
Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长

        近日,北京大学环境科学与工程学院胡建信课题组联合英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)、中国气象局气象探测中心等机构,在《Nature Communication》期刊上发表题目为《Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations》的论文。该论文通过大气观测数据发现中国二氯甲烷(CH2Cl2)排放量正在快速增加,这可能会导致南极臭氧层的恢复过程被推迟。该论文通讯作者为北京大学环境科学与工程学院胡建信教授、中国中国气象局气象探测中心姚波研究员和英国布里斯托大学Matthew Rigby教授。

Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长


With the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the atmospheric abundance of ozone-depleting substances continues to decrease slowly and the Antarctic ozone hole is showing signs of recovery. However, growing emissions of unregulated short-lived anthropogenic chlorocarbons are offsetting some of these gains. Here, we report an increase in emissions from China of the industrially produced chlorocarbon, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). The emissions grew from 231 (213–245) Gg yr−1 in 2011 to 628 (599–658) Gg yr−1 in 2019, with an average annual increase of 13 (12–15) %, primarily from eastern China. The overall increase in CH2Cl2 emissions from China has the same magnitude as the global emission rise of 354 (281−427) Gg yr−1 over the same period. If global CH2Cl2 emissions remain at 2019 levels, they could lead to a delay in Antarctic ozone recovery of around 5 years compared to a scenario with no CH2Cl2 emissions.

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长


     随着《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》的成功实施,臭氧消耗物质在大气中的丰度继续缓慢下降,南极臭氧空洞正在出现恢复的迹象。然而,不受管制的短寿命人为氯烃排放量的不断增加抵消了其中的一些收益。在此,我们报告了中国工业产生的二氯甲烷 (CH2Cl2) 排放量的增加。其排放量从2011年的231 (213-245) Gg yr-1增加到2019年的628 (599-658) Gg yr-1,年均增长为13 (12-15)%,而且主要来自中国东部。中国 CH2Cl2 排放总量的增加幅度与同期全球排放量增加幅度 354 (281-427) Gg yr−1相同。如果全球 CH2Cl2 排放量保持在2019年的水平,与没有 CH2Cl2 排放的情景相比,它们可能导致南极臭氧恢复延迟约 5 年。


An, M., Western, L.M., Say, D. et al. Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations. Nature Communnications 12, 7279 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27592-y











        近日,北京大学环境科学与工程学院胡建信课题组联合英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)、中国气象局气象探测中心等机构,在《Nature Communication》期刊上发表题目为《Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations》的论文。该论文通过大气观测数据发现中国二氯甲烷(CH2Cl2)排放量正在快速增加,这可能会导致南极臭氧层的恢复过程被推迟。该论文通讯作者为北京大学环境科学与工程学院胡建信教授、中国中国气象局气象探测中心姚波研究员和英国布里斯托大学Matthew Rigby教授。

Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长


With the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the atmospheric abundance of ozone-depleting substances continues to decrease slowly and the Antarctic ozone hole is showing signs of recovery. However, growing emissions of unregulated short-lived anthropogenic chlorocarbons are offsetting some of these gains. Here, we report an increase in emissions from China of the industrially produced chlorocarbon, dichloromethane (CH2Cl2). The emissions grew from 231 (213–245) Gg yr−1 in 2011 to 628 (599–658) Gg yr−1 in 2019, with an average annual increase of 13 (12–15) %, primarily from eastern China. The overall increase in CH2Cl2 emissions from China has the same magnitude as the global emission rise of 354 (281−427) Gg yr−1 over the same period. If global CH2Cl2 emissions remain at 2019 levels, they could lead to a delay in Antarctic ozone recovery of around 5 years compared to a scenario with no CH2Cl2 emissions.

Nature Communications | 通过大气观测推断中国二氯甲烷排放的快速增长


     随着《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》的成功实施,臭氧消耗物质在大气中的丰度继续缓慢下降,南极臭氧空洞正在出现恢复的迹象。然而,不受管制的短寿命人为氯烃排放量的不断增加抵消了其中的一些收益。在此,我们报告了中国工业产生的二氯甲烷 (CH2Cl2) 排放量的增加。其排放量从2011年的231 (213-245) Gg yr-1增加到2019年的628 (599-658) Gg yr-1,年均增长为13 (12-15)%,而且主要来自中国东部。中国 CH2Cl2 排放总量的增加幅度与同期全球排放量增加幅度 354 (281-427) Gg yr−1相同。如果全球 CH2Cl2 排放量保持在2019年的水平,与没有 CH2Cl2 排放的情景相比,它们可能导致南极臭氧恢复延迟约 5 年。


An, M., Western, L.M., Say, D. et al. Rapid increase in dichloromethane emissions from China inferred through atmospheric observations. Nature Communnications 12, 7279 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27592-y
