
供货周期: 一周
品牌: EterLife
规格: 0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg
货号: TE-KT-5106
CAS号: 详见产品说明书
关注展位 全部试剂


〖别名〗AHO3 ;Antigen NY-CO-9 ;BDMR ;HA6116 ;HD4 ;HD5 ;HD7 ;HD7b ;HD9 ;HDAC ;HDAC-4 ;HDACA ;HDAC4 ;HDAC5 ;HDAC7 ;HDAC7B ;HDAC9 ;HDAC9B ;HDAC9FL ;HDACA ;HDRP ;Histone deacetylase 4 ;Histone deacetylase 5 ;Histone deacetylase 7B ;Histone deacetylase 9 ;Histone deacetylase-related protein ;MEF2-interacting transcription repressor MITR ;MITR ;NY-CO-9; HDAC4_HUMAN; HDAC5_HUMAN; HDAC9_HUMAN. 





〖交叉反应〗组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体Human, Mouse, Rat, Dog, Pig, Cow, Horse, Rabbit


〖研究领域〗细胞生物 神经生物学 信号转导 干细胞 表观遗传学  

〖蛋白分子量〗predicted molecular weight: 119, 122, 111kDa 

〖性状〗Lyophilized or Liquid 

〖免疫原〗KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human HDAC4 + 5 + 9 


〖纯化方法〗affinity purified by Protein A 

〖储存液〗Preservative: 15mM Sodium Azide, Constituents: 1% BSA, 0.01M PBS, pH 7.4 

〖产品应用〗WB=1:100-500  ELISA=1:500-1000  IHC-P=1:100-500  IHC-F=1:100-500  ICC=1:100-500  IF=1:100-500 


 not yet tested in other applications.

 optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.  

〖保存条件〗Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles. The lyophilized antibody is stable at room temperature for at least one month and for greater than a year when kept at -20°C. When reconstituted in sterile pH 7.4 0.01M PBS or diluent of antibody the antibody is stable for at least two weeks at 2-4 °C. 

Important Note  This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications. 

〖产品介绍〗In the intact cell, DNA closely associates with histones and other nuclear proteins to form chromatin. The remodeling of chromatin is believed to be a critical component of transcriptional regulation and a major source of this remodeling is brought about by the acetylation of nucleosomal histones. Acetylation of lysine residues in the amino terminal tail domain of histone results in an allosteric change in the nucleosomal conformation and an increased accessibility to transcription factors by DNA. Conversely, the deacetylation of histones is associated with transcriptional silencing. Several mammalian proteins have been identified as nuclear histone acetylases, including GCN5, PCAF (p300/CBP-associated factor), p300/CBP, HAT1, and the TFIID subunit TAF II p250. Mammalian HDAC1 (also designated HD1), HDAC2 (also designated RPD3) and HDAC3-7, have been identified as histone deacetylases. Mammalian HDAC7 interacts with the adaptor mSin3A. The interaction of HDAC7 with mSin3A suggests the association of multiple repression complexes of transcription factors.

Function : HDAC4 is responsible for the deacetylation of lysine residues on the N-terminal part of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). Histone deacetylation gives a tag for epigenetic repression and plays an important role in transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression and developmental events. Histone deacetylases act via the formation of large multiprotein complexes. Involved in muscle maturation via its interaction with the myocyte enhancer factors such as MEF2A, MEF2C and MEF2D. HDAC5: Responsible for the deacetylation of lysine residues on the N-terminal part of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). Histone deacetylation gives a tag for epigenetic repression and plays an important role in transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression and developmental events. Histone deacetylases act via the formation of large multiprotein complexes. Involved in muscle maturation by repressing transcription of myocyte enhancer MEF2C. During muscle differentiation, it shuttles into the cytoplasm, allowing the expression of myocyte enhancer factors. HDAC9: Responsible for the deacetylation of lysine residues on the N-terminal part of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). Histone deacetylation gives a tag for epigenetic repression and plays an important role in transcriptional regulation, cell cycle progression and developmental events. Represses MEF2-dependent transcription. Isoform 3 lacks active site residues and therefore is catalytically inactive. Represses MEF2-dependent transcription by recruiting HDAC1 and/or HDAC3. Seems to inhibit skeletal myogenesis and to be involved in heart development. Protects neurons from apoptosis, both by inhibiting JUN phosphorylation by MAPK10 and by repressing JUN transcription via HDAC1 recruitment to JUN promoter. 

