OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器

OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器

参考价:¥1 - 5万
型号: OG-F-D-...、OG-B-D-/B-B-...、OG-B-R/K-...
产地: 俄罗斯
品牌: 阿维斯塔
关注展位 全部仪器
展位推荐 更多

OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器

  • Compatible with Ti:S and Yb-doped 20-150 MHz ultrafast oscillators

  • Suitable for building Ti:S or Yb ultrafast regenerative amplifiers

  • Possible operating wavelengths from 200 to 2700 nm

  • Rise time down to 700 ps

  • Excellent contrast ratio of >1500:1

  • Transmission of complete system >90%

  • Multifuntional control unit with adjustable delay generator

  • USB control, Windows software+LabView driver


Time-Resolved Ultrafast Studies

    • Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

  • Material and Biological Tissue Processing

    • Ultrafast Micromachining

  • Laser Systems Design, Integration and Amplification

    • Ultrafast Oscillator and Amplifier Pulse Selection

    • Injection/Ejection of Pulses in Ultrafast Amplifier Systems

    • Pulse Slicing for Contrast Increase

    • OEM Integration

    • Q-Switching

  • Ultrafast Laser Diagnostics, Accessories and Components

    • Novel Ultrafast Fiber Laser Development

    • Amplifier Design

    • Automation of Complex Experimental Setups

Electrooptic crystalDKDPBBORTP or KTP
Operational wavelength range (standard models)510-540 nm / 700-1000 nm / 1000-1100 nm / 1250 nm510-540 nm / 700-1000 nm / 1000-1100 nm / 1250 nm1000-1100 nm / 1500-1600 nm / 1550+780 nm
Possible custom wavelengthsfrom 340 to 1280 nmfrom 200 to 2200 nmfrom 1000 to 2700 nm 
Minimum repetition rate of picked pulsessingle-shot
Maximum repetition rate of picked pulses (standard models)1 kHz3 kHz / 10 kHz / 50 kHz / 100 kHz3 kHz / 10 kHz / 50 kHz / 100 kHz / 200 kHz / 1 MHz
Clear aperture6 mm6 mm (up to 20 mm upon request)2.5 mm (up to 5 mm upon request)3.5 mm (up to 10 mm upon request)
HV pulse (gate) shapebell-shaped
HV pulse (gate) length
(at level 10%)
3 ns8 ns
Rise time
(at level 10-90%)
700 ps3.5 ns
Fall time
(at level 90-10%)
2 ns3.5 ns
Pockels cell voltageup to 10 kVup to 4 kVup to 3 kV
Optical schemehalf-wave
(quarter-wave upon request)
half-wave/quarter-wave at λ<600 nm; at λ>600 nm - quarter-wave or half-wave with double crystal cellhalf-wave
(quarter-wave upon request)
Complete system transmission at central wavelength>85% (PC + two Glan-Taylor prisms, default package)
>90% (PC + a Glan-Taylor and a Rochon prism, upon request)
>98% (Pockels cell only) 
Input optical train repetition rate2 MHz …150 MHz with internal or external trigger with optical or electric sync to input train; 1 Hz…2 MHz only with external trigger signal(2)
Sync source for internal trigger modeoptical/electric
Additional control modesby edge / by level / built-in burst generator with internal or external trigger
Channel delay time0...10 us (up to 1 ms upon request)(3)0...1 us (up to 5 us upon request)(3)
Coolingpassive at up to 3 kHz output rate, water-cooled(4) at 10 kHz and higher
(1) - energy ratio of a picked and any non-picked pulse. The given contrast values are valid for adjacent pulses;
(2) - when operating with 1 Hz…2 MHz input pulse train, an external trigger signal must be used. Such a signal must lead the optical pulse by 0.25-3 us, must be rigidly in sync with the pulse to be picked and must have jitter of less than 200 ps;

(3) - maximum channel delay time is defined by maximum repetition rate of picked pulses and cannot exceed the temporal distance between adjacent pulses at this frequency;
(4) - the HV generator unit requires cooling to support operating temperature below 35°C. Water cooling is required when operating at output frequency of 10 kHz and more (water flow 1 L/min, water temp. 20-22°C, tap or building-scale supply may be also be used if permitted). Heating power to be dissipated does not exceed 80 W even at the highest frequencies (a water chiller is not included and may be supplied separately);

青岛森泉光电有限公司为您提供阿维斯塔OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器OG-F-D-...、OG-B-D-/B-B-...、OG-B-R/K-...,阿维斯塔OG-F-D-...、OG-B-D-/B-B-...、OG-B-R/K-...产地为俄罗斯,属于激光产品,除了OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多激光产品,森泉光电客服电话400-860-5168转4131,售前、售后均可联系。


青岛森泉光电有限公司为您提供阿维斯塔OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器OG-F-D-...、OG-B-D-/B-B-...、OG-B-R/K-...,阿维斯塔OG-F-D-...、OG-B-D-/B-B-...、OG-B-R/K-...产地为俄罗斯,属于激光产品,除了OG-B/F 脉冲拾取器的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多激光产品,森泉光电客服电话400-860-5168转4131,售前、售后均可联系。
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