiple organs, including the hematopoietic compartment. ASB-1 knock-out mice display a diminution of spermatogenesis with less complete filling of seminiferous tubules. Asb-2 is a novel retinoic-acid (RA)-induced gene in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cells and its expression induces growth-inhibition and chromatin condensation recapitulating early events critical to RA-induced differentiaiton of APL cells. ASB-2 is directly induced by all-trans retinotic acid, by the binding of RARa to the RAR binding element/RXR binding element in the Asb-2 promoter.

Function : Probable substrate-recognition component of a SCF-like ECS (Elongin-Cullin-SOCS-box protein) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex which mediates the ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins. Recognizes TNFRSF1B.

Subunit : Interacts with TCEB2 and TNFRSF1B.

Similarity : Contains 11 ANK repeats.

Contains 1 SOCS box domain.

本公司产品现货供应,货期短,质量可靠。仅用于科研实验不应用于临床。我们用专业的态度,一流的服务,全程实验指导,让你的数据不在成为实验奇谈。选择优质的锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体,你的小伙伴都会惊呆的。本公司专业供应各种进口、国产一抗及二抗。代理品牌有R&D、Santa Cruz、Bipec、Millipore等国际知名品牌,品种多达7000多种。让你的科研之路不再布满荆棘。


Ab-(001)-07926 CPT1A peptide 肉毒碱棕榈酰基转移酶1A多肽抗原 ,英文名: CPT1A ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07927 CRMP2/Dpysl2(collapsin response mediator protein-2) 二氢嘧啶酶样2CRMP2抗原 ,英文名: CRMP2/Dpysl2 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07928 CRLR/CALCRL(calcitonin receptor like precursor) 降钙素受体样蛋白抗原 ,英文名: CRLR/CALCRL ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07929 cRaf/Raf1(c-raf 1) cRaf/Raf1抗原 ,英文名: cRaf/Raf1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07930 MEK1/MAPKK1(mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1) MEK1/MAPKK1抗体(N-端) ,英文名: MEK1/MAPKK1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07931 CRF (Corticotropin-Releasing Factor) 促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子 ,英文名: CRF ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07932 CSIG(cellular senescence inhibited gene) 细胞衰老抑制基因抗原 ,英文名: CSIG ,规格: 0.2ml

Ab-(001)-07933 Cripto-1(N-Terminus) 畸胎瘤衍化生长因子抗原(表皮生长因子相关肽)N端 ,英文名: Cripto-1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07934 Cripto-1(C-Terminus) 畸胎瘤衍化生长因子抗原(表皮生长因子相关肽)C端 ,英文名: Cripto-1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07935 Anti-CSP (circumsporozoite protein/Plasmodium yoelii) 环子孢子蛋白(约氏疟原虫)抗原 ,英文名: Anti-CSP ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07936 Calcitonin peptide 降钙素抗原 ,英文名: Calcitonin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07937 CTBP1(C-terminal binding protein 1) C端结合蛋白1抗原 ,英文名: CTBP1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07938 CTLA-4/CD152(cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated Anti-gen-4) 淋巴细胞相关抗原4/细胞毒性T细胞抗原-4抗原 ,英文名: CTLA-4/CD152 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07939 CTn1 (cardiac troponin 1) 心肌肌钙蛋白 ,英文名: CTn1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07940 Cx32(Connexin-32) 间隙连接蛋白32抗原 ,英文名: Cx32 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07941 CX36 (Connexin-36) 间隙连接蛋白36抗原 ,英文名: CX36 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07942 Cx40 (Connexin-40) 间隙连接蛋白40(多肽) ,英文名: Cx40 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07943 cx3cl1(chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1) 趋化因子(C-X3-C 基元)配体1抗原 ,英文名: cx3cl1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07944 CX3CR1(CX3C-chemokine receptor 1) CX3C趋化因子受体1抗原 ,英文名: CX3CR1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07945 Cyclin A 周期素A抗原 ,英文名: Cyclin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07946 Cyclin B1 周期素B1抗原 ,英文名: Cyclin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07947 Cyclin D2 周期素D2抗原 ,英文名: Cyclin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07948 Cyclin D3(C-term) 周期素D3抗原 ,英文名: Cyclin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07949 CYP3A4(Cytochrome p450 3A4) 细胞色素P450 3A4抗原 ,英文名: CYP3A4 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07950 Cyr61/IGFBP10/CCN1(cysteine rich 61) 富半胱氨酸肝素结合蛋白61抗原 ,英文名: Cyr61/IGFBP10/CCN1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07951 HCMV UL23/HHV5 UL23(Human Cytomegalovirus UL23 Gene) 人巨细胞病毒UL23抗原 ,英文名: HCMV ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07952 DAD1 (dopamine D1 receptor) 多巴铵受体-D1抗原 ,英文名: DAD1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07953 DRD3 receptor(dopamine D3 receptor) 多巴铵受体-D3抗原 ,英文名: DRD3 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07954 DRD4 receptor peptide 多巴铵受体-D4抗原 ,英文名: DRD4 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07955 DRD5 receptor(dopamine D5 receptor) 多巴铵受体-D5抗原 ,英文名: DRD5 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07956 DBH (Dopamine- Beta-Hydroxylase) 多巴铵β羟化酶(抗原) ,英文名: DBH ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07957 DCC (Deleted in colorectal cancer gene) 结直肠癌缺失基因抗原 ,英文名: DCC ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07958 DCX(Doublecortin) 双皮质素抗原 ,英文名: DCX ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07959 DDB2(DNA damage-binding protein 2) 损伤DNA结合蛋白2抗原 ,英文名: DDB2 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07960 Defensin Beta1 防御素β1抗原 ,英文名: Defensin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07961 Defensin Beta1(human) 防御素β1抗原(人) ,英文名: Defensin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07962 Defensin Beta2/beta-defensin 2/BD-2(mouse) 防御素β2抗原(小鼠) ,英文名: Defensin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07963 Defensin Beta2/beta-defensin 2/BD-2(rat) 防御素β2抗原(大鼠) ,英文名: Defensin ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07964 DAPK1(Death associated protein kinase 1) 凋亡相关蛋白激酶1抗原 ,英文名: DAPK1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07965 DHAV(duck hepatitis A virus) 鸭甲型肝炎A病毒抗原 ,英文名: DHAV ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07966 Des(Desmin) 结蛋白抗原 ,英文名: Des ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07967 DKK1(Dickkopf 1) 抑癌蛋白DKK1抗原 ,英文名: DKK1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07968 DMBT1 (Deleted in malignant brain tumor 1) DMBT1抑癌基因抗原 ,英文名: DMBT1 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07969 DNA-PKcs peptide DNA依赖蛋白激酶催化亚基多肽抗原 ,英文名: DNA-PKcs ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07970 DPPA2 (developmental pluripotency associated gene2) 多能发育相关基因2抗原 ,英文名: DPPA2 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07971 DR4/APO2/TRAILR1 (Death receptor 4) 死亡受体4抗原 ,英文名: DR4/APO2/TRAILR1 锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07972 DR5/TNFRSF10B/CD262 (Death receptor 5) 肿瘤细胞调亡素/死亡受体5抗原 ,英文名: DR5/TNFRSF10B/CD262 ,规格: 0.5mg

Ab-(001)-07973 DP-I/DSP(desmoplakin I ) 桥粒斑蛋白1抗原 ,英文名: DP-I/DSP ,规格: 0.5mg


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锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体由上海通蔚实业有限公司为您提供,货号TE-KT-0162,规格:0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg,CAS号:详见产品说明书,如您想了解更多关于锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体价格、锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族3抗体外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,上海通蔚客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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