Wako 028-17811 BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8 和光纯药 现货

供货周期: 7天
品牌: 子起生物
型号: 咨询客服
货号: 028-17811
CAS号: 728912-55-8
关注展位 全部试剂

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货


【制造商】Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.



Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货




【保存条件】Keep at RT.

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

【注意事项】This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.

When deacetylated within the cell by esterase, this deacetylated product (see the reaction below) reacts with hydrogen peroxide by fluorescing. As such, it is ideal as a fluorescent indicator of intracellular hydrogen peroxide. This product reacts with hydrogen peroxide more specifically compared to other fluorescent indicators on the market.


Selectively reacts with hydrogen peroxide

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

Membrane permeabilit

Enables monitoring of intracellular hydrogen peroxide

This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.

Highly Selective Fluorescent Probe for Hydrogen Peroxide


Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

Highly selectivity toward H2O2

Permeable to cell membrane

Detectability of cell-derived H2O2

Applicable to Molecular Imaging

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide (O2-.),hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the hydroxyl radical (HO.) are important mediators of pathological processes in various diseases. 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein (DCFH) and its diacetyl derivative have been widely used as fluorescent probes for measuring cell-derived H2O2, but these compounds suffer from the major drawback that they are poorly selective toward H2O2.BES-H2O2 is a probe for cell-derived H2O2 with high selectively. It is applicable to clarifying cell response as well as dynamic function of H2O2 with diseases.

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, DMF and acetonitrileFluorescence:

excitation wavelength: 485 ± 20 nm

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

emission wavelength: 515 ± 20 nm


Maeda, H., Fukuyasu, Y., Yoshida, S., Fukuda, M. Saeki, K.. Matsuno, H., Yamauchi, Y., Yoshida, K., Hirata, K. and Miyamoto, K. : Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 43, 239 (2004).

Maeda, H., Matsuura, S., Nishida, M., Senba, T., Yamauchi, Y. and Ohmori, H.: Chem. Pharm. Bull., 49, 294 (2001).

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货 

上海子起_生物常年提供以下产品 现货或准现货!订购热线:4OO-811-9081

货号   品名     规格  Cas

012-01965   Alminium Oxide   500g     -

012-03305   Ammonium Dihydrogenphosphate  500g     7722-76-1

012-08643   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type B 1mL×5A -

013-08391   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type H 5mL      -

015-14461   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type AN-2  5mL      -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

015-25191   Anti Phosphorylated α-Synuclein, Monoclonal Antibody (pSyn#64)      50ul      -

011-14463   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type AN-2  1mL×5A -

011-19365   2,2'-Azobis[2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)propane]

Dihydrochloride   500g     27776-21-2

016-08641   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type B 5mL      -

016-20001   Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Western Blotting)     50μg     -

016-23281   Anti Rat P2X4, Monoclonal Antibody     50ug     -

017-19362   2,2'-Azobis[2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)propane] Dihydrochloride    25g 27776-21-2

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

018-08721   Agar, Powder     100g     9002-18-0

018-22021   Anti Mouse Ago2, Monoclonal Antibody 100μL    -

019-03435   Ammonium sulfate    500g     7783-20-2

019-19741   Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Immunocytochemistry)    50μg     -

019-22291   Anti Olfactory Marker Protein, Goat      100μL    -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

021-02195   Boric acid     500g     10043-35-3

021-16201   BES-H2O2(Cell-impermeant)   1mg      -

031-17601   Collagenase Type I    100mg   9001-12-1

032-08385   Citric Acid Monohydrate   500g     5949-29-1

032-15372   Casein Phosphopeptide    25g -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

034-06363   N-Caprylic Acid   25mL    124-07-2

034-16111   Cefotaxime Sodium Salt   1g   64485-93-4

035-04595   Creatinine    500g     60-27-5

035-17604   Collagenase Type I    1g   9001-12-1

038-23221   α-Casein, from Bovine Milk, Dephosphorylated  1mg      -

039-01335   Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium Salt   500g     9004-32-4

021-17801   BES-So-AM 1mg      936356-51-3

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

022-07985   γ-Butyrolactone  500mL   96-48-0

025-03195   Buffer Solution Standard (Phosphate pH Standard Equimolal Solution)

pH6.86 (25 degrees C)    500mL   -

047-18863   Dexamethasone 100mg   50-02-2

049-18801   4',6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole Dihydrochloride n-Hydrate      10mg      28718-90-3

058-07681   EasySeparator    1set      -

025-03195   Buffer Solution Standard (Phosphate pH Standard Equimolal Solution)

pH6.86 (25 degrees C)    500mL   -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

019-08393   Amino Acids Mixture Standard Solution, Type H 5Ax1mL -

019-11941   Active Carbon-impregnated Silica Gel   10g -

019-19741   Anti Iba1, Rabbit (for Immunocytochemistry)    50μg     -

025-15481   BES-Thio     1mg      -

026-16371   BF-170  1mg      -

027-01276   Benzyl Alcohol    500mL   100-51-6

028-03185   Buffer Solution Standard (Phthalate pH Standard Solution)

