
Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会




  小编一通挠头发拍大腿之后,(小刚导演说这样的模仿不好,so 偶不演,不演哈~)想到了这个:“整整一个白天,现场的同事没发来一张照片,微信木有更新任何状态,连平时几乎要7*24的手机控小哥也惊人的,沉(默)了!”——现在各位看官知道会场有多忙了吧,忙到今儿的贵宾照也只能等小编回头再给您补了……




Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

北美华人色谱协会(Chinese American Chromatography Association ,CACA)聚会现场

  Dr. Richard Henry 主席正在跟大家分享“Should Elevated Temperature Become More Useful or Less Useful for Modern hplc?”


  扯远了,拉回来。(=.=~)咱还是聊聊CACA吧。这个中西结合的“北美华人色谱协会(Chinese American Chromatography Association,CACA)”。CACA小盆友成立于2008年5月12日,是一个非营利组织,由在北美从事色谱相关领域研究的杰出科学家和在色谱领域创业的企业家组成。博纳艾杰尔总经理汪群杰博士也是创始人之一哦。由于协会会员居住地比较分散,因此选择在HPLC和Pittcon会议同期举办CACA的联谊会。迄今为止这样的聚会已经举办了8年。听说今年有100多位专家学者到场参会!大部分都是药厂的分析科学家!(“人来的不少,我很欣慰~o(∩_∩)o 哈哈~”)

  CACA主席Tao Jiang博士在开始之初为大家介绍了协会的发展历程。真是太遗憾了,没能现场聆听这个传奇故事,小编从caca网站上扒下来了这段主席致辞,帮跟俺一样好奇的看官们复习下“听说读 xie”哈


  Message from the President

  Dear Friends,

  Welcome to the Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA)!

  CACA was formed on May 12, 2008 during the HPLC’2008 conference in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. We are a non-profit organization and our missions are (1) sharing technical information in the area of separation sciences, particularly in the area of chromatography, within the United States and around the world; (2) providing a network for members to share experiences and help each other in career development; and (3) providing a forum for interacting and developing cooperative relationships with other separation organizations, particularly in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

  Under the leadership of our former presidents, Dr. Yan-Bo Yang and Dr. Michael Ye, CACA has grown significantly in the past years. We have now more than 300 members from academia, government and industry. We have also established good relationship with other organizations, such as CASSS, MACC, LCGC and SepuNet. During the past years, CACA has successfully organized workshops and dinner events at Pittcon and HPLC conferences with many invited speakers from academia, government, and industry to give highly inspired speeches. We also have had many sponsors from industry, which made it possible financially to organize the events and provide assistance to students at these events. Please visit our website at www.ca-ca.org and LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=1857030 for more information.

  While members of the Association are mainly Chinese American and Chinese scientists working in the US, all separation scientists from other nationalities and other parts of the world are also welcome to join. The membership is on a voluntary basis and free of charge.

  I hope to see you at one of CACA organized events in the near future. Please pass the information about CACA along to your friends and co-workers.

  Good luck to you and CACA.

  Tao Jiang, Ph.D.

  President, CACA


Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

  Tao Jiang原来是位女侠啊

  据悉,这位Tao Jiang博士师从关亚风老师哦!关亚风老师跟博纳艾杰尔可是老相识啦!

  想想俺也算认识关老师了(有点儿大(da)言(yan)不(bu)惭(chan)哈~),可这Tao Jiang博士真是第一回见。看合影才知道,竟然是位女侠!偶对您的敬仰真是犹如滔滔江水,绵延不绝……

Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

Tao Jiang博士(左二)与博纳艾杰尔Dr.Chen团队合影



Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会


Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会




  各位看官,咱不说今儿就到这儿了,因为我们懂得,您明儿还会来! 明儿见了,您呐!











  小编一通挠头发拍大腿之后,(小刚导演说这样的模仿不好,so 偶不演,不演哈~)想到了这个:“整整一个白天,现场的同事没发来一张照片,微信木有更新任何状态,连平时几乎要7*24的手机控小哥也惊人的,沉(默)了!”——现在各位看官知道会场有多忙了吧,忙到今儿的贵宾照也只能等小编回头再给您补了……




Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

北美华人色谱协会(Chinese American Chromatography Association ,CACA)聚会现场

  Dr. Richard Henry 主席正在跟大家分享“Should Elevated Temperature Become More Useful or Less Useful for Modern hplc?”


  扯远了,拉回来。(=.=~)咱还是聊聊CACA吧。这个中西结合的“北美华人色谱协会(Chinese American Chromatography Association,CACA)”。CACA小盆友成立于2008年5月12日,是一个非营利组织,由在北美从事色谱相关领域研究的杰出科学家和在色谱领域创业的企业家组成。博纳艾杰尔总经理汪群杰博士也是创始人之一哦。由于协会会员居住地比较分散,因此选择在HPLC和Pittcon会议同期举办CACA的联谊会。迄今为止这样的聚会已经举办了8年。听说今年有100多位专家学者到场参会!大部分都是药厂的分析科学家!(“人来的不少,我很欣慰~o(∩_∩)o 哈哈~”)

  CACA主席Tao Jiang博士在开始之初为大家介绍了协会的发展历程。真是太遗憾了,没能现场聆听这个传奇故事,小编从caca网站上扒下来了这段主席致辞,帮跟俺一样好奇的看官们复习下“听说读 xie”哈


  Message from the President

  Dear Friends,

  Welcome to the Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA)!

  CACA was formed on May 12, 2008 during the HPLC’2008 conference in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. We are a non-profit organization and our missions are (1) sharing technical information in the area of separation sciences, particularly in the area of chromatography, within the United States and around the world; (2) providing a network for members to share experiences and help each other in career development; and (3) providing a forum for interacting and developing cooperative relationships with other separation organizations, particularly in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

  Under the leadership of our former presidents, Dr. Yan-Bo Yang and Dr. Michael Ye, CACA has grown significantly in the past years. We have now more than 300 members from academia, government and industry. We have also established good relationship with other organizations, such as CASSS, MACC, LCGC and SepuNet. During the past years, CACA has successfully organized workshops and dinner events at Pittcon and HPLC conferences with many invited speakers from academia, government, and industry to give highly inspired speeches. We also have had many sponsors from industry, which made it possible financially to organize the events and provide assistance to students at these events. Please visit our website at www.ca-ca.org and LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=1857030 for more information.

  While members of the Association are mainly Chinese American and Chinese scientists working in the US, all separation scientists from other nationalities and other parts of the world are also welcome to join. The membership is on a voluntary basis and free of charge.

  I hope to see you at one of CACA organized events in the near future. Please pass the information about CACA along to your friends and co-workers.

  Good luck to you and CACA.

  Tao Jiang, Ph.D.

  President, CACA


Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

  Tao Jiang原来是位女侠啊

  据悉,这位Tao Jiang博士师从关亚风老师哦!关亚风老师跟博纳艾杰尔可是老相识啦!

  想想俺也算认识关老师了(有点儿大(da)言(yan)不(bu)惭(chan)哈~),可这Tao Jiang博士真是第一回见。看合影才知道,竟然是位女侠!偶对您的敬仰真是犹如滔滔江水,绵延不绝……

Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

Tao Jiang博士(左二)与博纳艾杰尔Dr.Chen团队合影



Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会

Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会


Pittcon 2015随笔录(七)-博纳艾杰尔之北美华人色谱会




  各位看官,咱不说今儿就到这儿了,因为我们懂得,您明儿还会来! 明儿见了,您呐!