

型号: LIMO Industrial Laser Systems
产地: 德国
品牌: LIMO
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Industry Laser System(ILS) For Pumping

All LIMO diode laser modules can also be offered as complete systems. A laser system consists of laser module, chiller, thermal management and driver. We provide your laser system optional with monitor diode, pilot beam and protection filter. Due to the compact design (all-in-one) and easy mechanical and electrical interfaces your complete system is immediately ready for use.



Industrial Laser Systems (ILS) for Materials Processing

Many conventional materials processing techniques are increasingly replaced by innovative laser technology in the automotive industry and the medical technology industry. Even the Photovoltaics (PV), semiconductor industry and Flat Panel Display (FPD) manufacturing, packaging industry and electronics benefit from laser technology.

LIMO lasers are used for welding and cutting applications of plastics and metal as well as in many other manufacturing processes (e.g. annealing, tempering or soldering).

Benefits of LIMO's industrial laser systems:

·    Compact and modular design (all-in-one)

·    Easy to integrate

·    Process tools including accessories for process reliability

Application examples:

·    Laser materials processing of plastics with high-power diode lasers

·    Laser materials processing of metals with high-power diode lasers

·    Cutting of metal with kW diode lasers

·    Thin film materials processing with high-power diode lasers

·    10 Bar Industrial Laser System (ILS), water-cooled



kW Diode Laser Systems

LIMO developed the high-performance DIOCUT lasers system with a kilowatt output power, especially for cutting of metal.

The energy-efficient DIOCUT laser system consumes – in eight hour constant operation – approx. 20% less energy than a comparable fiber laser. The higher level of effectiveness leads to a reduced energy consumption: approx. 30% socket efficiency including cooling. A high end beam shaping with the DIOCUT system also ensures efficient fiber coupling and, as a result, reduces energy consumption.

 Further benefits of LIMO's DIOCUT system:

·    Compact and modular design (all-in-one)

·    Easy and fast to integrate

·    Maintenance-free by use of passive cooling

·    Process tools (e.g. cutting head) including accessories for process reliability

The system is especially ideal for cutting construction steel and stainless steel as well as aluminum and nonferrous metal, because it allows better cutting quality. The cutting edge roughness (Rz) of six millimeter thick stainless steel is 10 μm ± 5 μm with a piece.

Further information about metal cutting with LIMO's DIOCUT laser systems

We develop your customized system: from project planning to integration in your production line. Please ask also for our technical services!

The kW diode laser systems are also suitable for welding applications (e.g. deep penetration welding).



Process Tools for Materials Processing

LIMO offers optional process heads for laser materials processing: cutting and welding of plastics and metal. According to your requirements the process heads can be provided with:

·    Process gas supply

·    Power measurement

·    Pyrometer

·    CCD-Camera

Further accessories for your diode laser system:

·    Control and monitoring software for process and functional monitoring as well as process visualization

·    Devices: handling systems (e.g. for component handling) and jigs (e.g. rotation axis for tubes)

·    Fibers for laser materials processing. 

聚擘国际贸易(上海)有限公司为您提供LIMO工业激光系统LIMO Industrial Laser Systems,LIMOLIMO Industrial Laser Systems产地为德国,属于激光产品,除了LIMO工业激光系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多激光产品,聚擘客服电话400-860-5168转3510,售前、售后均可联系。


聚擘国际贸易(上海)有限公司为您提供LIMO工业激光系统LIMO Industrial Laser Systems,LIMOLIMO Industrial Laser Systems产地为德国,属于激光产品,除了LIMO工业激光系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多激光产品,聚擘客服电话400-860-5168转3510,售前、售后均可联系。
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