细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms)

细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms)

型号: VenaFlux Platforms
产地: 意大利
关注展位 全部仪器

细胞微流体工作站VenaFlux (VenaFlux Platforms)是Cellix公司目前最受客户欢迎的一套系统,提供在活细胞水平上微流体活性筛选的完整解决方案。操作简单,分析效率高,可大大提高药品的开发和筛选效率。


VenaFlux 系统是第一个能进行连续流体细胞分析的半自动化微流体分析系统。配合使用Cellix生物芯片和细胞分析软件,VenaFlux 系统可检测粘附到微毛细管上的细胞,微毛细管中覆盖抗体或者培养有内皮细胞,模拟生理流动产生一定的剪切力。


VenaFlux 系统操作简单,可减少耗时耗钱的动物模型实验,获得特异性强,准确性高,重复性好的结果。


VenaFlux 流体细胞分析仪产品特点:






可做nL到mL 的样品分析;

使用DucoCell 分析软件(DucoCell Analysis Software),可简单快速的调节好显微镜的各项参数;



VenaFluxTM 系统的软件同步调节泵,翻译阶段筛选,图像采集,样品移动和流体控制,各项操作界面均是用户友好型,系统先进又易于操作;


细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms)的主要技术参数:

Microscope Axiovert 40:

Contrast option: Brightfield, Phase, Varel.

Objectives: 10x LD A-Plan, 20x LD A-Plan, 32x CP-Achromat, 40x LD A-Plan

Eyepieces: E-PL 10x/20 Br., 10x/20 Br. foc.

Stage: Vena8 biochip compatible stage holder, Eppendorf tubes holder.

Mirus 1.0 Nanopump

Specifications: Shear Stress Range of 0.05–20 dyne/cm2, 

Volumetric Flow Rates 100nL–20μL/minute (100μL syringe), 

Sample Volume Increments Freely adjustable Linear Velocity Range of 10 μm/s to 10 cm/s; 

Flow Direction Reversible;

Sample Volume Aspiration Accuracy ±1% ; 

Shear Stress Accuracy ±0.5%; 

Sample Volume Aspiration Precision < 1%.

Multichannel: 16-Way manifold allowing individual addressing microchannels of Vena8 biochip.

Microscope Cage incubator:

Capabilities: Temperature control ± 0.10C, CO2 and humidity module.

Options: Temperature monitoring software module, black panels for use in fluorescent microscopy.

Deltapix DP 200 USB 2.0 camera

Specifications: 1.3 Mega Pixels (1,280 x 1,024), Color CDD, 1/2" format, Pixel 5.2 μm x 5.2 μm, 

Resolution: 15 FPS @ 1,280 x 1,024 pixels; 24 FPS @ 1,204 x 768 pixels; 37 FPS @ 800 x 600 pixels; 60 FPS @ 640 x 480 pixels. Dynamic Range > 60 dB.

Dell Optiplex 745 PC computer

Configuration: Intel Core2 processor; 1.86 GHz; 2GB RAM; ATI Radeon X1300PRO; 

Objective Imaging stage control hardware; 19” LCD monitor. 

Windows XP Professional SP2; 

DeltaPix Viewer Software; 

FlowAssay and DucoCell software preinstalled.

FlowAssay Software.

Capabilities: Execution of preset protocols. 

Intuitive stepwise protocol interface with steps hierarchy and status control.

DucoCell software

Specifications: Automatic Counting and Detection; 

Morphological parameters analyzed automatically(Area, diameter, form-factor, ellipticity, eccentricity, orientation, perimeter, asymmetry, cell centroid coordinates, elliptical axis); 

Cell sorting and filtering; 

Ability to analyze sub-populations based on inclusion/exclusion of morphological parameters. 

Data may be exported to Excel spreadsheet incorporating automatic graph generation (e.g. % cell adhesion vs. shear stress). 

File Formats analyzed*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.tif, *.tiff, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png.

Vena8 biochips pack of 10

Specifications: Minimum Sample Volume 3 μL; 

Maximum Sample Volume 100 μL; Shear Stress Range of 0.05– 20 dyne/cm2, steps of 0.05dyne/cm2. 

Number of channels per biochip is 8; 

Volume of each channel is 0.8μL. 

Dead volume at input port is 0.1 μL. Vena8 biochip dimensions are 400 μm (W) x 100 μm (D) x 20 mm(L).




上海玉研科学仪器有限公司为您提供细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms),nullVenaFlux Platforms产地为意大利,属于微流控芯片,除了细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms)的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多微流控芯片,玉研仪器客服电话400-860-5168转4032,售前、售后均可联系。


上海玉研科学仪器有限公司为您提供细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms),nullVenaFlux Platforms产地为意大利,属于微流控芯片,除了细胞微流体工作站 (VenaFlux Platforms)的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多微流控芯片,玉研仪器客服电话400-860-5168转4032,售前、售后均可联系。
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