Subcellular Location : HDAC4: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note: Shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Upon muscle cells differentiation, it accumulates in the nuclei of myotubes, suggesting a positive role of nuclear HDAC4 in muscle differentiation. The export to cytoplasm depends on the interaction with a 14-3-3 chaperone protein and is due to its phosphorylation at Ser-246, Ser-467 and Ser-632 by CaMK4 and SIK1. The nuclear localization probably depends on sumoylation. HDAC5: Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Note: Shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. In muscle cells, it shuttles into the cytoplasm during myocyte differentiation. The export to cytoplasm depends on the interaction with a 14-3-3 chaperone protein and is due to its phosphorylation at Ser-259 and Ser-498 by AMPK, CaMK1 and SIK1. HDAC9: Nucleus

Similarity : Belongs to the histone deacetylase family. HD type 2 subfamily. 

Database links : UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: P56524.3 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q9UQL6.2 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: Q9UKV0.2 



Ab-(010)-16913 Smad2(Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2) Smad 2/3(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Smad2

Ab-(010)-16914 SSB/La(Sjogren syndrome type B Anti-gen) 抗干燥症SSB/La蛋白抗原 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: SSB/La

Ab-(010)-16915 SSA/RO (ribonucleoprotein complex,RNP) 核糖核蛋白抗原RO/SSA(抗原) ,规格: 0.5ml ,英文名: SSA/RO

Ab-(010)-16916 BIRC5/Survivin variant 细胞凋亡抑制因子4(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: BIRC5/Survivin

Ab-(010)-16917 Survivin 细胞凋亡抑制因子的一种(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Survivin

Ab-(010)-16918 SLC6A4 (solute carrier family 6) 钾依赖钠钙交换蛋白6(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: SLC6A4

Ab-(010)-16919 solute carrier family 1 溶质携带物家族-1(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: solute

Ab-(010)-16920 SLC24A5 (solute carrier family 24, member 5) 可溶性载质转运蛋白SLC24A5(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: SLC24A5

Ab-(010)-16921 slc22A17 (solute carrier famili 22) 溶质转运蛋白家族22成员17(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: slc22A17

Ab-(010)-16922 shank1(SH3 and multiple anleyrin repead domins protein 1) shank1多肽抗原 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: shank1

Ab-(010)-16923 SDF-1/CXCL12 (stromal cell derived factor-1) 基质细胞衍生因子-1(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: SDF-1/CXCL12

Ab-(010)-16924 RRAD (Ras-related associated with diabetes ) RRAD(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: RRAD

Ab-(010)-16925 Runx3 一种新发现的抑癌基因(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Runx3

Ab-(010)-16926 PP2Ac 蛋白磷酸酶4(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PP2Ac

Ab-(010)-16927 PPAR Gamma (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma) 过氧化酶活化增生受体γ(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PPAR

Ab-(010)-16928 PIWIL1(piwi-like 1) piwi 样1蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PIWIL1

Ab-(010)-16929 PIBF(progesterone induced blocking factor) 孕激素诱导阻断因子(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PIBF

Ab-(010)-16930 PTEN/MMAC1 一种肿瘤抑制基因抗原 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PTEN/MMAC1

Ab-(010)-16931 PEPT1 (Peptide-transporters 1) 肠道肽转运蛋白(小肽转运蛋白)多肽 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PEPT1

Ab-(010)-16932 PAP2c (Phosphatidic acid phosphatase 2c) 磷脂酸磷酸酶2C(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PAP2c

