
供货周期: 现货
品牌: 甄准
规格: 咨询甄准
货号: 咨询甄准
CAS号: 咨询甄准
关注展位 全部试剂



英文品名:L-Argi nine/Urea/Ammonia Assay Kit

规格型号:150 assays - 50 of each component

For the specific and rapid assay of L-Argi nine, urea and ammonia ingrape juice/must and wine.


The addition of nutrient supplements to grape juice prior to/duringfermentation can now be managed accurately in terms of Yeast AvailableNitrogen (YAN). YAN is especially important to quantitate accurately, astoo little available nitrogen can result in sluggish or “stuck”fermentation, and the generation of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas, whiletoo much nitrogen, such as in the form of diammonium phosphate (DAP),can lead to the formation of the carcinogenic compound ethyl carbamate,especially where starting levels of

L-Argi nine in the juice are high.

Total YAN (YANT) is comprised of three components:

(a) free ammonium ions1,

(b) primary amino nitrogen (PAN, from free amino acids)2, and

(c) the contribution from the side chain of L-Argi nine (after

hydrolysis by yeast arginase that creates ornithine and urea)1.

All three components must therefore be measured accurately before

any informed decision can be made regarding the addition of extra

YAN in the form of DAP or yeast extract (permitted nutrient

supplements). The YAN from ammonia and L-Argi nine (YANAG)

(a plus c) can be conveniently and rapidly determined using the

Megazyme L-Argi nine/Urea/Ammonia kit (K-LARGE); the PAN

component of YAN (b) is measured using the Megazyme

Primary Amino Nitrogen kit (K-PANOPA). Total YAN is

determined using both the K-PANOPA and K-LARGE kits, but

because both measure the primary amino group of L-Argi nine, this

has to be allowed for in the calculations (see page 7-8 of this


The rapid assay procedure (K-LARGE) described in this booklet enablesthe determination of both ammonium ions and L-Argi nine in a simplesequential format. Urea can also be quantified by this procedure, andthe levels of this compound should be minimised to prevent significantproduction of ethyl carbamate.


Kits suitable for performing 50 assays are available from Megazyme. Thekits contain the full assay method plus:

Bottle 1: Buffer (18 mL, pH 8.0) plus sodium azide

(0.02% w/v) as

a preservative.

Stable for

大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 2: NADPH. Lyophilised powder.

Stable for 大于5 years at -20°C.

Bottle 3: Gluta mate dehydrogenase suspension (1.1 mL).

Stable for

大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 4: Urease solution (2.7 mL).

Stable for

大于2 years at -20°C.

Bottle 5: Arginase suspension (1.1 mL).

Stable for

大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 6: Ammonia (0.04 mg/mL) standard solution.

Stable for

大于2 years at 4°C.

Bottle 7: L-Argi nine powder (2 g) standard.

Stable for

大于2 years stored dry at 4°C.





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