
供货周期: 现货
品牌: CST
规格: g/mg
货号: XY-1969R
关注展位 全部试剂



 浓缩液(1mg/1ml) 亲和纯化抗体


WB=1:100-500 Elisa =1:200-1000 IP=1:20-100 IHC=1:100-500    (石蜡切片需做抗原修复)


    Laminins are basement membrane components thought to mediate the attachment, migration and organization of cells into tissues during embryonic development by interacting with other extracellular matrix components. Laminin 5 is an isoform composed of three distinct subunits, alpha 3, beta 3 and gamma 2, which are bound to each other in a cross-shaped molecule by disulphide bonds. It is a complex glycoprotein thought to be involved in cell adhesion via integrin alpha-3/beta-1 in focal adhesion and integrin alpha-6/beta-4 in hemidesmosomes. It is also involved in signal transduction via tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125-FAK and p80, and differentiation of keratinocytes. 
    The laminin alpha 3 subunit is also thought to be a component of laminin 6 and laminin 7. 
    mol wt:190kDa(human, rat) 367kDa(mo) 
    Other Aliases: 
    Laminin alpha 3; LAMA3; LAMNA; Laminin subunit alpha-3; Laminin-5 subunit alpha; Laminin-6 subunit alpha; Laminin-7 subunit alpha; Epiligrin 170 kDa subunit; E170; Epiligrin subunit alpha; Kalinin subunit alpha; Nicein subunit alpha, BM600; LOCS.) 

[FUNCTION] Binding to cells via a high affinity receptor, laminin is thought to mediate the attachment, migration and organization of cells into tissues during embryonic development by interacting with other extracellular matrix components. [FUNCTION] Laminin-5 is thought to be involved in (1) cell adhesion via integrin alpha-3/beta-1 in focal adhesion and integrin alpha-6/beta-4 in hemidesmosomes, (2) signal transduction via tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125-FAK and p80, (3) differentiation of keratinocytes. [SUBUNIT] Laminin is a complex glycoprotein, consisting of three different polypeptide chains (alpha, beta, gamma), which are bound to each other by disulfide bonds into a cross-shaped molecule comprising one long and three short arms with globules at each end. Alpha-3 is a subunit of laminin-5 (laminin-332 or epiligrin/kalinin/nicein), laminin-6 (laminin-311 or K-laminin) and laminin-7 (laminin-321 or KS-laminin). [SUBCELLULAR LOCATION] Secreted, extracellular space, extracellular matrix, basement membrane. Note=Major component. [ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS] Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=2; Name=2; Synonyms=B; IsoId=Q16787-2; Sequence=Displayed; Name=1; Synonyms=A; IsoId=Q16787-1; Sequence=VSP_035738, VSP_035739. [TISSUE SPECIFICITY] Skin; respiratory, urinary, and digestive epithelia and in other specialized tissues with prominent secretory or protective functions. Epithelial basement membrane, and epithelial cell tongue that migrates into a wound bed. A differential and focal expression of the subunit alpha-3 is observed in the CNS. [INDUCTION] Laminin-5 is up-regulated in wound sites of human skin. [DOMAIN] The alpha-helical domains I and II are thought to interact with other laminin chains to form a coiled coil structure. [DOMAIN] Domain G is globular. [DISEASE] Defects in LAMA3 are a cause of epidermolysis bullosa junctional Herlitz type (H-JEB) [MIM:226700]; also known as junctional epidermolysis bullosa Herlitz-Pearson type. JEB defines a group of blistering skin diseases characterized by tissue separation which occurs within the dermo-epidermal basement membrane. H-JEB is a severe, infantile and lethal form. Death occurs usually within the first six months of life. Occasionally, children survive to teens. H-JEB is marked by bullous lesions at birth and extensive denudation of skin and mucous membranes that may be hemorrhagic. [DISEASE] Defects in LAMA3 are the cause of laryngoonychocutaneous syndrome (LOCS) [MIM:245660]. LOCS is an autosomal recessive epithelial disorder confined to the Punjabi Muslim population. The condition is characterized by cutaneous erosions, nail dystrophy and exuberant vascular granulation tissue in certain epithelia, especially conjunctiva and larynx. [SIMILARITY] Contains 15 laminin EGF-like domains. [SIMILARITY] Contains 5 laminin G-like domains. [SIMILARITY] Contains 1 laminin IV type A domain. [SIMILARITY] Contains 1 laminin N-terminal domain

