New Dynamic MRM Mode Improves Data Quality and Triple Quad Quantification in Complex Analyses

2022-11-04 09:13  下载量:0



Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode has become the preferred method for the quantitative analysis of known or target compounds using triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.The current solution for MRM analysis uses time segmentation, where a method is divided into a series of time segments and predefined sets of MRM transitions are monitored for each segment. As sample complexity increases (e.g. quantifying very low levels of hundreds of pesticide residues in a wide variety of food matrices), very real practical limitations in the time-segmentation methodology become apparent. A better solution is required. New dynamic MRM methods on the Agilent 6400 Series triple quad instruments create new capability to tackle large multi-analyte assays and to accurately quantify exceedingly narrow peaks from fast Agilent 1200 Series RRLC and 1290 Infinity UHPLC separations. Examples of pesticide analysis and rapid screening of drugs of abuse are highlighted. Dynamic MRM methods yield equivalent, or better, quality data and results as compared to traditional time segment based methods – plus easier method development and modification.



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