Ab-(010)-16933 PEDF (pigment epithelium-derived factor) 色素上皮源性因子(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PEDF

Ab-(010)-16934 Visfatin-2(CT)hu、mo、rat、MK 内脂素/内脏脂肪素(抗人、大、小鼠、猴:N端多肽)前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Visfatin-2

Ab-(010)-16935 Visfatin-1 (PBEF1)(NT) hu、 mo、 rat、MK 内脂素/内脏脂肪素(人、大、小鼠、猴同源:N端多肽)、内脏脂肪素、前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Visfatin-1

Ab-(010)-16936 Visfatin-1 (PBEF1)(NT) Human 内脂素/内脏脂肪素(人:N端多肽)、内脏脂肪素、 又称:前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: Visfatin-1

Ab-(010)-16937 PARP(poly ADP-ribose polymerase) 多腺苷二磷酸多聚酶抗原 ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: PARP

Ab-(010)-16938 P311 protein 增生性瘢痕相关蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: P311

Ab-(010)-16939 OPGL (Osteoprotegerin ligand) 骨保护蛋白配体(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OPGL

Ab-(010)-16940 OPG(Osteoprotegerin) 护骨素(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OPG

Ab-(010)-16941 P63 protein P63 肿瘤抑制基因(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: P63

Ab-(010)-16942 p27 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B) p27(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: p27

Ab-(010)-16943 p21/WAF1/CIP1 p21 核分裂抑制因子之一(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: p21/WAF1/CIP1

Ab-(010)-16944 P16/CDKN2A (Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-2A) 抑癌基因p16(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: P16/CDKN2A

Ab-(010)-16945 OPN(osteopontin) 骨桥蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OPN

Ab-(010)-16946 galectin 9 半乳糖凝集素9(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: galectin

Ab-(010)-16947 OAT-3(Organic anion transporter 3) 阴离子转运蛋白-3(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OAT-3

Ab-(010)-16948 OAT-1 (Organic anion transporter 1)mouse、rat 阴离子转运蛋白-1(大、小鼠同源:人源见bs-0606P) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OAT-1

Ab-(010)-16949 OAT-1 (Organic anion transporter 1)human 阴离子转运蛋白-1(人源) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: OAT-1

Ab-(010)-16950 NTP,Neurual thread protein 神经丝蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NTP,Neurual

Ab-(010)-16951 NSBP1(Nucleosome-binding protein 1) 核小体结合蛋白1(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NSBP1

Ab-(010)-16952 NRP-2(neuropilin-2) 神经纤毛蛋白-2(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NRP-2

Ab-(010)-16953 NRP-1(neuropilin-1) 神经纤毛蛋白-1(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NRP-1

Ab-(010)-16954 NR2A (Glutamate receptor2A) 谷氨酸受体(N端抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NR2A

Ab-(010)-16955 NFKBp65(p65 NF-kappa B;p65NFKB) 细胞核因子或称k基因结合核因子(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NFKBp65

Ab-(010)-16956 NIS(Na+/I-symporter;NIS) 钠碘转运体蛋白(多肽抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NIS

Ab-(010)-16957 NF-H(Neurofilament triplet H) 高分子量神经丝蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NF-H

Ab-(010)-16958 NF-M (Neurofilament triplet M) 中分子量神经丝蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NF-M

Ab-(010)-16959 NF-L(Neurofilament triplet L) 低分子量神经丝蛋白(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg 组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体英文名: NF-L

Ab-(010)-16960 NKR(Neuromedin B Receptor) 神经激肽B受体(抗原) ,规格: 0.5mg ,英文名: NKR


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组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体由上海通蔚实业有限公司为您提供,货号TE-KT-5106,规格:0.1ml/100μg 、0.2ml/200μg,CAS号:详见产品说明书,如您想了解更多关于组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体价格、组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应组蛋白去乙酰化酶4+5+9抗体外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,上海通蔚客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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