

参考价:¥1 - 5万
型号: OG-V-D、OG-V-B、OG-V-R/K
产地: 俄罗斯
品牌: 阿维斯塔
关注展位 全部仪器
展位推荐 更多


  • Compatible with Ti:S and Yb-doped 20-150 MHz ultrafast oscillators

  • Suitable for building Ti:S or Yb ultrafast regenerative amplifiers

  • Possible operating wavelengths from 200 to 2700 nm

  • Continuous transmission window adjustable from 20 ns to 10 us

  • Transmission >90%

  • HV amplitude up to 10 kV

  • Multifuntional control unit with adjustable delay generator

  • USB control, Windows software+LabView driver


Time-Resolved Ultrafast Studies

    • Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

  • Material and Biological Tissue Processing

    • Ultrafast Micromachining

  • Laser Systems Design, Integration and Amplification

    • Ultrafast Oscillator and Amplifier Pulse Selection

    • Injection/Ejection of Pulses in Ultrafast Amplifier Systems

    • Pulse Slicing for Contrast Increase

    • OEM Integration

    • Q-Switching

  • Ultrafast Laser Diagnostics, Accessories and Components

    • Novel Ultrafast Fiber Laser Development

    • Amplifier Design

    • Automation of Complex Experimental Setups

Electrooptic crystalDKDPBBORTP or KTP
Operational wavelength range (standard models)510-540 nm / 700-1000 nm / 1000-1100 nm / 1250 nm510-540 nm / 700-1000 nm / 1000-1100 nm / 1250 nm1000-1100 nm / 1500-1600 nm / 1550+780 nm
Possible custom wavelengths340 to 1280 nm200 to 2200 nm1000 to 2700 nm 
Minimum repetition rate of picked pulsessingle-shot
Maximum repetition rate of picked pulses (standard models)1 kHz1 kHz / 10 kHz / 50 kHz / 100 kHz
Clear aperture6 mm (up to 20 mm upon request)2.5 mm (up to 5 mm upon request)3.5 mm (up to 10 mm upon request)
HV pulse (gate) shapequasi-rectangular
HV pulse (gate) length
(at level 10%)
20-500 ns, adjustable20-3000 ns, adjustable (up to 10 us upon request)
Rise time
(at level 10-90%)
7 ns
Pockels cell voltageup to 10 kVup to 4 kV
Optical schemehalf-wave
(quarter-wave upon request)
half-wave/quarter-wave at λ<600 nm; at λ>600 nm - quarter-wave or half-wave with double crystal cellhalf-wave
(quarter-wave upon request)
Complete system transmission at central wavelength>85% (PC + two Glan-Taylor prisms, default package)
>90% (PC + a Glan-Taylor and a Rochon prism, upon request)
>98% (Pockels cell only)
Input optical train repetition rate2 MHz …150 MHz with internal or external trigger with optical or electric sync to input train; 1 Hz…2 MHz only with external trigger signal(2)
Sync source for internal trigger modeoptical/electric
Additional control modesby edge / by level / built-in burst generator with internal or external trigger
Channel delay time0...10 us (up to 1 ms upon request)
Coolingpassivepassive at up to 3 kHz output rate, water-cooled(3) at 10 kHz and higher
(1) - energy ratio of a picked and any non-picked pulse. The given contrast values are valid for adjacent pulses. Actual contrast with DKDP crystals is defined by piezoelectric ringing effect and depends on exact operational parameters. The contrast is better when the duration of HV pulse is shorter and HV pulse amplitude is lower.
(2) - when operating with 1 Hz…2 MHz input pulse train, an external trigger signal must be used. Such a signal must lead the optical pulse by 0.25-3 us, must be rigidly in sync with the pulse to be picked and must have jitter of less than 200 ps;

(3) - the HV generator unit requires cooling to support operating temperature below 35°C. Water cooling is required when operating at output frequency of 10 kHz and more (water flow 1 L/min, water temp. 20-22°C, tap or building-scale supply may be also be used if permitted). Heating power to be dissipated does not exceed 80 W even at the highest frequencies (a water chiller is not included and may be supplied separately).



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当前位置: 森泉光电 仪器 OG-V脉冲拾取器


