
on 8th of march delmic held an iclem workshop together with max planck institute for marine microbiology in bremen. the participants had a chance to learn about iclem, its possibilities and advantages. additionally, they were able to see the secom, iclem platform, at work. in the evening, the speakers together with the participants had a dinner in the historical centre of bremen. 

the workshop started with the talk by sangeetha hari, delmic application specialist, who gave an in-depth presentation about iclem, possibilities of the secom, and covered the existing research done using the delmic system. a lot of questions and discussions were focused on the sample preparation. due to a small number of the participants, sangeetha was able to discuss specific samples and give advice about the preparation steps (to learn more about sample preparation read our white paper). later, during the hands-on sessions, she showed the system at work and demonstrated the possibilities of iclem using different samples.

sten littmann, who works at the institute and studies the marine microorganisms, gave a presentation about various meth-ods of ana-lyz-ing single cells. he described how in their project they develop labeling and imaging methods, combining different types of microscopy, which helps them gather data about microorganisms. during the hands-on sessions sten showed the participants around the facility and demonstrated raman system and nanosims.

the participants of the workshop came from different fields and had a background in different disciplines and therefore had lively discussions about various applications of iclem.

here is what some of the participants had to say about the workshop:

i liked it, the venue was nice (nice laboratory, interesting biological work going on there), and i thought it was very exciting to meet the different disciplines. <...> in this small informal setting one really has the potential to discuss among each other how samples are processed for different types of approaches.”



当前位置: 德尔微 动态 delmic在马普MPI(Bremen)成功举办iCLEM集成光电联用研讨会


