
Alpha MOS 荣获“Best sensory analysis solutions Europe 2020”

Alpha MOS 荣获“Best sensory analysis solutions Europe 2020”

Alpha MOS (巴黎证券交易所 - C区 - ISIN代码: FR0000062804 - ALM),获得了CFI.co杂志颁发的“Best sensory analysis solutions Europe 2020”。CFI.co (Capital Finance International),一家全球知名的专注于商业和金融的杂志(包括线上和实体印刷)。

该奖项表彰了Alpha MOS公司27年来在感官分析仪器领域的创新和技术进步。

“我们非常荣幸能够获得这一殊荣。“Alpha MOS首席执行官Pierre Sbabo说道。”这是对我们多年来坚持投入研发的奖励,也是对我们公司独特定位的认可。我们填补了分析科学和人类感官评价之间的差距。这个奖项是对我们公司使命的肯定,即确保为客户提供高水平的质量和服务。”

Alpha MOS (Euronext Paris Compartiment C Code ISIN : FR0000062804 - ALM), is pleased to announce that it received the prestigious “Best Sensory Analysis Solutions Europe 2020” award by CFI.co (Capital Finance International), a leading print and online magazine focused on global business and finance.

This award recognizes Alpha MOS’ 27 years of innovation and technological advances in the field of sensory analytical instruments.

Alpha MOS CEO Pierre Sbabo commented “We are very proud to have received this distinction. It rewards many years of strong commitment to Research and Development, and recognizes the unique positioning of our company.We bridge the gap between analytical science and human panels. It is a recognition of the company’s mission to ensure the highest levels of quality and service to our clients.”




Alpha MOS 荣获“Best sensory analysis solutions Europe 2020”

Alpha MOS (巴黎证券交易所 - C区 - ISIN代码: FR0000062804 - ALM),获得了CFI.co杂志颁发的“Best sensory analysis solutions Europe 2020”。CFI.co (Capital Finance International),一家全球知名的专注于商业和金融的杂志(包括线上和实体印刷)。

该奖项表彰了Alpha MOS公司27年来在感官分析仪器领域的创新和技术进步。

“我们非常荣幸能够获得这一殊荣。“Alpha MOS首席执行官Pierre Sbabo说道。”这是对我们多年来坚持投入研发的奖励,也是对我们公司独特定位的认可。我们填补了分析科学和人类感官评价之间的差距。这个奖项是对我们公司使命的肯定,即确保为客户提供高水平的质量和服务。”

Alpha MOS (Euronext Paris Compartiment C Code ISIN : FR0000062804 - ALM), is pleased to announce that it received the prestigious “Best Sensory Analysis Solutions Europe 2020” award by CFI.co (Capital Finance International), a leading print and online magazine focused on global business and finance.

This award recognizes Alpha MOS’ 27 years of innovation and technological advances in the field of sensory analytical instruments.

Alpha MOS CEO Pierre Sbabo commented “We are very proud to have received this distinction. It rewards many years of strong commitment to Research and Development, and recognizes the unique positioning of our company.We bridge the gap between analytical science and human panels. It is a recognition of the company’s mission to ensure the highest levels of quality and service to our clients.”