
供货周期: 现货
品牌: GenWay
规格: 0.1ml/100μg 0.2ml/200μg
货号: EY000204
CAS号: 详见说明书
关注展位 全部试剂


英文名称  Anti-Adiponectin 

中文名称  脂联素抗体 

别    名  30 kDa adipocyte complement related protein; 30 kDa adipocyte complement-related protein; ACDC; ACRP 30; ACRP30; ADIPO_HUMAN; Adipocyte; Adipocyte C1q and collagen domain containing protein; Adipocyte complement related 30 kDa protein; Adipocyte complement related protein of 30 kDa; Adipocyte complement-related 30 kDa protein; Adiponectin; AdipoQ; Adipose most abundant gene transcript 1; Adipose most abundant gene transcript 1 protein; Adipose specific collagen like factor; ADIPQTL1; ADPN; APM 1; apM-1; ApM1; C1q and collagen domain-containing protein; GBP 28; GBP28; Gelatin binding protein; Gelatin binding protein 28; Gelatin-binding protein. 

浓    度  1mg/1ml 

规 格  0.1ml/100μg  0.2ml/200μg    

抗体来源  Rabbit  

克隆类型  polyclonal 

交叉反应  Human, Mouse, Rat, Chicken, Dog, Pig, Cow, Rabbit   

产品类型  一抗    

研究领域  免疫学  

蛋白分子量  predicted molecular weight: 30kDa 

性    状  Lyophilized or Liquid 


本公司专业供应各种进口、国产一抗及二抗,品牌有R&D、Santa Cruz、Bipec、Millipore等国际知名品牌,品种多达7000多种,由于产品的数量众多,产品的宿主、抗原来源及应用范围(WB、IH(F/P)、FC、ELISA、IP、IF等)有所不同。

我们还可以为客户提供BAP31蛋白抗体的纯化和标记服务,具体包括盐析沉淀纯化、Portein A/G纯化、免疫亲和纯化、HRP标记、FITC标记等。


 人肽聚糖(PG)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human peptidoglycan,PG ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人协同刺激分子受体(CMR)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human costimulatory molecules recptor,CMR ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶(IDO)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase,IDO ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶(TdT)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase,TdT ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人脱氧尿三磷酸(DUTP)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human deoxyuridinetriphate,DUTP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人八聚体转录因子(OTF2A)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human octamer transcription factor 2A,OTF2A ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人八聚体转录因子(OTF2B)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human octamer transcription factor 2B,OTF2B ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人胸腺白血病抗原(TLa)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human thymus-leukemia antigen,TLa ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人细胞色素P450c21A/21-羟化酶(CYP21A)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Cytochrome P450c21/21-hydroxylase,CYP21A ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人细胞色素P450c21B/21-羟化酶(CYP21B)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Cytochrome P450c21/21-hydroxylase,CYP21B ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人糖基化依赖的细胞黏附分子(GlyCAM-1)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule-1,GlyCAM-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T

 人通用转录复合体(GTC)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human general transcription complex,GTC ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人白介素1β转换酶(ICE)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Interleukin 1β converting enzyme,ICE ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人磷酯酶C(PLC)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Phospholipase C,PLC ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人磷酯酰肌醇特异性磷酯酶C(PIPLC)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C,PIPLC ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人糖磷脂酰肌醇(GPI)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human glycophosphatidylinositol,GPI ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人食欲素受体(OXR)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Orexin receptor,OXR ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人神经氨酸酶(NA)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human neuraminidase,NA ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人磷酯酶Cγ链(PLCγ1)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Phospholipase Cγ1,PLCγ1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人鸟苷酸解离抑制因子(GDI)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Guanine nucleotide dissociation Inhibitor,GDI ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人羟赖氨酸(Hyl)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human hydroxylysine,Hyl ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人粘蛋白/粘液素5AC(MUC5AC)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Mucin-5 subtype AC,MUC5AC ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人补体1q(C1q)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Complement 1q,C1q ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人神经生长导向因子Slit2 ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Neuronal Chemorepellent Slit2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人可溶性肌球蛋白重链1(sMHC-1)Elisa 检测试剂盒Human soluble myosin heavy chain 1,sMHC-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人抑肽酶(AP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aprotinin,AP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人间隙连接蛋白(Cx)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Connexin,Cx ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人踝蛋白(talin)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human talin ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人凝胶原蛋白(gelson)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human gelson ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人抗淋巴细胞球蛋白(ALG)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human anti-lymphocyte globulin,ALG ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人衰变加速因子(DAF/CD55)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human decay-accelerating activity,DAF ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人血栓前体蛋白(TpP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human thrombus precursor protein,TpP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人神经肽Y(NP-Y)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human neuropeptide Y,NP-Y ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人结蛋白(Des)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human desmin,Des ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人肌球蛋白(Myosin)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Myosin ELISA Kit 96T/48T

