
型号: MiniVol
产地: 美国
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MiniVol采用的低流量技术(0-10升/分钟)已被USEPA和Airmetric联合认证。使用PM10和PM2.5切割头碰撞分离不同粒径尘埃颗粒, 同时还可进行气体采样。


空气采样泵:可靠的双头隔膜泵能进行1000小时不停工作,无电刷直流电马达,最大流量10 升/分钟。
材   质:外壳采用聚丙烯共聚物,采样器的控制面板为前门式,便于操作。
外 形 尺寸:  19.75"x12"x18"。
记 时 器:电池可支持7天进行程序工作,每天可进行多达6次采样。
滤   纸:47毫米纤维滤膜(仅用于称重),47毫米Teflon滤膜(用于重量和无机化学分析),47毫米石英滤膜(用于重量和无机化学分析)。
分 离 器:易于取出清洗。
电 气 系统:  恒流控制电路,可变流量调节交/直流操作,记时器,低电池低流量显示及自动关闭。
电   池:携带方便, 配备2个高容量锂电池, 一用一备。每个电池可连续使用60小时,充电时间为6小时。

1. 纤维滤膜:直径47 mm ,50个/盒(重量分析用)
2. 石英滤膜:直径47 mm ,100个/盒(重量及有机化学分析用)
3. 铁氟龙滤膜:直径47 mm ,50个/盒(重量及无机化学分析用)
4. 校正组件,带数字压力

14、USEPA(美国环保总署)USDA(美国农业部)US ARMY(美国军方)


Airmetrics这款仪器的设计理念是"Saturate" ,即在一个地区广泛使用操作简单、相对低成本的过滤采样器,来评估高污染地区和正在开发的区域内的空气质量。

使用 Airmetrics采样器的附加数据,帮助当地的空气污染控制部门评估他们的监测网是否能达到EPA颁布的40CFR Part 58条的规定范围。



PM2.5 Sampling Procedures
For PM2.5 sampling the following changes must be made to the filter holder:

  • Ensure that the multiple impactor adapter with the PM10 impactor (silver) is installed on top of the preseparator assembly, while the PM2.5 impactor (gold) is installed in the preseparator assembly.

  • Clean and lubricate the EMT (Easy Maintenance Target) every 5 sampling periods. The EMT may need to be cleaned more or less frequently depending on the degree of soiling.

  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.

  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that PM2.5 is being sampled rather than PM10 and TSP.

PM10 Sampling Procedures
For PM10 sampling, follow the steps below:

  • Ensure that the PM10 impactor (silver) is installed in the preseparator assembly. The multiple impactor adaptor is not needed, nor is the PM2.5 impactor (gold).

  • Clean and lubricate the EMT (Easy Maintenance Target) every 5 sampling periods. The EMT may need to be cleaned more or less frequently depending on the degree of soiling.

  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.

  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that PM10 is being sampled.

TSP Sampling Procedures
For TSP sampling, the following changes must be made to the filter holder:

  • Remove the impactor(s) from the preseparator assembly and multiple impactor adapter; remove the adapter.

  • Clean the cap and preseparator assembly every 5 sampling periods, or more frequently if soiling is observed.

  • After the sampler has been assembled, calibrated, verified to be in proper working order, and a filter loaded in the filter holder assembly, set flow rate adjustment in accordance with procedures as shown in the Operation Manual.

  • Follow all other procedures in the Operation Manual, noting that TSP is being sampled.

technical specifications 技术规格

Double-diaphragm with laminar flow valve technology
Rated for 10,000 hours continuous operation
Ironless core motor with precious metal commutation
Flow range 0-10 LPM



Polypropylene copolymer weatherproof sampler case
Dimensions: 10" x 12" x 7"
Weight: less than 10 lbs. fully configured
All in one transport case
Dimensions: 19.75" x 12" x 18"
Weight: less than 40 lbs. with all accessories


Programmable 7-day timer with battery backup
Up to six sample periods per day
Pre-separator/Cassette Filter Holder Assembly
Non-directional louvered inlet design
Easily removed for cleaning
Standard 47mm filter holder
Nominal 10 micron or 2.5 micron "cut-point" at 5 liters/minute sample rate



Constant flow control circuit
AC or DC operation
Variable flow adjustment
Elapsed time totalizer
Low battery indicator and shut-off
Low flow rate indicator and shutoff
Battery Pack
Litium Ion batteries
14.8V / 118 Watt Hours
1.2 amp external battery charger
Full recharge in less than 6 hours

Troubleshooting 故障排除
This section identifies common problems and the action necessary to correct them.
  Problem   Solution  

The flowmeter will not zero when a leak check is performed.


