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同时也邀请到日本电子株式会社(JEOL Ltd. )TEM应用部总经理助理大西市朗、岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司SPM产品担当陈强将分别为大家分享科学研究离不开的利器技术:最前沿的球差校正透射电镜技术、原子力显微镜技术。

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北京信立方科技发展股份有限公司 CEO 唐海霞 致辞


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日本分析仪器工业会(JAIMA) 会长 中本晃 致辞


“中日科学家论坛”云端召开 千余学者线上出席交流

报告嘉宾:东京大学 特别荣誉教授、东京理科大学 荣誉教授、中国工程院外籍院士 藤岛昭

报告题目:How to Get Clean Energy: Photocatalysis and Carbon Recycling



【报告摘要】Photocatalysis has been widely developed and put into practical use in the areas of antifouling and antifogging,research on artificial photosynthesis—the process of extracting hydrogen through photocatalysis—has also been garnering significant attention in recent years  as a technology with the  potential to contribute to a decarbonized society. Along with the shift to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies such as hydrogen ,another important measure to achieving a decarbonized society is carbon recycling, effectively using CO2 as a resource. In consideration of that viewpoint, I has proposed the following method: first, extract hydrogen through water electrolysis using the electricity produced from highly efficient solar cells. Next, combine the extracted hydrogen with the CO2 emitted from power plants and factories to produce methanol, which can be used as an energy source.

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报告嘉宾:中国科学院 院士、北京大学 教授 刘忠范

报告题目:Pilot-scale Technology & Equipments for CVD Graphene



【报告摘要】Mass production of high-quality graphene is the footstone of graphene industry. We focus our efforts on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of graphene films over 12 years, starting from lab-scale samples to pilot-scale products and further to commercial products. Fast progresses are also made on the home-built CVD equipments and production lines for meeting the versatile demands of graphene size, quality and production capacity. Our star products include, A3-size graphene films with a single crystalline domain size of ca. 500 micrometers and a production capacity of 10,000 m2/year, 4-inch single crystal graphene wafers with a capacity of 10,000 wafer/year, 10cm x 30cm superclean graphene films with a capacity of 1000 m2/year. Peeling off CVD graphene from growth metal substrate to target substrate is technically very challenging especially for large size graphene films. We have designed our batch-process systems fitting for different graphene products and also provide customized service for special substrates. A support team with a size of over 70 members has been created in Beijing Graphene Institute (BGI), covering R& D, equipment manufacturing, production line and marketing, targeting to provide the best quality CVD graphene products and production lines to the world.

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报告嘉宾:日本电子株式会社(JEOL Ltd.) TEM应用部总经理助理 大西市朗

报告题目:Introduction G-ARM2 and A New TEM Oberservation Method Using Ultra-High-Speed Time Decomposition Technology


【报告摘要】We introduce the features of G-ARM2, the latest new fetures.

In particular, we will introduce a new drift correction method for imaging and anlysis, high-contrast ovservation even at low-dose, high-speed electron beam control, and high-speed time resolution imaging method.

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报告嘉宾:中国科学院物理研究所 研究员 孟庆波

报告题目:Investigation on defects and charge loss of thin film solar cells by m-TPV/TPC system



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报告嘉宾:北京工业大学 教授 闫鹏飞

报告题目:Failure Mechanisms and Countering Strategies of Layered Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Battery




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报告嘉宾:国家纳米科学中心 研究员 孟幻

报告题目:Design of Silicasome Drug Delivery Platform for Basic and Translational Nanomedicine Research



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报告嘉宾:岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 SPM产品担当 陈强

报告题目:More Clearer, More Convenient—— Development of Atomic Force Microscope Technology











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同时也邀请到日本电子株式会社(JEOL Ltd. )TEM应用部总经理助理大西市朗、岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司SPM产品担当陈强将分别为大家分享科学研究离不开的利器技术:最前沿的球差校正透射电镜技术、原子力显微镜技术。

“中日科学家论坛”云端召开 千余学者线上出席交流

北京信立方科技发展股份有限公司 CEO 唐海霞 致辞


“中日科学家论坛”云端召开 千余学者线上出席交流

日本分析仪器工业会(JAIMA) 会长 中本晃 致辞


“中日科学家论坛”云端召开 千余学者线上出席交流

报告嘉宾:东京大学 特别荣誉教授、东京理科大学 荣誉教授、中国工程院外籍院士 藤岛昭

报告题目:How to Get Clean Energy: Photocatalysis and Carbon Recycling



【报告摘要】Photocatalysis has been widely developed and put into practical use in the areas of antifouling and antifogging,research on artificial photosynthesis—the process of extracting hydrogen through photocatalysis—has also been garnering significant attention in recent years  as a technology with the  potential to contribute to a decarbonized society. Along with the shift to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies such as hydrogen ,another important measure to achieving a decarbonized society is carbon recycling, effectively using CO2 as a resource. In consideration of that viewpoint, I has proposed the following method: first, extract hydrogen through water electrolysis using the electricity produced from highly efficient solar cells. Next, combine the extracted hydrogen with the CO2 emitted from power plants and factories to produce methanol, which can be used as an energy source.

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报告嘉宾:中国科学院 院士、北京大学 教授 刘忠范

报告题目:Pilot-scale Technology & Equipments for CVD Graphene



【报告摘要】Mass production of high-quality graphene is the footstone of graphene industry. We focus our efforts on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth of graphene films over 12 years, starting from lab-scale samples to pilot-scale products and further to commercial products. Fast progresses are also made on the home-built CVD equipments and production lines for meeting the versatile demands of graphene size, quality and production capacity. Our star products include, A3-size graphene films with a single crystalline domain size of ca. 500 micrometers and a production capacity of 10,000 m2/year, 4-inch single crystal graphene wafers with a capacity of 10,000 wafer/year, 10cm x 30cm superclean graphene films with a capacity of 1000 m2/year. Peeling off CVD graphene from growth metal substrate to target substrate is technically very challenging especially for large size graphene films. We have designed our batch-process systems fitting for different graphene products and also provide customized service for special substrates. A support team with a size of over 70 members has been created in Beijing Graphene Institute (BGI), covering R& D, equipment manufacturing, production line and marketing, targeting to provide the best quality CVD graphene products and production lines to the world.

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报告嘉宾:日本电子株式会社(JEOL Ltd.) TEM应用部总经理助理 大西市朗

报告题目:Introduction G-ARM2 and A New TEM Oberservation Method Using Ultra-High-Speed Time Decomposition Technology


【报告摘要】We introduce the features of G-ARM2, the latest new fetures.

In particular, we will introduce a new drift correction method for imaging and anlysis, high-contrast ovservation even at low-dose, high-speed electron beam control, and high-speed time resolution imaging method.

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报告嘉宾:中国科学院物理研究所 研究员 孟庆波

报告题目:Investigation on defects and charge loss of thin film solar cells by m-TPV/TPC system



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报告嘉宾:北京工业大学 教授 闫鹏飞

报告题目:Failure Mechanisms and Countering Strategies of Layered Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Battery




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报告嘉宾:国家纳米科学中心 研究员 孟幻

报告题目:Design of Silicasome Drug Delivery Platform for Basic and Translational Nanomedicine Research



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报告嘉宾:岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 SPM产品担当 陈强

报告题目:More Clearer, More Convenient—— Development of Atomic Force Microscope Technology


