
New Products for Exosome Isolation to mRNA Purification

导读:The ExoComplete? 96-Well Plate Kit and ExoComplete? Tube Kit, an integrated, fast and easy system for exosome collection to mRNA purification are avilable.

Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics, Inc. is pleased to announce the       availability of the ExoComplete? 96-Well Plate Kit and ExoComplete? Tube       Kit, an integrated, fast and easy system for exosome collection to mRNA       purification. Both products are intended for research use only of       molecular biology applications and are neither intended for the       diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor has either been       validated for such use either alone or in combination with other       products.

The ExoComplete? system isolates exosomal mRNA from biological samples       such as plasma in a 96-well filter plate format1, or       large-volume samples such as urine in a single collection tube format2.       Exosomes and microvesicles (EMVs) in body fluids are captured with       Hitachi Chemical’s Exosome Isolation Plate or Exosome Collection Tube       with a proprietary filter material. The highly porous material allows       fast filtration of biological samples without clogging, and reproducible       isolation of EMVs without the use of conventional ultracentrifugation.       After lysing the captured EMVs, mRNA can be isolated through       hybridization with single strand oligo (dT) immobilized in the wells of       the 96-well mRNA Capture Plate. A wide variety of downstream       applications become available following isolation of mRNA, including       mRNA quantification, single and double-stranded cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR,       real time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR), and next-generation RNA sequencing.







Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics, Inc. is pleased to announce the       availability of the ExoComplete? 96-Well Plate Kit and ExoComplete? Tube       Kit, an integrated, fast and easy system for exosome collection to mRNA       purification. Both products are intended for research use only of       molecular biology applications and are neither intended for the       diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor has either been       validated for such use either alone or in combination with other       products.

The ExoComplete? system isolates exosomal mRNA from biological samples       such as plasma in a 96-well filter plate format1, or       large-volume samples such as urine in a single collection tube format2.       Exosomes and microvesicles (EMVs) in body fluids are captured with       Hitachi Chemical’s Exosome Isolation Plate or Exosome Collection Tube       with a proprietary filter material. The highly porous material allows       fast filtration of biological samples without clogging, and reproducible       isolation of EMVs without the use of conventional ultracentrifugation.       After lysing the captured EMVs, mRNA can be isolated through       hybridization with single strand oligo (dT) immobilized in the wells of       the 96-well mRNA Capture Plate. A wide variety of downstream       applications become available following isolation of mRNA, including       mRNA quantification, single and double-stranded cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR,       real time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR), and next-generation RNA sequencing.