









  测量不确定度较高和测量误差大这两大瓶颈严重制约了LIBS技术的精确定量化及大规模商业化。本团队通过研究,提出了等离子体调制、光谱标准化、主导因素偏最小二乘模型等方法,发展了一整套定量化技术,显著的提升了LIBS技术的测量重复性和准确性。各技术成果已经分别通过美国TSI公司、美国B&WTek公司、国电科学技术研究院、国电燃料公司、太原紫晶科技有限公司获得成果转化,总专利转让金额近3000万元,并在本领域首次实现了向发达国家领头企业输出专利技术(美国 TSI 和美国 B&WTek)。

  本团队的技术成果目前已经在煤质分析、手持式 LIBS金属成分分析、水泥生料在线控制方面得到了应用,在节能减排、安全生产、污染控制方面都取得了显著的效益,得到了国际LIBS学术界以及应用单位的认可,推动了LIBS技术以及相关应用领域的进步。


  LIBS煤质离线/在线分析仪。快速对煤炭进行元素分析和工业分析,便于实现在线测量。用于煤炭定价和燃烧优化。可重复性和准确性接近传统方法国标。性能获得第三方鉴定。已获得国电集团、美国TSI 支持,正在推进在线检测示范项目。





  水泥生料品质在线检测系统,在线测量三率值并指导原料配比。水泥生料合格率由~50%提高至88%.显著提高水泥成品率及企业效益 (和山西大学合作)


1.        Jianlong Yu, Zongyu Hou, Sahar Shea, Jian Dong, Wen Han, Taijin Lu, Zhe Wang*,  Provenance classification of nephrite jades using multivariate LIBS: a comparative study, DOI: 10.1039/C7AY02643A (Paper) Anal. Methods, 2018.

2.        Shuai Zhang, Sahar Sheta, Zong-Yu Hou, Zhe Wang*, On the improvement of signal repeatability in laser-induced air plasmas, Frontiers of physics, 2018, 13: 135201.          

3.        Yun Wang, Jianlong Yu, Jingtian Wu, Zhe Wang*, Rapid Analysis of Platinum and Nafion  Loadings using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, The Electrochemical Society Journals,2017, 164(13), F1294-F1300

4.        Muhammad Sher Afgan, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Quantitative analysis of common elements in steel using a handheld mu-LIBS instrument, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(10), 1905-1915

5.        Yi Zheng, Xiangping Zhu, Zhe Wang, Zongyu Hou, Fei Gao, Rongzhi Nie, Xiaoxia Cui, Jiangbo She, Bo Peng, Noninvasive blood glucose detection using a miniature wearable Raman spectroscopy system Chinese Optices Letter, 2017, 15(8), 083001

6.        Yun Wang, Yuan Hao, Yangting Fu, Zhe Wang*, Experimental and computational investigation of confined laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy,2016,126, 44-52

7.        Hualiang Yin, Zongyu Hou, Lei Zhang, Xiangjie Zhang, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Cement raw material quality analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016, 31(12), 2384-2390.

8.        Zhenzhen Wang, Yoshihiro Deguchi, Zhenzhen Zhang, Zhe Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng, Junjie Yan, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in Asia, Frontiers of physics, 2016, 11(6), 114213. DOI:10.1007/s11467-016-0607-0

9.        Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Tingbi Yuan, Jianmin Liu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, A hybrid quantification model and its application for coal analysis using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2016, 31(3), 722-736

10.    Yangting Fu, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Physical insights of cavity confinement enhancing effect in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Optics Express, 24(3), 3055-3066

11.    Mengyuan Chen, Tingbi Yuan, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Yun Wang, Effects of moisture content on coal analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 2015, 112, 23-33

12.    Zhe Wang*, Fengzhong Dong, Weidong Zhou, A rising force for the world-wide development of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology, 2015, 17(8), 617-620

13.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, Wavelength Dependence in the Analysis of Carbon Content in Coal by Nanosecond 266 nm and 1064 nm Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology, 2015, 17(8), 621-624 

14.    Xiongwei Li, Xianglei Mao, Zhe Wang, Richard E. Russo, Quantitative Analysis of Carbon Content in Bituminous Coal by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Using UV Laser Radiation, Plasma Science and Technology,2015, 17(11), 928-932

15.    Xiongwei Li, Hualiang Yin, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, Quantitative carbon analysis in coal by combining data processing and spatial confinement in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2015, 111, 102-107

16.    Hualiang Yin, Zongyu Hou, Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, Application of spatial confinement for gas analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to improve signal stability, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2015, 30(4), 922-928

17.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang, Xianglei Mao, Rick Russo*, Spatially and temporally resolved spectral emission of laser-induced plasmas confined by cylindrical cavities, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2014, 29,2127-2135

