其它行业专用ProLink Express

其它行业专用ProLink Express

型号: ProLink Express
产地: 德国
品牌: Hudson Robotics
关注展位 全部仪器

ProLink Express- Fully Automated Proteomics Workcell
The ProLink Express represents a breakthrough in integrating laboratory instruments  that has changed the way researchers use automation. It is the first fully automated proteomics workcell. that integrates all plate delivery and transfer operations with complete data tracking. It automates the entire protein expression process, from initial bacterial colony picking through final protein expression and measurement. The ProLink Express system is capable of delivering a plate to any of its instruments from any other instrument, in any order and simultaneously with other processes.
The ProLink Express is designed so that colony picking, growth, DNA prep and expression can be run individually or sequentially. All instrumentation faces outward so any component can be used manually. It is powered by our opportunistic SoftLinx scheduling software, which finds the most efficient ways to perform processes simultaneously.  A user can run multiple batches in different stages of the process at the same time, or run any instrument individually while operating another, fully automated run.
The ProLink Express integrates an automated colony picker with an incubator and a plasmid DNA prep system. A researcher can start with bacterial colony plates, isolate individual colonies into culture plate wells, grow the individual colonies and then extract the DNA plasmids in one seamless automated process without any human intervention. The system also provides the capability to re-attach DNA inserts onto expression vectors and perform in vitro or in vivo protein expression and detection.
The features and benefits of the ProLink Express make it simply remarkable – and offer multiple application opportunities within molecular biology. The ProLink Express gives the researcher an unprecedented level of flexibility and modularity not available from any other integrated laboratory system on the market today.
Protein Expression: The ProLink Express is the world’s first FULLY automated proteomics workcell. This unique system is the first robot system to integrate all plate-delivery and transfer operations, together with fully-automated data tracking, from initial bacterial colony picking all the way through final protein expression and measurement. ProLink Express links together all the components needed for DNA expression of gene libraries. It will enable automated gene expression for functional genomics, gene improvement or any other type of genomic research involving bacterial cultures, DNA prep and protein expression.
Gene Assembly: ProLink Express’ inherent plate delivery, liquid handling, thermocycler and absorbance reader instruments provide PCR gene-assembly capacity with a throughput greater than that of any other system today, thanks to SoftLinx software’s ability to process multiple plates through different stages of the process simultaneously.
Monoclonal Antibody Development and Production: The ProLink Express is ideal for monoclonal antibody development. ProLink ‘s remarkable capacity to perform multiple processes simultaneously will rapidly, and accurately, identify and isolate hybridomas producing desired monoclonal antibodies. The ProLink Express will process these cells through the elaborate series of repetitive steps required to statistically isolate the desired hybridomas automatically, keeping track in its database of every sample in every well throughout the process.
The ProLink Express relieves technicians of the burden of what is usually a mind-numbing, error-prone process of repeated dilutions and analyses of the multiplexed hybridoma population to eventually get them down to a single type in a microplate well through dilution cloning.
ELISAs: With its in-line room-temperature and controlled-temperature incubators, reagent dispensers, pipettors, plate-handlers and plate readers (including seal-piercing and/or lid-handling capability), the ProLink Express is ready-made to perform ELISAs of nearly any description or complexity. Multiple incubation steps and complicated reagent and conjugate requirements are no problem for the multi-tasking flexibility or the ProLink Express.
Protein Expression & Purification
Hudson offers a wide range of instrumentation to support the entire range of protocols commonly encountered when preparing peptides and proteins.  From liquid handlers to support PCR through vast, multi-component systems to support an entire research effort.
The ProLink Express links all the components needed for DNA expression of gene libraries. It enables automated gene expression for functional genomics, gene improvements and any other type of genomic research involving bacterial cultures, DNA prep and protein expression.  The ProLink Express has many valuable features not found in other systems:
Optimizes laboratory processes and equipment usage
Designed to fit into available lab space
Allows independent as well as manual access to and operation of all major system instruments
Capable of delivering a plate to any of its instruments from any other instrument, in any order and simultaneously with other processes
Includes Hudson Robotics’s SoftLinx software, which provides an easy-to-use interface to coordinate the ProLink Express? operation with other automated instruments; the software will enable the user to take full advantage of this system feature, which is unique in the lab automation industry.
Hudson’s ProLink Express is a modular, flexible automation system that permits its users to include or bypass any instrument or instrument group within any method the user may wish to run. Taking advantage of SoftLinx’ extensive library of third-party instrument drivers, virtually any robot-compatible lab instrument on the market can become part of a ProLink system. ProLink is fully scalable, so that users can start with small workcells then expand them to include more instruments in a growing automation system, yet without sacrificing the usefulness and simplicity of each original smaller workcell.
Typical functional subsystems include:
Colony-picking, sealing and cell outgrowth
Cell pelletting, media aspiration and re-suspension
DNA prep, purification and yield measurement
PCR reaction preparation and running
Transformations/transfections and cell recovery
In vivo/in vitro protein expression
Protein purification and measurement

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锘海生物科学仪器(上海)有限公司为您提供Hudson Robotics其它行业专用ProLink Express,Hudson RoboticsProLink Express产地为德国,属于其它行业专用,除了其它行业专用ProLink Express的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多其它行业专用,锘海生物科学客服电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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