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

pH4.01 (25 degrees C)    500mL   -

028-03205   Buffer Solution Standard (Tetraborate pH Standard Solution)

pH9.18 (25 degrees C)    500mL   -

077-03155   Gelatin   500g     9000-70-8

081-00136   Heparin Sodium  10mu    9041-08-1

088-00705   L-Histidine Hydrochloride Monohydrate      500g     5934-29-2

093-06471   Insulin, Human, recombinant   50mg    -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

097-06474   Insulin, Human, recombinant   1g   11061-68-0

120-04891   L-012    100mg   -

125-05061   Lysyl Endopeptidase, Mass Spectrometry Grade      5x20μg  -

129-02541   Lysyl Endopeptidase( R)   10AU     -

129-04861   LY 294002   5mg      154447-36-6

130-07871   Melibiose     5g   585-99-9

028-16211   BES-So (Cell-impermeant)      1mg      -

028-17811   BES-H2O2-Ac     1mg      -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

029-16361   BF-168  1mg      -

039-23511   CultureSure? Freezing Medium    100ml    -

041-18861   Dexamethasine   1g   50-02-2

042-29445   Dibasic Sodium Phosphate Hydrate 500g     10039-32-4

043-22611   Dextran 200,000 100g     9004-54-0

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

064-05381   Fibroblast Growth Factor (basic)(FGFb / bFGF / FGF2),

Human, recombinant, Animal-derived-free  50ug     106096-93-9

071-02293   gamma-Globulin, from Human Serum   5g   9007-83-4

075-03075   Gellan Gum  500g     71010-52-1

131-00405   Magnesium Sulfate    500g     10034-, 99-8

136-03032   Methyl Red   25g 493-52-7

137-06085   Molecular Sieves 4A1/16  500g     70955-01-0

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

138-07872   Melibiose     25g 585-99-9

145-08221   Nuclease P1 500u     54576-84-0

145-08221   Nuclease P1 500u     54576-84-0

162-09115   Polyethylene Glycol 4,000 500g     25322-68-3

163-03545   Potassium Chloride    500g     7447-40-7

164-21655   N/400 Potassium Polyvinyl Sulfate Solu 500mL   26837-42-3

191-01785   Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate    500g     6132-04-3

193-02041   Glycerol 2-Phosphate Disodium Salt n-Hydrate   100g     819-83-0

195-12854   Streptavidin, from Streptomyces avidinii     5mg      9013-20-1

195-16031   StemSure (R) Freezing Medium     100ml    -

196-00015   Sucrose 500g     57-50-1

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

196-08675   Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate    500g     151-21-3

197-07485   Sodium Sulfate   500g     7757-82-6

199-02825   Sodium Dihydrogenphosphate Dihydrate    500g     13472-35-0

203-17561   Trichostatin A     1mg      58880-19-6

207-00055   L(+)-Tartaric Acid     500g     87-69-4

208-08385   1mol/l Triethylammonium Hydrogencarbonate Solution   500mL   15715-58-9

223-02112   VA-044  25g 27776-21-2

225-02111   VA-044  100g     27776-21-2

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

165-09105   Polyethylene Glycol 2,000 500g     25322-68-3

165-17035   Polyvinylpyrrolidone K 30 500g     9003-39-8

167-09045   Polyethylene Glycol 200   500g     25322-68-3

169-04245   Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate  500g     7778-77-0

169-09125   Polyethylene Glycol 6,000 500g     25322-68-3

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

185-01003   Rifampicin    5g   13292-46-1

186-01114   all-trans-Retinoic Acid 50mg    302-79-4

189-01001   Rifampicin    1g   13292-46-1

190-05535   Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate    500g     6132-04-3

191-01665   Sodium Chloride  500g     7647-14-5

227-01071   Valproic Acid 5g   99-66-1

231-02011   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.52.0  50mL    -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

232-01941   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.42.0  50mL    -

233-01971   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.45.0  50mL    -

234-02001   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.50.0  50mL    -

235-01931   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.41.0  50mL    -

235-02031   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.56.0  50mL    -

236-01961   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.44.0  50mL    -

238-01921   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.40.0  50mL    -

Wako 028-17811  BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8  和光纯药 现货

238-02021   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.54.0  50mL    -

238-02141   Wetting Tension Test Mixture No.73.0  50mL    7732-18-5

253-00513   Y-27632 5mg      331752-47-7

257-00511   Y-27632 1mg      331752-47-7

325-88521   Lipase PS Amano SD  10g -

298-65701   LabAssay? Glucose   1000tests     -

300-93523   Phos-tag (TM) Acrylamide AAL-107      2mg      -

301-93531   Phos-tag (TM) Biotin BTL-104 10mg    -

301-99413   Phos-tagTM Biotin BTL-104 1mM Aqueous Solution[for Campaign]     0.1mL      753451-66-0


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Wako 028-17811 BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8 和光纯药 现货由上海子起生物科技有限公司为您提供,货号028-17811 ,规格:咨询客服,CAS号:728912-55-8,如您想了解更多关于Wako 028-17811 BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8 和光纯药 现货价格、Wako 028-17811 BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8 和光纯药 现货结构式、批发、用途等信息,欢迎咨询。除供应Wako 028-17811 BES-H2O2-Ac 728912-55-8 和光纯药 现货外,还可为您提供其他等试剂,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴,子起生物客户服务电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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