单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene

供货周期: 一周
品牌: 欧洲药典
规格: 咨询客服
货号: 24035890
CAS号: 咨询客服
关注展位 全部试剂

单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene


单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene







单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene

【详细描述】:Graphene with high surface area

Preparation Method Thermal exfoliation reduction + Hydrogen reduction          

BET surface area (m2/g) 400~1000

Electrical resistivity (Ω?cm)     ≤0.30

单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene

Dispersible property Can be redispersed in most solvents with the help of sonication

Dispersible Graphene is prepared by completely reducing graphene oxide, which is prepared by the modified Hummer’s method.

The more common method of production creates a denser graphene that is subject to aggregations.

The resulting graphene agglomerate is not soluble or redispersable in water or other polar solvents, making further processing difficult.

Our Dispersible Graphene avoids this problem and can be redispersed in many solvents.

How to disperse the Single Layer Graphene into Aqueous Systems?

单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene

The SLG product produced by ACS Material has no functional groups on the surface, and it can be dispersed in water or ethanol with a dispersion aid. These two dispersion aids have been proven to be useful:

1) Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS)

2) Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)

单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene
Add dispersant to water, and then add single layer graphene with the use of an ultrasonic mixer. The addition rate of single layer graphene should be carefully controlled until the desired concentration is achieved. Experiments are needed to determine the appropriate quantity of dispersant in your system, but in our experience with water, 10mg/ml dispersant is preferred. The sonication time should be 15+ minutes. If you notice some settling, assuming you have not attempted to over-concentrate the dispersion, the graphene can be redispersed with the aid of sonication. The maximum concentration of single layer graphene in water is about 0.1 mg/ml with SDBS as dispersant, or 100mg/l.

 单层石墨烯 SingleLayerGraphene



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