

型号: DAGE 4300FP
产地: 英国
品牌: 诺信达格
关注展位 全部仪器
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4300FP - Semi-automatic Wafer Bump Testing 

The Nordson DAGE 4300FP eliminates manual handling of expensive wafers. It improves cleanliness through isolation of bondtester and wafer handler and increases productivity through semi-automatic testing.  


  • Shear testing using Nordson DAGE's patented air bearing frictionless intelligent load cell system

  • Fully automatic wafer handling via customer's third party robot handler (SMIF/FOUP) equipment

  • Wafer handler and bondtester can operate in isolated environment with minimum operator interaction

  • Joystick manipulation of 100% of wafer surface under test head without repositioning of wafer

  • Semi-automatic test routines using 2 reference points (no camera system required) per wafer enable bondtesting to the entire wafer surface without repositioning

  • 460mm x 300mm  XY stage with robot compatible chuck.  Pneumatically operated pins allow wafer exchange using a robot handler

  • 360 degree load tool rotation - optional

  • Automatic calibration and linearity checks

  • Integrated analysis including statistics and SPC functions

  • ODBC compliant

聚擘国际贸易(上海)有限公司为您提供诺信达格DAGE4300FP半自动晶圆凸块测试系统,诺信达格DAGE 4300FP产地为英国,属于其它试验机,除了DAGE4300FP半自动晶圆凸块测试系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供诺信达格Nordson DAGE多功能推拉力测试机DAGE4000、诺信达格Nordson DAGE多功能推拉力测试机DAGE4000Plus、DAGE4000Optima多功能推拉力测试机,聚擘客服电话400-860-5168转3510,售前、售后均可联系。

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聚擘国际贸易(上海)有限公司为您提供诺信达格DAGE4300FP半自动晶圆凸块测试系统,诺信达格DAGE 4300FP产地为英国,属于其它试验机,除了DAGE4300FP半自动晶圆凸块测试系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供诺信达格Nordson DAGE多功能推拉力测试机DAGE4000、诺信达格Nordson DAGE多功能推拉力测试机DAGE4000Plus、DAGE4000Optima多功能推拉力测试机,聚擘客服电话400-860-5168转3510,售前、售后均可联系。
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