 人高迁移率族蛋白1(HMG-1)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human High mobility group protein 1,HMG-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白2(AQP-2)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 2,AQP-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白0(AQP-0)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 0,AQP-0 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白1(AQP-1)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 1,AQP-1 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白3(AQP-3)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 3,AQP-3 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白4(AQP-4)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 4,AQP-4 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人水通道蛋白5(AQP-5)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Aquaporin 5,AQP-5 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人髓磷脂碱性蛋白(MBP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human myelin basic protein,MBP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人铜蓝蛋白(CP/CER)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Ceruloplasmin,CP/CER ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人α1酸性糖蛋白(α1-AGP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human α1-Acid glycoprotein,α1-AGP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人结合珠蛋白/触珠蛋白(Hpt/HP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Haptoglobin,Hpt/HP ELISA KIT 96T/48T  

 人类白细胞抗原B27(HLA-B27)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human leucocyte antigen B27,HLA-B27 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人的牛血清白蛋白残留检测ELISA 检测试剂盒Human rudimental bovine serum albumin check-up ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人克拉拉细胞蛋白(CC16) ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human Clara cell protein,CC16 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A(SP-A)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Pulmonary surfatcant-associated protein A,SP-A ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人碳酸酐酶2(CA-2)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human carbonic anhydrase 2,CA-2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人乳铁传递蛋白/乳铁蛋白(LF/LTF)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Lactoferrin,LTF/LF ELISA kit 96T/48T  

 人高密度脂蛋白(HDL)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human High density lipoprotein,HDL ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人N-乙酰基-丝氨酰-天门冬酰-赖氨酰-脯氨酸(AcSDKP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human N-Acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro,AcSDKP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白6(LRP-6)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human low-density lipoprotein-receptor-related protein,LRP-6 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human High density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人P钙黏蛋白/胎盘钙黏蛋白(P-cad)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Placenta Cadherin,P-cad ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人α1抗胰糜蛋白酶(AACT)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Alpha1 Antichymotrypsin,AACT ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人γ肽(Pγ)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Peptide γ,Pγ ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人α2巨球蛋白(α2-MG)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human α2 macroglobulin,α2 MG ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人α乳清蛋白(α-La)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human α Lactalbumin,α-La ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人β2糖蛋白(β2-GP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human beta2 glycoprotein,β2-GP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人淀粉样前体蛋白(βAPP)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human β amyloid precursor protein,βAPP ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人β连环蛋白/联蛋白(β-Cat)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human β catenin,β-Cat ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人β乳球蛋白(β-Lg)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human β Lactoglobulin,β-Lg ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人β乳糖蛋白抗体IgG ELISA 检测试剂盒Human β anti-galactan proteins IgG ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人阿拉伯半乳糖蛋白(AGPs)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human arabinogalactan proteins,AGPs ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人血清白蛋白(HSA)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human sreum albumin,HSA ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人广谱细胞角蛋白(P-CK)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human pan-cytokeratin,P-CK ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人表面活性蛋白D(SP-D)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Surfactant Protein D,SP-D ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人波形蛋白(VIM)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human vimentin,VIM ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人玻连蛋白/体外粘连蛋白(VN/CD51+CD61)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human vitronectin,VNR ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人空泡毒素相关蛋白A(VacA)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Vacuolating cytotoxin A,VacA ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人胆囊收缩素/缩胆囊素八肽(CCK-8)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human cholecystokinin octapeptide,CCK-8 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 脂联素抗体人雌激素诱导蛋白PS2 ELISA 检测试剂盒Human Estrogen-induced protein pS2 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人高速泳动蛋白17(HMG-17)ELISA 检测试剂盒 Human high mobility group protein 17,HMG-17 ELISA Kit 96T/48T  

 人低分子量细胞角蛋白(CK-LMW)ELISA 检测试剂盒Human cytokeratin Low Molecular Weight,CK-LMW ELISA Kit 96T/48T  


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脂联素抗体?说明书由上海一研生物科技有限公司为您提供,货号EY000204,规格:0.1ml/100μg 0.2ml/200μg ,CAS号:详见说明书,如您想了解更多关于脂联素抗体?说明书价格、脂联素抗体?说明书结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应脂联素抗体?说明书外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,上海一研客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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