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加拿大C/D/N ISOTopes 公司于1993年在加拿大创办,公司主要生产同位素标记化合物,是世界上生产同位素标记化合物最多的公司,目前公司库存有2900多种产品,并且正在不断地增加增加新品种,在2008-2009年之间,一共增加了200多种产品。公司开发的新产品也是客户需要的,并且价格合理,而且同位素浓缩和化学纯度和质量达到国际上的最高标准。

四丁基锡(D36)标准品 TeBT D-5563 CAS.NO:358731-92-7
Product No. D-5563
Compound Tetra-n-butyl-d36-tin
Isotopic Enrichment 98 atom % D
Formula (CD3CD2CD2CD2)4Sn
Molecular Weight 383.37
CAS Number 358731-92-7
CAS Number
(of the unlabelled compound) 1461-25-2
Shipping Hazards TOXIC
Functional Groups Tin Containing Compounds
CDN Search Friendly Terms Deuterated Tetrabutyltin; Deuterium Labeled Tetrabutyltin; Stable Isotope Labeled Tetrabutyltin
Storage Conditions Store at room temperature (15-23°C).
Stability Stable for three years after receipt of order if stored under recommended conditions. After three years, the compound should be re-analyzed for chemical purity before use.


D-26Naphthnlene-d8, 5g
D-2940Benzyl n-Butyl Phthalate -3,4,5,6-d4, 0.1g
D-3847-0.01GDichlorvos-d6 (dimethyl-d6) 99 atom % D, 0.01g
D-46Anthracene-d10, 1g
D-55104-n-Nonylphenol-2,3,5,6-d4,OD , 0.25g
D-5575Tri-n-butyl-d27-tin Chlorid 0.1 g
D-5997N-Nitrosobis(2-hydroxyethyl)-d8-amine 98 atom % D, 0.05g
D-670-1GPerylene-d12 , 98 atom % D ,1g