18.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, A model combining spectrum standardization and dominant factor based partial least square method for carbon analysis in coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2

19.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, "Application of a Spectrum Standardization Method for Carbon Analysis in Coal Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)", Applied spectroscopy, 2014, 68(9), 955-962

20.    Zhe Wang*, Tingbi Yuan, Zongyu Hou, Weidong Zhou, Jidong Lu, Hongbin Ding, Xiaoyan Zeng, "Laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy in China", Frontiers of Physics, 2014, 9(4), 419-438

21.    Zongyu Hou,  Zhe Wang*, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, and Zheng Li, "Combination of cylindrical confinement and spark discharge for signal improvement using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy", optics express, 2014, 22(11), 1290912914

22.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A partial least squares and wavelet-transform hybrid model to analyze carbon content in coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy",Analytica Chimica Acta,2014, 807, 29-35

23.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Zongyu Hou, Xiongwei Li, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "Coal property analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28, 1045-1053

24.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Siu-Lung Lui, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Jianming Liu, Weidou Ni, "A partial least squares based spectrum normalization method for uncertainty reduction for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:

25.    Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, and Zheng Li, "Signal quality improvement using cylindrical confinement for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy", optics express,2013, 21(13), 15974-15979

26.    Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*,  Lizhi Li, Tingbi Yuan, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, " Improving data stability and prediction accuracy in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy by utilizing a combined atomic and ionic line algorithm", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28(1), 10

27.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A Nonlinearized Multivariate Dominant Factor-Based Partial Least Squares (PLS) Model for Coal Analysis by Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy", Applied Spectroscopy,2013, 67(3), 291-300

28.    Zhe Wang, Zongyu Hou, Xiu-lung Lui, Dong Jiang, Jianmin Liu, Zheng Li, "Utilization of moderate cylindrical confinement for precision improvement of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy signal", Optics Express, 2012, 20 (s6), A1011-A1018.

29.    Zhe Wang, Ting-Bi Yuan, Siu-Lung Lui, Zong-Yu Hou, Xiong-Wei Li, Zheng Li*, Wei-Dou Ni, "Major elements analysis in bituminous coals under different ambient gases by laser-induced breakdown",  Frontiers of Physics, 2012, 7(6): 708

30.    Zhe Wang, Lizhi Li, Logan West, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A spectrum standardization approach for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:  Atomic Spectroscopy, 2012,68,58-64.

31.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Lizhi Li, Zongyu Hou, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, " Quantitative carbon measurement in anthracite using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with binder ", Applied Optics, 2012, 51(7), B22B29

32.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Zheng, Li, "Reply to comment on the paper: A multivariate model based on dominant factor for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements by V. Palleschi, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/b000000x", J. Anal. At. Spectrom.

33.    Lizhi Li, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A simplified spectrum standardization method for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2274 - 2280

34.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Lizhi Li, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A Non-linearized PLS Model Based on Multivariate Dominant Factor for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2175 - 2182

35.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Lizhi Li, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, "A Multivariate Model Based on Dominant Factor for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2289 - 2299

36.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang*, Logan West, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A PLS model based on dominant factor for coal analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 400(10), 3261-3271

37.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang, Zheng Li*, Weidou Ni. "Study to Reduce LIBS Measurement Uncertainty using Plasma Characteristic Parameters", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:  Atomic Spectroscopy, 2010, 65, 549-556

38.    Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yang)[ 1,2 ] ; Zhang, L (Zhang, Lei)[ 1,2 ] ; Yin, WB (Yin,  Wangbao)[ 1,2 ] ; Hou, JJ (Hou, Jiajia)[ 1,2 ] ; Wang, Z (Wang, Zhe)[ 3 ] ; Hou, ZY (Hou, Zongyu)[ 3 ] ; Ma, WG (Ma, Weiguang)[ 1,2 ] ; Dong, L (Dong, Lei)[ 1,2 ] ; Yang, GY (Yang,

39.    Fan, JJ (Fan Juanjuan)[ 1 ] ; Zhang, L (Zhang Lei)[ 1 ] ; Wang, X (Wang Xin)[ 1 ] ; Li, YF (Li Yufang)[ 1 ] ; Gong, Y (Gong Yao)[ 1 ] ; Dong, L (Dong Lei)[ 1 ] ; Ma, WG (Ma Weiguang)[ 1 ] ; Yin, WB (Yin Wangbao)[ 1 ] ; Wang, Z (Wang Zhe)[ 2 ] ; Li, Z (Li Z














