参考价: ¥ 1
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产品名称: 兔子抗中性粒细胞颗粒抗体(ANGA)ELISA Kit
英文名称: Rabbit anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA ELISA Kit
货号: CSB-E05190Rb
规格: 96T
种属: Rabbit
待测物名称: anti-neutrophil granules antibody,ANGA
反应时间: 1-5h
所需样本体积: 50-100ul
检测波长: 450 nm



1. 酶联板:一块(96孔)
2. 标准品(冻干品):2瓶,每瓶临用前以样品稀释液稀释至1ml,盖好后静置10分钟以上,然后反复颠倒/搓动以助溶解,其浓度为20 ng/ml,做系列倍比稀释(注:不要直接在板中进行倍比稀释)后,分别稀释成20 ng/ml,10 ng/ml,5 ng/ml,2.5 ng/ml,1.25 ng/ml,0.625 ng/ml,0.312 ng/ml,样品稀释液直接作为标准浓度0 ng/ml,临用前15分钟内配制。如配制10 ng/ml标准品:取0.5ml (不要少于0.5ml ) 20 ng/ml的上述标准品加入含有0.5ml样品稀释液的Eppendorf管中,混匀即可,其余浓度以此类推。
3. 样品稀释液:1×20ml。
4. 检测稀释液A:1×10ml。
5. 检测稀释液B:1×10ml。
6. 检测溶液A:1×120μl(1:100)临用前以检测稀释液A 1:100稀释,稀释前根据预先计算好的每次实验所需的总量配制(100μl/孔),实际配制时应多配制0.1-0.2ml。如10μl检测溶液A加990μl检测稀释液A的比例配制,轻轻混匀,在使用前一小时内配制。
7. 检测溶液B:1×120μl/瓶(1:100)临用前以检测稀释液B 1:100稀释。稀释方法同检测溶液A。
8. 底物溶液:1×10ml/瓶。
9. 浓洗涤液:1×30ml/瓶,使用时每瓶用蒸馏水稀释25倍。
10. 终止液:1×10ml/瓶(2N H2SO4)。
11. 覆膜:5张
12. 使用说明书:1份

1. 酶标仪(建议参考仪器使用说明提前预热)
2. 微量加液器及吸头,EP管
3. 蒸馏水或去离子水,全新滤纸

1. 组织匀浆:将动物的组织标本先用PBS洗涤,去除多余血液,匀浆化后放在20ml PBS中于-20℃放置过夜,第二天,经过二次反复冻融破膜,将匀浆物5000x g离心5分钟,取上清即可检测。
2. 其它生物标本:请1000 x g离心20分钟,取上清即可检测,或将标本放于-20℃或-80℃保存,但应避免反复冻融。

1. 加样:分别设空白孔、标准孔、待测样品孔。空白孔加样品稀释液100μl,余孔分别加标准品或待测样品100μl,注意不要有气泡,加样将样品加于酶标板孔底部,尽量不触及孔壁,轻轻晃动混匀,酶标板加上盖或覆膜,37℃反应120分钟。为保证实验结果有效性,每次实验请使用新的标准品溶液。
2. 弃去液体,甩干,不用洗涤。每孔加检测溶液A工作液 100μl(在使用前一小时内配制),酶标板加上覆膜, 37℃反应60分钟。
3. 温育60分钟后,弃去孔内液体,甩干,洗板3次,每次浸泡1-2分钟,大约400μl/每孔,甩干(也可轻拍将孔内液体拍干)。
4. 每孔加检测溶液B工作液(同检测A工作液) 100μl,酶标板加上覆膜37℃反应60分钟。
5. 温育60分钟后,弃去孔内液体,甩干,洗板5次,每次浸泡1-2分钟,350μl/每孔,甩干(也可轻拍将孔内液体拍干)。
6. 依序每孔加底物溶液90μl,酶标板加上覆膜37℃避光显色(30分钟内,此时肉眼可见标准品的前3-4孔有明显的梯度兰色,后3-4孔梯度不明显,即可终止)。
7. 依序每孔加终止溶液50μl,终止反应,此时蓝色立转黄色。终止液的加入顺序应尽量与底物液的加入顺序相同。为了保证实验结果的准确性,底物反应时间到后应尽快加入终止液。
8. 用酶联仪在450nm波长依序测量各孔的光密度(OD值)。 在加终止液后立即进行检测。

1. 试剂准备:所有试剂都必须在使用前达到室温,使用后请立即按照说明书要求保存试剂。 实验操作中请使用一次性的吸头,避免交叉污染。
2. 加样:加样或加试剂时,请注意在吸取标本 / 标准品,酶结合物或底物时,第一个孔与最后一个孔加样之间的时间间隔如果太大,将会导致不同的 “预孵育”时间,从而明显地影响到测量值的准确性及重复性。一次加样时间(包括标准品及所有样品)最好控制在10分钟内,如标本数量多,推荐使用多道移液器加样。
3. 孵育:为防止样品蒸发,试验时将反应板放于铺有湿布的密闭盒内,酶标板加上盖或覆膜,以避免液体蒸发;洗板后应尽快进行下步操作,任何时侯都应避免酶标板处于干燥状态;同时应严格遵守给定的孵育时间和温度。
4. 洗涤:洗涤过程中反应孔中残留的洗涤液应在滤纸上充分拍干,勿将滤纸直接放入反应孔中吸水,同时要消除板底残留的液体和手指印,避免影响最后的酶标仪读数。
5. 试剂配制:Detection A及Detection B在使用前请手甩几下或少时离心处理,以使管壁或瓶盖的液体沉积到管底。标准品、检测溶液A工作液、检测溶液B工作液请依据所需的量配置使用,并使用相应的稀释液配制,不能混淆。请精确配置标准品及工作液,尽量不要微量配置(如吸取检测溶液A时,一次不要小于10μl),以避免由于不准确稀释而造成的浓度误差;请勿重复使用已稀释过的标准品、检测溶液A工作液或检测溶液B工作液。
6. 反应时间的控制:加入底物后请定时观察反应孔的颜色变化(比如,每隔10分钟),如颜色较深,请提前加入终止液终止反应,避免反应过强从而影响酶标仪光密度读数。
7. 底物:底物请避光保存,在储存和温育时避免强光直接照射。