Prior to every sample run with the pump running, check for leaks by removing the inlet assembly and covering the quick connect inlet with palm of the hand or a finger. The flowmeter should drop to zero. If not, a leak is present. Check all tubings and fittings for cracks and tightness. Check the pump nozzle connections and the flowmeter for cracks.

NOTE: when checking the fittings for tightness DO NOT use a wrench or other tool to tighten these connections. These fittings are made to be finger tightened. If a leak persists after finger tightening, replace the fitting.


A pump nozzle fitting has broken off.


Jam a small Phillips head screwdriver or tip of penknife blade into hole of broken fitting and turn out counterclockwise.

The charger light on top of battery fails to light when charger is plugged in.


The charging LED on the top of the battery should light briefly even if the battery is already fully charged. If the LED fails to light, either the transformer is defective, the battery is defective, or the battery charger board inside the battery case needs to be replaced.

1) Switch the transformer to the second battery pack. If the LED on this pack fails to light, the transformer is probably defective. If you have a second sampler, use the transformer from that sampler to charge the batteries.

2) Disassemble the battery case using a Phillips screwdriver and connect the battery charger board to another battery. If the same condition results, the battery charger board is defective. If the battery LED lights and the new battery charges, the previous battery is defective.

The battery charger light on the battery top does not turn off after overnight charge.   The battery may be defective, as indicated by the charger light remaining on "high charge" (i.e., the battery fails to hold the charge and the charger continues to charge). Connect a new battery to the battery charger board. If the same condition results, the charger board is defective. If the light turns off, the previous battery is defective.

Battery voltage is less than 12 volts after charging or the battery will not power the sampler for a 24hr run.  

1) Check the battery by connecting a volt-ohm meter (VOM) to the negative and positive battery terminals located on either side of the battery charger light (the negative terminal is odd colored and located next to the sampler catch). If there is no voltage or the VOM readings are intermittent, check that the terminals on the battery cover are tight. If not, see next step.

2) If there is still a voltage problem , remove the battery pack top using a Phillips screwdriver and look for loose connections. The battery charger board should be securely clamped to the banana jacks and connected securely to the battery. Tighten and clean any connections if corroded. Check the battery charging jack for a snug fit with the charging transformer plug. Connect the meter directly to the internal battery terminals. If there is still no or low voltage, see step 3.

NOTE: if loose or corroded connections were found make sure the battery has received a full charge before proceeding with the next step.

3) Even if the VOM meter indicates the correct voltage, perform the following check. Connect a 12-volt light ( such as a automobile headlight ) to the battery to simulate a load. Monitor the battery voltage while connected to the simulated load. The battery voltage should drop and stabilize somewhere between 11.5 and 12 volts. When the simulated load is disconnected the voltage should return to approximately 12.5 volts (within "0.2 volt). If the battery fails to stabilize or does not recover to about 12.5 volts, the battery is most likely defective.

NOTE: make sure when performing these tests the battery is charged and disconnected from the transformer.

The flow rate cannot be accurately adjusted using the Flow Rate Adjustment.   The pump valves and diaphragms are dirty or worn and need cleaning or replacing (see Section 7, Maintenance, "Cleaning/Replacing Pump Valves and Diaphragms").

The flowmeter will not register a high flow rate ( 6 l/m or above). There is no apparent restriction or leak in the plumbing.   The pump valves and diaphragms are dirty or worn and need cleaning or replacing (see Section 7, Maintenance, "Cleaning/Replacing Pump Valves and Diaphragms").

Bags do not fill consistently or significant adjustments to frequency have minimal effect.   Solenoid valve is leaking. The performance of the solenoid valve can be determined by placing a clear piece of tube from the outlet fitting into a few inches of water and watching for any back flow of water into the tube between pulses. If any backflow is present , check that the fittings are tight. If the problem persists, contact Airmetrics.