  测量不确定度较高和测量误差大这两大瓶颈严重制约了LIBS技术的精确定量化及大规模商业化。本团队通过研究,提出了等离子体调制、光谱标准化、主导因素偏最小二乘模型等方法,发展了一整套定量化技术,显著的提升了LIBS技术的测量重复性和准确性。各技术成果已经分别通过美国TSI公司、美国B&WTek公司、国电科学技术研究院、国电燃料公司、太原紫晶科技有限公司获得成果转化,总专利转让金额近3000万元,并在本领域首次实现了向发达国家领头企业输出专利技术(美国 TSI 和美国 B&WTek)。

  本团队的技术成果目前已经在煤质分析、手持式 LIBS金属成分分析、水泥生料在线控制方面得到了应用,在节能减排、安全生产、污染控制方面都取得了显著的效益,得到了国际LIBS学术界以及应用单位的认可,推动了LIBS技术以及相关应用领域的进步。


  LIBS煤质离线/在线分析仪。快速对煤炭进行元素分析和工业分析,便于实现在线测量。用于煤炭定价和燃烧优化。可重复性和准确性接近传统方法国标。性能获得第三方鉴定。已获得国电集团、美国TSI 支持,正在推进在线检测示范项目。





  水泥生料品质在线检测系统,在线测量三率值并指导原料配比。水泥生料合格率由~50%提高至88%.显著提高水泥成品率及企业效益 (和山西大学合作)


1.        Jianlong Yu, Zongyu Hou, Sahar Shea, Jian Dong, Wen Han, Taijin Lu, Zhe Wang*,  Provenance classification of nephrite jades using multivariate LIBS: a comparative study, DOI: 10.1039/C7AY02643A (Paper) Anal. Methods, 2018.

2.        Shuai Zhang, Sahar Sheta, Zong-Yu Hou, Zhe Wang*, On the improvement of signal repeatability in laser-induced air plasmas, Frontiers of physics, 2018, 13: 135201.          

3.        Yun Wang, Jianlong Yu, Jingtian Wu, Zhe Wang*, Rapid Analysis of Platinum and Nafion  Loadings using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, The Electrochemical Society Journals,2017, 164(13), F1294-F1300

4.        Muhammad Sher Afgan, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Quantitative analysis of common elements in steel using a handheld mu-LIBS instrument, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2017, 32(10), 1905-1915

5.        Yi Zheng, Xiangping Zhu, Zhe Wang, Zongyu Hou, Fei Gao, Rongzhi Nie, Xiaoxia Cui, Jiangbo She, Bo Peng, Noninvasive blood glucose detection using a miniature wearable Raman spectroscopy system Chinese Optices Letter, 2017, 15(8), 083001

6.        Yun Wang, Yuan Hao, Yangting Fu, Zhe Wang*, Experimental and computational investigation of confined laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy,2016,126, 44-52

7.        Hualiang Yin, Zongyu Hou, Lei Zhang, Xiangjie Zhang, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Cement raw material quality analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016, 31(12), 2384-2390.

8.        Zhenzhen Wang, Yoshihiro Deguchi, Zhenzhen Zhang, Zhe Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng, Junjie Yan, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in Asia, Frontiers of physics, 2016, 11(6), 114213. DOI:10.1007/s11467-016-0607-0

9.        Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Tingbi Yuan, Jianmin Liu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, A hybrid quantification model and its application for coal analysis using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2016, 31(3), 722-736

10.    Yangting Fu, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Physical insights of cavity confinement enhancing effect in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Optics Express, 24(3), 3055-3066

11.    Mengyuan Chen, Tingbi Yuan, Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Yun Wang, Effects of moisture content on coal analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, 2015, 112, 23-33

12.    Zhe Wang*, Fengzhong Dong, Weidong Zhou, A rising force for the world-wide development of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology, 2015, 17(8), 617-620

13.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, Wavelength Dependence in the Analysis of Carbon Content in Coal by Nanosecond 266 nm and 1064 nm Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Plasma Science and Technology, 2015, 17(8), 621-624 

14.    Xiongwei Li, Xianglei Mao, Zhe Wang, Richard E. Russo, Quantitative Analysis of Carbon Content in Bituminous Coal by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Using UV Laser Radiation, Plasma Science and Technology,2015, 17(11), 928-932

15.    Xiongwei Li, Hualiang Yin, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, Quantitative carbon analysis in coal by combining data processing and spatial confinement in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2015, 111, 102-107

16.    Hualiang Yin, Zongyu Hou, Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, Application of spatial confinement for gas analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to improve signal stability, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2015, 30(4), 922-928

17.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang, Xianglei Mao, Rick Russo*, Spatially and temporally resolved spectral emission of laser-induced plasmas confined by cylindrical cavities, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2014, 29,2127-2135

18.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, A model combining spectrum standardization and dominant factor based partial least square method for carbon analysis in coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2

19.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, "Application of a Spectrum Standardization Method for Carbon Analysis in Coal Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)", Applied spectroscopy, 2014, 68(9), 955-962