1. 手工洗板方法:吸去(不可触及板壁)或甩掉酶标板内的液体;在实验台上铺垫几层吸水纸,酶标板朝下用力拍几次;将推荐的洗涤缓冲液至少0.3ml注入孔内,浸泡1-2分钟,根据需要,重复此过程数次。
2. 自动洗板:如果有自动洗板机,应在熟练使用后再用到正式实验过程中。


以标准物的浓度为纵坐标(对数坐标),OD值为横坐标(对数坐标),在对数坐标纸上绘出标准曲线。推荐使用专业制作曲线软件进行分析,如curve expert 1.3,根据样品的OD值由标准曲线查出相应的浓度,再乘以稀释倍数;或用标准物的浓度与OD值计算出标准曲线的回归方程式,将样品的OD值代入方程式,计算出样品浓度,再乘以稀释倍数,即为样品的实际浓度。

1. 在储存及孵育过程中避免将试剂暴露在强光中。所有试剂瓶盖须盖紧以防止蒸发和污染,试剂避免受到微生物的污染,因为蛋白水解酶的干扰将导致出现错误的结果。
2. 小心吸取试剂并严格遵守给定的孵育时间和温度。请注意在吸取标本 / 标准品,酶结合物或底物时,第一个孔与最后一个孔加样之间的时间间隔如果太大,将会导致不同的 “预孵育”时间,从而明显地影响到测量值的准确性及重复性。而且,洗涤不充分将影响试验结果。
3. 试剂盒保存:部分试剂保存于-20℃,部分试剂保存于2-8℃,具体以标签上的标示为准。
4. 浓洗涤液会有盐析出,稀释时可在水浴中加温助溶。
5. 刚开启的酶联板孔中可能会含有少许水样物质,此为正常现象,不会对实验结果造成任何影响。
6. 中、英文说明书可能会有不一致之处,请以英文说明书为准。
7. 所有的样品都应管理好,按照规定的程序处理样品和检测装置。
8. 有效期:6个月

 精密度: Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%
Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.
Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%
Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.
 样本搜集及储存: Serum: Use a serum separator tube (SST) and allow samples to clot for two hours at room temperature or overnight at 4°C before centrifugation for 15 minutes at 1000 ×g. Remove serum and assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Plasma: Collect plasma using EDTA, or heparin as an anticoagulant. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 1000 ×g at 2-8°C within 30 minutes of collection. Assay immediately or aliquot and store samples at -20°C or -80°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
 检测步骤: Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature before use. Centrifuge the sample again after thawing before the assay. It is recommended that all samples and standards be assayed in duplicate.
1. Prepare all reagents, working standards, and samples as directed in the previous sections.
2. Refer to the Assay Layout Sheet to determine the number of wells to be used and put any remaining wells and the desiccant back into the pouch and seal the ziploc, store unused wells at 4°C.
3. Add 100μl of standard and sample per well. Cover with the adhesive strip provided. Incubate for 2 hours at 37°C. A plate layout is provided to record standards and samples assayed.
4. Remove the liquid of each well, don't wash.
5. Add 100μl of Biotin-antibody (1x) to each well. Cover with a new adhesive strip. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C. (Biotin-antibody (1x) may appear cloudy. Warm up to room temperature and mix gently until solution appears uniform.)
6. Aspirate each well and wash, repeating the process two times for a total of three washes. Wash by filling each well with Wash Buffer (200μl) using a squirt bottle, multi-channel pipette, manifold dispenser, or autowasher, and let it stand for 2 minutes, complete removal of liquid at each step is essential to good performance. After the last wash, remove any remaining wash Buffer by aspirating ordecanting. Invert the plate and blot it against clean paper towels.
7. Add 100μl of HRP-avidin (1x) to each well. Cover the microtiter plate with a new adhesive strip. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C.
8. Repeat the aspiration/wash process for five times as in step 6.
9. Add 90μl of TMB Substrate to each well. Incubate for 15-30 minutes at 37°C. Protect from light.
10. Add 50μl of Stop Solution to each well, gently tap the plate to ensure thorough mixing.
11. Determine the optical density of each well within 5 minutes, using a microplate reader set to 450 nm. If wavelength correction is available, set to 540 nm or 570 nm. Subtract readings at 540 nm or 570 nm from the readings at 450 nm. This subtraction will correct for optical imperfections in the plate. Readings made directly at 450 nm without correction may be higher and less accurate.
 结果计算: Using the professional soft "Curve Expert 1.3" to make a standard curve is recommended, which can be downloaded from our web.
Average the duplicate readings for each standard and sample and subtract the average zero standard optical density.
Create a standard curve by reducing the data using computer software capable of generating a four parameter logistic (4-PL) curve-fit. As an alternative, construct a standard curve by plotting the mean absorbance for each standard on the x-axis against the concentration on the y-axis and draw a best fit curve through the points on the graph. The data may be linearized by plotting the log of the ANGA concentrations versus the log of the O.D. and the best fit line can be determined by regression analysis. This procedure will produce an adequate but less precise fit of the data.
If samples have been diluted, the concentration read from the standard curve must be multiplied by the dilution factor.