xy-2430R APJ Receptor血管紧缩素样蛋白1抗体

xy-2432R APG7自噬相关蛋白7抗体

xy-11071R ANTXR2炭疽毒素受体2抗体

xy-4008R ATG4C自噬相关蛋白4C抗体

xy-4005R APG5L自噬蛋白5/细胞凋亡的特异性蛋白抗体


xy-4006R ARSA芳基硫酸酯酶A抗体

xy-2249R ACA11拟南芥ACA11抗体

xy-2247R AHA3AHA3抗体(拟南芥)

xy-3064R Phospho-ATP1A1 (Ser23)磷酸化钠钾ATP酶蛋白a1抗体

xy-5436R phospho-ASK1 (Ser83)磷酸化细胞凋亡信号调节激酶1抗体

xy-5162R AADACL1中性胆固醇酯水解酶1抗体

xy-1612R Astrocyte人星形胶质细胞抗体

xy-2406R Aldolase A醛缩酶A抗体

xy-1471R Annexin VI膜粘连蛋白6抗体

xy-0872R beta-Amyloid(25-35)β淀粉样肽(25-35)抗体

xy-1707R Angiotensin I血管紧张素I抗体

xy-0995R Adrenomedullin肾上腺髓质素抗体(N端20肽)

xy-1442R Arfaptin 2ADP核糖基化因子结合蛋白2抗体

xy-1705R AVPR2精氨酸加压素受体2抗体

xy-6741R ASC凋亡相关斑点样蛋白ASC抗体

xy-2754R Afadin丝状肌动蛋白结合蛋白抗体

xy-1636R Antithrombin III 抗凝血酶3抗体

xym-0945M Serum albumin (3F4)人血清白蛋白单克隆抗体

xy-2688R ApoA4载脂蛋白A4抗体

xy-2201R phospho-GEF H1 (Ser886)磷酸化Rho鸟苷酸交换因子2抗体

xy-3072R phospho-Afadin (Ser1721)磷酸化丝状肌动蛋白结合蛋白抗体

xy-12526R ARPC1A肌动蛋白相关蛋白2/3亚型1A抗体

xy-9749R ANKRD32锚蛋白重复结构域蛋白32抗体

xy-9754R ATXN7L3B共济失调7样蛋白3B抗体

xy-9107R POP1感染性蛋白唯一蛋白1抗体

xy-9136R ASB5含锚蛋白重复序列-细胞因子信号抑制物盒蛋白家族5抗体

xy-4733R ABP1植物生长激素ABP1抗体

xy-8450R phospho-ATF2 (Thr55)磷酸化活化复制因子2抗体

xy-10465R ADRA1Balpha 1肾上腺素能受体B抗体

xy-15533R Bcl-2 alphaBcl2 alpha蛋白抗体

xy-9757R BAT5白细胞抗原B相关转录蛋白5抗体

xy-9294R BTBD1BTB/POZ结构域蛋白1(丙型肝炎病毒的NS5A反转录蛋白8)抗体

xy-9298R BCL7BBCL7B蛋白抗体

xy-9293R BNC2碱性核蛋白2(锌指蛋白basonuclin2)抗体

xy-9763R BCL7CB细胞白血病/淋巴瘤蛋白7抗体

xy-6311R BSCL2先天性脂肪代谢障碍蛋白2抗体(常染色体显性遗传痉挛性截瘫17)

xy-7526R BTG1B细胞迁移基因1抗体

xy-11710R BEAN1脊髓小脑共济失调蛋白BEAN1抗体

xy-12559R B7-H6B7H6蛋白抗体

xy-1418R BOb-1B细胞特异性转录因子抗体

xy-1485R BIN1桥连整合因子蛋白抗体

xy-0612R BADH2BADH2抗体(水稻)

xym-2011M BCHE(1E8)丁酰胆碱酯酶单克隆抗体

xy-2063R phospho-beta catenin (Tyr142)磷酸化β 连环素蛋白抗体

xy-2065R Beta-lactoglobulinβ-乳球蛋白抗体

xy-2064R Beta-lactoglobulinβ-乳球蛋白抗体

xy-2422R BDKRB2缓激肽B2受体抗体

xy-0986R Butyrylcholinesterase (NT)丁酰胆碱酯酶抗体(N端)

xy-0987R BCHE (CT)丁酰胆碱酯酶抗体(C端)


xym-0910M Batroxobin(5H4)巴曲霉毒素单克隆抗体

xy-0911R Batroxobin蛇毒巴曲酶抗体

xy-0917R BrdU溴脱氧尿苷抗体

xy-9114R BAGE2肿瘤/睾丸抗原2.2抗体

xy-9115R BAGE3肿瘤/睾丸抗原2.3抗体

xy-9116R BAGE4肿瘤/睾丸抗原2.4抗体

xy-0044R BNP脑钠素/利钠肽抗体

xy-1089R B-RafB Raf抗体

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