
供货周期: 一周
品牌: EterLife
规格: 0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg
货号: TE-KT-5044
CAS号: 详见产品说明书
关注展位 全部试剂


〖别名〗DHAND 2; dHAND; DHAND2; Ehand 2; Ehand2; FLJ16260; HAND 2; Hand2; autonomic nervous system and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2; heart; Basic helix loop helix transcription factor HAND2; bHLHa26; Class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 26; Deciduum; Deciduum heart autonomic nervous system and neural crest derivatives expressed protein 2 antibody HAND2_HUMAN; Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 2; Heart and neural crest derivatives expressed protein 2; heart and neural crest derivatives expressed transcript 2; Heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2; Hed; Highly similar to dHAND M musculus; MGC125303; MGC125304; Th 2; Th2; Thing 2; Thing2. 


〖规格〗0.1ml/100μg  0.2ml/200μg     



〖交叉反应〗心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体Human, Mouse, Rat, Chicken, Dog, Pig, Cow, Horse, Rabbit, Sheep


〖研究领域〗心血管 细胞生物 免疫学 发育生物学 神经生物学 表观遗传学  

〖蛋白分子量〗predicted molecular weight: 24kDa 

〖性状〗Lyophilized or Liquid 

〖免疫原〗KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human HAND2 


〖纯化方法〗affinity purified by Protein A 

〖储存液〗Preservative: 15mM Sodium Azide, Constituents: 1% BSA, 0.01M PBS, pH 7.4 

〖产品应用〗WB=1:100-500  ELISA=1:500-1000  IHC-P=1:100-500  IHC-F=1:100-500  IF=1:50-200 


 not yet tested in other applications.

 optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.  

〖保存条件〗Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for greater than a year when kept at -20°C. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M PBS or diluent of antibody the antibody is stable for at least two weeks at 2-4 °C. 

Important Note  This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications. 

〖产品介绍〗Essential for cardiac morphogenesis, particularly for the formation of the right ventricle and of the aortic arch arteries. Required for vascular development and regulation of angiogenesis, possibly through a VEGF signaling pathway. Plays also an important role in limb development, particularly in the establishment of anterior-posterior polarization, acting as an upstream regulator of sonic hedgehog (SHH) induction in the limb bud. Is involved in the development of branchial arches, which give rise to unique structures in the head and neck. Binds DNA on E-box consensus sequence 5'-CANNTG-3'.

Function : Essential for cardiac morphogenesis, particularly for the formation of the right ventricle and of the aortic arch arteries. Required for vascular development and regulation of angiogenesis, possibly through a VEGF signaling pathway. Plays also an important role in limb development, particularly in the establishment of anterior-posterior polarization, acting as an upstream regulator of sonic hedgehog (SHH) induction in the limb bud. Is involved in the development of branchial arches, which give rise to unique structures in the head and neck. Binds DNA on E-box consensus sequence 5'-CANNTG-3' (By similarity).

Subunit : Efficient DNA binding requires dimerization with another bHLH protein. Forms homodimers and heterodimers with TCF3 gene products E12 and E47, HAND1 and HEY1, HEY2 and HEYL (hairy-related transcription factors).

Subcellular Location : Nucleus.

Tissue Specificity : Heart.

Similarity : Contains 1 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain.

Database links : UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: P61296.1



Ab-(010)-13770 组织蛋白酶H抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-cath-H/CH(Cathepsin H)

Ab-(010)-13771 组织蛋白酶K抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-cath-K/CK(Cathepsin K)

Ab-(010)-13772 组织蛋白酶G抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CTSG/CG(Cathepsin G)

Ab-(010)-13773 组织蛋白酶L抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: anti-cath-L/CL(Cathepsin L)

Ab-(010)-13774 组织蛋白酶D抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-cath-D/CD/Cathepsin D

Ab-(010)-13775 组织蛋白酶E抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: anti-cath-E/CE(Cathepsin E)

Ab-(010)-13776 组织蛋白酶B抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: anti-cath-B/CB(Cathepsin B)

Ab-(010)-13777 γ-连环蛋白抗体(γ-链接素) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Cateninma gamma/CTNNG

Ab-(010)-13778 磷酸化β-连环蛋白抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: anti-p-β catenin(p-beta Catenin(phosphor-Y142))

Ab-(010)-13779 β-连环蛋白抗体(β链接素) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-β catenin/β-cats

Ab-(010)-13780 α-连环蛋白抗体(α链接素) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-α-Catenin/α-cats

Ab-(010)-13781 细胞质膜微囊蛋白-1抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Cav-1(Caveolin-1)

Ab-(010)-13782 半胱氨酸蛋白酶8抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Caspase-8 (pro Mch5)

Ab-(010)-13783 半胱胺酸蛋白酶蛋白-6抗体(C端) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Caspase-6 (CT)

Ab-(010)-13784 半胱胺酸蛋白酶蛋白-12抗体(人) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Caspase-12(hunman)

Ab-(010)-13785 半胱胺酸蛋白酶蛋白-12抗体(大、小鼠) ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Caspase-12(rat mouse)

Ab-(010)-13786 碳酸酐酶2抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CA Ⅱ(Carbonic anhydrase Ⅱ)

Ab-(010)-13787 粘附分子相关蛋白a1抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CTNNAL1(catenin(cadherin-associated protein)alpha-like1)

Ab-(010)-13788 碳酸酐酶1抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CA I(Carbonic anhydrase I)

