用于Nd:YAG激光器的镜片 Optics for Nd:YAG Lasers

用于Nd:YAG激光器的镜片 Optics for Nd:YAG Lasers

供货周期: 现货
品牌: 泰德克斯
货号: 4794370
关注展位 全部耗材

Optics for Nd:YAG Lasers

资料下载:Download OOptics for Nd:YAG Lasers Datasheet (PDF, 172 KB)

Tydex offers various optics for Nd:YAG lasers which in parallel with CO2-lasers has found high spreading. Unique properties of these lasers - wavelength tuning from UV to near IR range, possibility to achieve high energy in pulse, high power in CW mode, and others make them the key laser source for different applications - industry, medicine, and research.

Together with K8 glass (analogue of Schott's BK7) majority of optical components here are made from UV Fused Silica - Russian quartz glass KU-1. Synthetic origin of the material manufactured by flame hydrolysis of SiCI4 results in high perfection and homogeneity; it is practically free of inclusions, bubbles, and other internal defects. High purity of the material together with relatively low refractive index allow achieving high transmission in UV and VIS ranges. The edges of transmission interval are 160nm and 4350nm, in VUV and IR, respectively, with OH absorption band at wavelength diapason 2600-2800nm. Analogues of quartz glass KU-1 are Suprasil (Heraeus), Spectrosil (Saint-Gobain) and Corning 7940 (Corning).

It should be said especially that in handling with these materials Tydex capacity is enough good vertically integrated. We use high quality raw material produced in Russia on time-proved technology existing from Soviet times. Our polishing process, electron beam coating technology, testing instruments and metrology tools, all of this results in high marketability of Tydex's goods in this field.

For the components various coatings emphasizing both lasing (1064nm, 1319nm) and a triple of non-linear crystals created wavelengths (532nm, 355nm, 266nm) are available.

Depending on customer needs Tydex offers the following parts:

—— Lenses

—— Windows

—— Mirrors

—— Scanning mirrors

—— Beamsplitters

—— Prisms


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