20.    Zhe Wang*, Tingbi Yuan, Zongyu Hou, Weidong Zhou, Jidong Lu, Hongbin Ding, Xiaoyan Zeng, "Laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy in China", Frontiers of Physics, 2014, 9(4), 419-438

21.    Zongyu Hou,  Zhe Wang*, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, and Zheng Li, "Combination of cylindrical confinement and spark discharge for signal improvement using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy", optics express, 2014, 22(11), 1290912914

22.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A partial least squares and wavelet-transform hybrid model to analyze carbon content in coal using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy",Analytica Chimica Acta,2014, 807, 29-35

23.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Zongyu Hou, Xiongwei Li, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "Coal property analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28, 1045-1053

24.    Xiongwei Li, Zhe Wang*, Siu-Lung Lui, Yangting Fu, Zheng Li, Jianming Liu, Weidou Ni, "A partial least squares based spectrum normalization method for uncertainty reduction for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:

25.    Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*, Jianmin Liu, Weidou Ni, and Zheng Li, "Signal quality improvement using cylindrical confinement for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy", optics express,2013, 21(13), 15974-15979

26.    Zongyu Hou, Zhe Wang*,  Lizhi Li, Tingbi Yuan, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, " Improving data stability and prediction accuracy in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy by utilizing a combined atomic and ionic line algorithm", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2013, 28(1), 10

27.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A Nonlinearized Multivariate Dominant Factor-Based Partial Least Squares (PLS) Model for Coal Analysis by Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy", Applied Spectroscopy,2013, 67(3), 291-300

28.    Zhe Wang, Zongyu Hou, Xiu-lung Lui, Dong Jiang, Jianmin Liu, Zheng Li, "Utilization of moderate cylindrical confinement for precision improvement of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy signal", Optics Express, 2012, 20 (s6), A1011-A1018.

29.    Zhe Wang, Ting-Bi Yuan, Siu-Lung Lui, Zong-Yu Hou, Xiong-Wei Li, Zheng Li*, Wei-Dou Ni, "Major elements analysis in bituminous coals under different ambient gases by laser-induced breakdown",  Frontiers of Physics, 2012, 7(6): 708

30.    Zhe Wang, Lizhi Li, Logan West, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A spectrum standardization approach for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:  Atomic Spectroscopy, 2012,68,58-64.

31.    Tingbi Yuan, Zhe Wang*, Lizhi Li, Zongyu Hou, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, " Quantitative carbon measurement in anthracite using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with binder ", Applied Optics, 2012, 51(7), B22B29

32.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Zheng, Li, "Reply to comment on the paper: A multivariate model based on dominant factor for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements by V. Palleschi, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/b000000x", J. Anal. At. Spectrom.

33.    Lizhi Li, Zhe Wang*, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A simplified spectrum standardization method for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2274 - 2280

34.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Lizhi Li, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A Non-linearized PLS Model Based on Multivariate Dominant Factor for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2175 - 2182

35.    Zhe Wang, Jie Feng, Lizhi Li, Weidou Ni, Zheng Li, "A Multivariate Model Based on Dominant Factor for Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Measurements", J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011, 26 (11), 2289 - 2299

36.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang*, Logan West, Zheng Li, Weidou Ni, "A PLS model based on dominant factor for coal analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 400(10), 3261-3271

37.    Jie Feng, Zhe Wang, Zheng Li*, Weidou Ni. "Study to Reduce LIBS Measurement Uncertainty using Plasma Characteristic Parameters", Spectrochimica Acta Part B:  Atomic Spectroscopy, 2010, 65, 549-556

38.    Zhao, Y (Zhao, Yang)[ 1,2 ] ; Zhang, L (Zhang, Lei)[ 1,2 ] ; Yin, WB (Yin,  Wangbao)[ 1,2 ] ; Hou, JJ (Hou, Jiajia)[ 1,2 ] ; Wang, Z (Wang, Zhe)[ 3 ] ; Hou, ZY (Hou, Zongyu)[ 3 ] ; Ma, WG (Ma, Weiguang)[ 1,2 ] ; Dong, L (Dong, Lei)[ 1,2 ] ; Yang, GY (Yang,

39.    Fan, JJ (Fan Juanjuan)[ 1 ] ; Zhang, L (Zhang Lei)[ 1 ] ; Wang, X (Wang Xin)[ 1 ] ; Li, YF (Li Yufang)[ 1 ] ; Gong, Y (Gong Yao)[ 1 ] ; Dong, L (Dong Lei)[ 1 ] ; Ma, WG (Ma Weiguang)[ 1 ] ; Yin, WB (Yin Wangbao)[ 1 ] ; Wang, Z (Wang Zhe)[ 2 ] ; Li, Z (Li Z