Low temperature spray dryer - Experiment

Low temperature spray dryer - Experiment

参考价:¥5万 - 10万
型号: 实验型
产地: 上海
品牌: 上海乔枫
关注展位 全部仪器
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Low temperature spray dryer - Experimental machine

  • Experimental low temperature spray dryer;

  • Processing volume 50-1000ml per hour;

  • Incoming wind temperature: 30-140 degrees;

  • It can be upgraded to a high and low temperature spray dryer;


1. 实验型低温喷雾干燥机




2. 某种生物原料用低温喷雾干燥机和高温喷雾干燥机和冷冻干燥机的喷雾过程中物料的活性情况:

Experimental Report

1,Sample introduction


Equipment manufacturer

Treatment process



Freeze drying treatment,-18℃


Shanghai QiaoFeng

Low temperature spray drying,35℃



Purchased capsules



High temperature spray drying

Raw state of material


2Precipitation state after centrifugation 
Condition: 0.1 g, above mentioned powder added SOD extract, 8000g / 10 mins; PDC reagent added and centrifuged, the situation is similar.

(#1 )     (#2)    (#7)       (#8)



 #1 and #8: The pellets in the upper layer of centrifugal precipitation are fine, but there are a few coarse particles in the bottom layer; The overall color of #1 is deeper than #8. Supernatant OD600 after centrifugation [~0.2-0.4].

#2: The particles are fine and there are no coarse particles. Supernatant OD600 after centrifugation [~0.2-0.4].

#7:The whole sample is rough, the texture is uneven, and the color is yellowing; Supernatant OD600 after centrifugation [~1.6-1.8].

Low temperature spray dryer - Experimental machine

3, Protein content of product                


4, PDC enzyme activity measurement
5, SOD enzyme activity measurement

1, From the point of view of physical treatment (uniformity), the treatment effect of low temperature spray drying is the best, and the treatment effect of buying capsule inclusions is the worst. The largest number of colored extracts were purchased from capsule inclusions, and the components and functions of the extracts could not be determined.
2, Compared with dry weight, the PDC enzyme activity of freeze-dried material and low temperature spray drying treatment was the highest. The enzyme activity of high temperature spray drying is about 20% lower than that of low temperature spray drying. The enzyme activity of the capsule was the lowest, which decreased about 85% compared with the low temperature spray drying treatment. Compared with unit protease activity, although the activity of PDC was the highest in low temperature spray drying and freeze-dried treatments, in fact, the four groups of data were similar, reflecting the stability of PDC as the key enzyme for metabolism.
3, Compared with freeze-drying method, the enzyme activity of SOD in low temperature spray drying was the highest, which was about 25% higher than that of freeze-drying. The enzyme activity of the material in the capsule is close to that of the freeze-drying method. The lowest enzyme activity is high temperature spray drying, only about 50% of low temperature spray drying. Compared with the unit protease activity, the material in the capsule has obvious SOD activity, which is the most characteristic, but the activity is easily destroyed in ultrasonic treatment.


Brief conclusion:

  • the uniformity of sample treated by low temperature spray drying is optimal.

  • drying method has little effect on protein content.

  • the lyophilization treatment and the low temperature spray drying treatment had higher enzyme activity.

  • the content of protein in the capsule is the least, and it has high antioxidant activity and very low cellular activity.

  • the way the cells were broken by ultrasound was not conducive to the maintenance of cell activity and antioxidant activity.

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上海乔枫实业有限公司为您提供上海乔枫Low temperature spray dryer - Experiment实验型,上海乔枫实验型产地为上海,属于国产喷雾干燥机,除了Low temperature spray dryer - Experiment的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多喷雾干燥机,上海乔枫干燥客服电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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