



AUSTAR First Signed Intelligent System Consulting Service

       Last month, AUSTAR signed a contract to provide intelligent system integrated consulting service aiming at the construction of intelligent pharmaceutical company, through upgrading of automatic production system,increasing production management,electronic batch records management,laboratory information management and security management system module,to realize automation and information management in the whole factory, and to promote the product quality, supply safe,effective and high quality medicines for domestic and abroad.

       We provide advice,guidance and compliance of the overall control to the technical project,to meet the expectations and demands of domestic and foreign GxP regulations on the reliability of computerized systems and data,and also offer conceptual design in computerized system of API product process.

       With the promotion of China made 2025, especially the 19th National Congress of CPC proposed "Accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing, and promote integration of the internet, big data, artificial intelligence and real economy", the industrial manufacturing industry ushered in the era of intelligent manufacturing. AUSTAR keeps up with the pace of development of the society, according to the characteristics of the industry,we enlarge the construction and promotion in the field of intelligent providing consulting service to speed up and increase efficiency in pharmaceutical industry.This project marks the success of AUSTAR and he is getting on his way of intelligence and automation in pharmaceutical industry.



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