Ab-(010)-13789 环化酶相关蛋白CAP-2抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CAP2(Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 2)

Ab-(010)-13790 Park7/DJ-1/CAP1抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CAP1/Park7/DJ-1

Ab-(010)-13791 钙/钙调蛋白依赖蛋白激酶IG抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Camk1g(Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase IG)

Ab-(010)-13792 磷酸化钙/钙调素依赖蛋白激酶2α抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-phospho-CaMK2a(pThr286)

Ab-(010)-13793 钙激活的中性蛋白酶2抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Calpain 2 (Calcium activated neutral proteinase 2)

Ab-(010)-13794 钙蛋白酶抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Calpain 1

Ab-(010)-13795 钙介质素抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-caldesmon

Ab-(010)-13796 卵巢癌抗原抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-CA125 (Ovarian cancer antigen)

Ab-(010)-13797 过敏毒素C5a(补体C5a)抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-C5a

Ab-(010)-13798 胆汁酸盐输出泵蛋白抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-BSEP(Bile salt export pump)

Ab-(010)-13799 抗布鲁氏菌抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Brucella

Ab-(010)-13800 新的抑癌基因Brg1抗体 ,规格: 0.1ml ,英文名: Anti-Brg1(brahma-related gene 1)

Ab-(010)-13801 Anti-WBSCR14/ChREBP /FITC 荧光素标记糖类应答元件结合蛋白ChREBP抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-WBSCR14/ChREBP

Ab-(010)-13802 Anti-CD64/PE 荧光素PE标记免疫球蛋白G Fc段受体I ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CD64/PE

Ab-(010)-13803 Anti-CD184/CXC-R4/PE 荧光素PE标记细胞表面趋化因子受体4抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CD184/CXC-R4/PE

Ab-(010)-13804 Anti-Annexin V/PE 荧光素PE标记兔抗人、大、小鼠、牛Annexin V抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-Annexin

Ab-(010)-13805 Anti-factor VIII/PE 荧光素PE标记第八因子相关抗原抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-factor

Ab-(010)-13806 Anti-VWF/PE 荧光素PE标记血管性血友病因子抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-VWF/PE

Ab-(010)-13807 Anti-CD8/PE 荧光素藻红蛋白标记兔抗人、大、小鼠CD8抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CD8/PE

Ab-(010)-13808 Anti-TRF/Gold 金离子标记抗转铁蛋白抗体IgG ,规格: 0.5ml(15nm) ,英文名: Anti-TRF/Gold

Ab-(010)-13809 Anti-PSA /Gold 胶体金离子标记抗鼠抗人前列腺特异性抗原单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-PSA

Ab-(010)-13810 Anti-CD167a(DDR1)/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记CD167a抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CD167a

Ab-(010)-13811 Anti-GST-Tag/Biotin 生物素标记兔抗重组谷胱甘肽转移酶GST标签蛋白抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-GST-Tag/Biotin

Ab-(010)-13812 Anti-CEA/Biotin 生物素化鼠抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CEA/Biotin

Ab-(010)-13813 Anti-CEA/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记鼠抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CEA/HRP

Ab-(010)-13814 Anti-CEA/Gold 胶体金离子标记鼠抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CEA/Gold

Ab-(010)-13815 Anti-CEA/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记鼠抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体(包被)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CEA/HRP

Ab-(010)-13816 Anti-CEA/Gold 胶体金离子标记鼠抗人癌胚抗原单克隆抗体(包被)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-CEA/Gold

Ab-(010)-13817 Anti-AFP/Biotin 生物素化鼠抗人甲胎蛋白单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-AFP/Biotin

Ab-(010)-13818 Anti-AFP/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记鼠抗人甲胎蛋白单克隆抗体(检测)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-AFP/HRP

Ab-(010)-13819 Anti-AFP/Biotin 生物素化鼠抗人甲胎蛋白单克隆抗体(包被)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-AFP/Biotin

Ab-(010)-13820 Anti-AFP/HRP 辣根过氧化物酶标记鼠抗人甲胎蛋白单克隆抗体(包被)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-AFP/HRP

Ab-(010)-13821 Anti-AFP/FITC 荧光标记鼠抗人甲胎蛋白单克隆抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-AFP/FITC

Ab-(010)-13822 Anti-SPECA/a-fodrin/FITC 荧光素标记a-包衬蛋白抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-SPECA/a-fodrin/FITC

Ab-(010)-13823 Anti-HAS/FITC 荧光素标记鼠抗人血清白蛋白单克隆抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-HAS/FITC

Ab-(010)-13824 Anti-HBsAg/FITC 荧光素标记山羊抗人乙肝表面抗原抗体 IgG ,规格: 0.2ml 心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体英文名: Anti-HBsAg/FITC

Ab-(010)-13825 Anti-HBsAg/FITC 荧光素标记小鼠抗人乙肝表面抗原抗体IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-HBsAg/FITC

Ab-(010)-13826 Anti-HBeAg/FITC 荧光素标记小鼠抗人乙肝e抗原抗体(2)IgG ,规格: 0.2ml ,英文名: Anti-HBeAg/FITC


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心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体由上海通蔚实业有限公司为您提供,货号TE-KT-5044,规格:0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg,CAS号:详见产品说明书,如您想了解更多关于心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体价格、心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应心脏和神经嵴衍生蛋白2抗体外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,上海通蔚客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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