参考价: ¥ 1
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分子量 : 133.1036
二苯基羰酰二肼性 状:白色结晶或结晶性粉末,有酸味,无旋光性,约于280℃熔化并分解,难溶于水,
用 途:医药中间体
二苯基羰酰二肼其他相关产品:   小鼠墨蝶呤还原酶(SPR)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Sepiapterin Reductase (SPR)  Mus musculus (Mouse)
人亮氨酸丰富重复FLII相互作用蛋白1(LRRFIP1)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Leucine Rich Repeat In FLII Interacting Protein 1 (LRRFIP1)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人端粒保护1同源物(POT1)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Protection Of Telomeres 1 Homolog (POT1)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人含亮氨酸丰富重复蛋白3C(LRRC3C)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Leucine Rich Repeat Containing Protein 3C (LRRC3C)  Homo sapiens (Human)
小鼠FK506结合蛋白样蛋白(FKBPL)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for FK506 Binding Protein Like Protein (FKBPL)  Mus musculus (Mouse)
人无翅型MMTV整合位点家族成员4(WNT4)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 4 (WNT4)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人含RCC1和BTB域蛋白2(RCBTB2)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for RCC1 And BTB Domain Containing Protein 2 (RCBTB2)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人类固醇5α还原酶2(SRD5α2)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Steroid 5 Alpha Reductase 2 (SRD5a2)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人含SET域蛋白7(SETD7)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for SET Domain Containing Protein 7 (SETD7)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人赫曼斯基普德拉克综合征蛋白6(HPS6)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome Protein 6 (HPS6)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人丝氨酸蛋白酶50(PRSS50)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Protease, Serine 50 (PRSS50)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人含Toll白介素1受体域衔接蛋白(TIRAP)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Toll Interleukin 1 Receptor Domain Containing Adaptor Protein (TIRAP)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人肌球蛋白重链7B(MYH7B)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Myosin Heavy Chain 7B, Cardiac Muscle Beta (MYH7B)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人无翅型MMTV整合位点家族成员9B(WNT9B)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 9B (WNT9B)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人T-框蛋白21(TBX21)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for T-Box Protein 21 (TBX21)  Homo sapiens (Human)
人粘蛋白12(MUC12)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for Mucin 12, Cell Surface Associated (MUC12)  Homo sapiens (Human)
大鼠钠/钾离子转运ATP酶β4肽(ATP1β4)检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附试验法) ELISA Kit for ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting Beta 4 Polypeptide (ATP1b4)  Rattus norvegicus (Rat)