Comparison of Corrosion Rate Calculated by EFM, LPR, and EIS

2015-05-22 15:07  下载量:2



We were recently bringing some new engineering and production employees up-to-speed on electrochemistry, since they had never seen an electrochemical cell in action. So, we quickly threw together a PTC1 Paint Test Cell with a PortHole Sample Mask (3cm2) on a mild steel sample as the working electrode and filled it with some KCl solution that was handy. We think that the concentration was about 0.5M, but no one knows for sure. By the time the demonstration was over, we realized that we had measured the corrosion rate of the mild steel by three different techniques; Polarization Resistance, EIS, and our newest technique, Electrochemical Frequency Modulation, or EFM for short. If we had known that the results were going to be so good, we would have taken more care in setting up the experiment! Nonetheless, what follows are the results of that hastily thrown together demo.



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