For proper operation of the MiniVol™, TAS several consumables and accessories are needed or recommended. All of the following are available through Airmetrics.

Impactor Grease
The EMT (Easy Maintenance Impactor) should be cleaned and re-greased after every fifth run or more often if heavy soiling is observed. Airmetrics offers a 60gm tube of Glisseal Ht impactor grease.

Tedlar Bags
Original MiniVol™ samplers with gas ability feature six liter Tedlar bags in their collection canisters. Manufactured at Airmetrics, the bags can become damaged during repeated sampling use and may need replacement.

For particulate sampling, the MiniVol™ uses 47mm filters to collect particulate matter. Filters should be weighed pre- and post-exposure with a microbalance accurate to one microgram. Airmetrics offers the following types of filters:

  • Fiber Film Filter - Teflon-coated glass, ideal for gravimetric analysis
    • Pure Quartz Filter - Recommended if chemical analysis for carbon based compounds will follow gravimetric analysis
      • Pure Teflon Filter - Recommended if chemical analysis for non-carbon based compounds will follow gravimetric analysis

      To complement use of the MiniVol™ samplers, Airmetrics also offers filter weighing services.

      Petrislides, plastic cassettes for shipping and storage of filters, are offered by Airmetrics in conjunction with the above filters.

      Telescoping Hoisting Pole for Lifting Samplers
      This pole allows the user to lift the sampler from the ground to its sampling site, up to 10 feet above ground. Siting the sampler can thus occur without using a ladder.

      Tripod Assembly for Remote Locations
      The tripod assembly allows the user to site the sampler in remote areas or on roof tops where no other mounting equipment exists.

      Sampler Features
      The Standard PM-2.5 MiniVol™ TAS includes:

      • 1 Pump Module
        • 2 PM-2.5 Impactors
          • 2 PM-10 Impactors
            • 2 Multiple Impactor Adapters
              • 2 Louvered Inlets
                • 2 Filter Holder Assemblies
                  • 2 Li-ion Battery Packs
                    • 1 Battery Charger
                      • 1 Universal Mounting Bracket
                        • 1 All-Weather Transport Case
                        Rental MiniVol™ TAS Services
                        Airmetrics owns and maintains a small fleet of rental samplers for consultant use or for new customers to get acquainted with the MiniVol™ TAS. Rental samplers are available on a first-come/first-serve basis with a one-month minimum rental required. Contact Airmetrics for pricing.

                        Calibration Services
                        Airmetrics also offers Calibration Services for purchased MiniVols, FRM orifices, and the MiniFlow orifice (used to calibrate the MiniVol™). Airmetrics can also calibrate other flow auditing devices. All calibrated equipment comes with a calibration curve traceable to NIST. Contact Airmetrics for pricing.

                        Filter Weighing Services
                        In addition to supplying consumables and accessories for sampler use, Airmetrics offers a 47mm Filter Weighing Service to complement use of the MiniVol™ TAS and other types of air sampling equipment. We carry three types of filters (Fiber Film, Pure Quartz, and Pure Teflon; others may be special ordered), Contact Airmetrics for pricing.

                        Calibration and Auditing Procedures
                        Before a monitoring program is undertaken, all sampling and analysis equipment must be properly calibrated. Careful, accurate calibrations of sampling instrumentation and associated equipment provide the backbone for any monitoring network. Performing periodic audits is a way to ensure the integrity and assess the accuracy of sampling data.

                        The following presents calibration and auditing procedures specific to the MiniVol sampler, which is designed to operate at an actual total flow of 5.0 liters per minute (L/min), and the MiniFlo transfer standard, calibrated over the appropriate flow range.

                        Field Calibration Kits
                        Each kit includes a digital or analog manometer, one calibration orifice, a louvered inlet, tubing, a sturdy all-weather case and a calibration curve traceable to NIST.

                        Calibration Orifices
                        Available for either FRM equipment or MiniVol™ samplers, the orifices are ideal for either initial calibrations or field audits.



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当前位置: 境宣 仪器 美国airmetrics便携式PM2.5采样器MiniVol


